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stupid first world achievements and successes


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A client gave me a cheque for $4000! That's the most money I've ever received all at once. Collecting money from musicians is sort of like trying to squeeze water from a rock, so this is nothing short of a miracle. I will celebrate by working as little as possible over the next 6 months.

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A client gave me a cheque for $4000! That's the most money I've ever received all at once. Collecting money from musicians is sort of like trying to squeeze water from a rock, so this is nothing short of a miracle. I will celebrate by working as little as possible over the next 6 months.

Holy frack, good one! Did the death metal pirate band finally pay up?

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Two things: 1. I made it to thirty (Quite a surprise) 2. I've worked out how to cobble together a quadrophonic sound setup out of stuff I have laying around the place. To celebrate both of things I'm going to Pink Floyd (In quad sound naturally!)


Little else to write anything about really, might as well talk about small victories.

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A client gave me a cheque for $4000! That's the most money I've ever received all at once. Collecting money from musicians is sort of like trying to squeeze water from a rock, so this is nothing short of a miracle. I will celebrate by working as little as possible over the next 6 months.



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I just took my first dump in my new place. #winning


fwp though: the dope who lived here before thought it'd be a good idea to stick chewing gum at the bottom of the toilet, just before the bend. how he made it adhere I have no idea, but it's firmly stuck there.

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I just took my first dump in my new place. #winning


fwp though: the dope who lived here before thought it'd be a good idea to stick chewing gum at the bottom of the toilet, just before the bend. how he made it adhere I have no idea, but it's firmly stuck there.

I am sorry your first shit in your new appartement was overshadowed by such an incident. It is truly a special moment and shouldn't be spoiled like this. Luckily I didn't have to deal with anything in the bathroom, but the previous tenants tried to hand us a fucking mess after they moved all of their stuff out. Food stuck on the stove/counters, garbage on the floor of every room and one greasy kitchen .. I hadn't signed the agreement yet, so I made them clean for an hour before they took off.


Achievement of this week: Bought freshly roasted espresso beans from a local store, now I've been smelling them and drinking coffee constantly.

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Lol, nice one Usagi. I think after you've taken a shit and jacked off (up to you if you want to do it simultaneously) in a new place it's officially yours.

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the previous tenants tried to hand us a fucking mess after they moved all of their stuff out. Food stuck on the stove/counters, garbage on the floor of every room and one greasy kitchen .. I hadn't signed the agreement yet, so I made them clean for an hour before they took off.


seriously can't understand this behaviour. how people just stop giving a shit about where they live just cos they don't own it is beyond me. I think I care more about my place than the actual owner.


in fact, I'd love to fix up the bathroom myself at some point (besides just removing that gum). it's old and grotty and literally the only thing I don't like about the place. everything else is quite to my liking. Glebe is pretty awesome.


taken a shit and jacked off (up to you if you want to do it simultaneously)


humanly impossiburu

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walked up to an outdoor ATM on my (rushed) way home. saw some $1 bills hanging out of the deposit box, and no one around at all. i was rushing home and didn't have the time or the desire to go into chase bank and tell them someone left some petty cash in the machine, so i took it. $19 for me :sup:

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Doesnt it mean "at the moment"?


Could be... I thought it was commonly accepted as "ass to mouth"... So I'm really confused by Luke's post =S


I googled it. Apparently it's automated teller machine. That makes a lot more sense now given the dollar bills and whatnot.

Edited by StephenG
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Went to a Hot Flush night last night in Wapping. Had a nose bleed after being in there for a little while and the medic type person was really cool about it. Being in a decent frame of mind helped but he took me and the girl I was with around the back and let me chill, gave me a cigarette etc. Never thought I'd meet a nice club worker but he was fucking awesome. Saw him when I was leaving (about 6 hours later) to say thanks and all I could do for him was leave a nice comment on Resident Advisor.


Great success.

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A guy I work with asked his mom to make a baby blanket for us and gave it to me as a random present today. It's the nicest thing a veritable stranger has done for me in a while. I've been so happy ever since (=


edit: I'm joining the watmm dads! What's up dads, wanna do some dad things

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