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7th Annual MOST IDM Tournament - Quarterfinals!



85 members have voted

  1. 1. 1

    • Smoking a pipe inside a space helmet
    • Bioluminescent trees
  2. 2. 2

    • Broken GIFs
    • Lichen
  3. 3. 3

    • Windows 95
    • The rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit
  4. 4. 4

    • Elevator music for the space elevator
    • Homeless people with 808s

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I don't get what is IDM about a rogue planet? The universe is IDM, so is chaos theory, but from my readings and understanding this example is miniscule without deeper exploration of the rogue planet. But with little means of going to this rogue planet, something like Dark Matter makes more sense because it is a mystery and is currently in the process of scientific experimentation. Bio Trees, Lichen, Windows 95, and Space Elevator are more IDM because they deal with intricate examination and/or technological experimentation. Cause on one side you have iDM that is so organic that it lushed itself into existence or you have IDM that is mad scientist doing stuff cause its fun/interesting.

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I don't get what is IDM about a rogue planet? The universe is IDM, so is chaos theory, but from my readings and understanding this example is miniscule without deeper exploration of the rogue planet. But with little means of going to this rogue planet, something like Dark Matter makes more sense because it is a mystery and is currently in the process of scientific experimentation. Bio Trees, Lichen, Windows 95, and Space Elevator are more IDM because they deal with intricate examination and/or technological experimentation. Cause on one side you have iDM that is so organic that it lushed itself into existence or you have IDM that is mad scientist doing stuff cause its fun/interesting.


I agree. A rogue planet is just unrelated to me.

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i like the idea that not only could we get destroyed by a meteor one day, but we could also get an eclipse from a rogue planet passing through....


Imagine if you lived on a rogue planet? Crazy times. Millennia of darkness, does it spin? Lush

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A rogue planet wiping out the earth would mean no chance of BOC or AFX releases.



Not very IDM imo. Would really be terrible. Rogue Planets are more skin to high school bullies, just chaotic energy waiting to destroy innocence. It serves no other purpose that we can tell currently.


Windows 95 however is IDM. 1995 was a great year for IDM music and it signals a jump in personal computer experimentation which is immensely IDM.




Play both at once for full IDM effect

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Homeless people with 808s makes no fucking sense.

I think the idea is you drive around in a white van capturing homeless people and then put them in a basement with 808s, record it and get rich.

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Homeless people with 808s makes no fucking sense.

I think the idea is you drive around in a white van capturing homeless people and then put them in a basement with 808s, record it and get rich.

Fuck yes!!! There is so much potential with this!

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Homeless people with 808s makes no fucking sense.

I think the idea is you drive around in a white van capturing homeless people and then put them in a basement with 808s, record it and get rich.

Fuck yes!!! There is so much potential with this!


But all the music for the compilation will end up including stupid 808 samples... that's not very original.

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WATMM, I am disappoint

Everything I voted for is losing.


Ha, this is how every year seems to end up.

Though this year there doesn't seem to be a silent majority vs. vocal minority for once.


Space Helmet Pipe is making quite the comeback. Too bad it's about as IDM as a Gillette commercial. :sad:

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Regarding the rogue planet, skim this:



In 1998, David J. Stevenson theorized[11] that some planet-sized objects drift in the vast expanses of cold interstellar space and could possibly sustain a thick atmosphere which would not freeze out. He proposes that atmospheres are preserved by the pressure-induced far-infrared radiation opacity of a thick hydrogen-containing atmosphere.

It is thought that during planetary-system formation, several small protoplanetary bodies may be ejected from the forming system.[12] With the reduced ultraviolet light that would normally strip the lighter components from an atmosphere, due to its increasing distance from the parent star, the planet's predominantly hydrogen- and helium-containing atmosphere would be easily confined even by an Earth-sized body's gravity. [11]

It is calculated that for an Earth-sized object at a kilobar hydrogen atmospheric pressures in which a convective gas adiabat has formed, geothermal energy from residual core radioisotope decay will be sufficient to heat the surface to temperatures above the melting point of water.[11] Thus, it is proposed that interstellar planetary bodies with extensive liquid-water oceans may exist. It is further suggested that these planets are likely to remain geologically active for long periods, providing a geodynamo-created protectivemagnetosphere and possible sea floor volcanism which could provide an energy source for life.[11] The author admits these bodies would be difficult to detect due to the intrinsically weak thermal microwave radiation emissions emanating from the lower reaches of the atmosphere, although later research suggests[13] that reflected solar radiation and far-IRthermal emissions may be detectable if one were to pass within 1000 AU of Earth.

A study of simulated planet ejection scenarios has suggested that around five percent of Earth-sized planets with Moon-sized natural satellites would retain their satellites after ejection. A large satellite would be a source of significant geological tidal heating.[14]



This is a planet that was once in a typical orbit around a star but managed to stay enact when it was ejected from orbit and in the process kept it's atmosphere and trapped it's current temperatures and climate in a stable and constant state. So it will drift in space for millions of years, further and further away from it's original star and beyond even broader star groups and clusters, completely forgotten and increasingly impossible to detect but living conditions will last far longer than that of a planet orbiting a dying star.


I think the rogue planet is much like the genre of IDM itself, or that of a quintessential stubborn IDM artist - they will both continue to function as they always have, quietly and in increasing solitude but nonetheless content, while the rest of the universe ebbs and flows in a more chaotic and unpredictable manner. They will be beautiful cocoons of hidden life and wonder - but only they themselves will ever know.


Also, dark matter is more like EDM - it's all around us yet it doesn't make any fucking sense.

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bioluminescent trees beating SPISH?




although this purports to be an IDM forum, I think it's filled with "dark matter" in the form of silent members who love Nicky Minaj and vote for bioluminescent trees over SPISH

You a stupid ho.

yea you a stupid ho

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homeless people with 808s, wtf is that? that's not even close to idm, that's like some shit you'd see at some cheesy photo exhibit.


clearly the very name "rogue planet" should win. i mean, that's like textbook idm right there. it's like some shit you'd visualize whilst wanking to exai or something.

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Remind me to nominate Deep Brain Stimulation next year:

"Interestingly, the idea of using deep brain stimulation for Alzheimer's disease was discovered by accident. A chronically obese gentleman was undergoing the surgery for deep brain stimulation as a way to try to control his appetite. When researchers were experimenting with wire placement in his brain, he began to report a very vivid memory and when the electrical impulses were stopped, the memory faded. This led to the idea of researching deep brain stimulation for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease."

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Homeless people with 808s makes no fucking sense.

I think the idea is you drive around in a white van capturing homeless people and then put them in a basement with 808s, record it and get rich.

Fuck yes!!! There is so much potential with this!


But all the music for the compilation will end up including stupid 808 samples... that's not very original.

808 samples... AND Homeless samples (whatever those sound like; I actually have quite a few samples of homeless people drunkenly ranting)!

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