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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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so, should the rest of the world be concerned about a possible Trump nomination or is all the hooh-hah just methane?


i wouldn't say it's just "hooh-hah" because he's the leading republican presidential candidate. when you see even 1% of his popularity drop then you'll know he's in trouble because every media company wants to be the one to report having found the donald's achilles heel so they'll really blow up the story


meanwhile: a woman's kid got taken away because she refused to pray to god





The court told Salzman she had to see Mary Pepper.


Any relation to Brian?

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I just want to be in a country where:

-There isn't tons of spending on needless wars, or any really

-Billionaires and Millionaires are taxed appropriately, meaning - if you make more money than anyone, you pay more than anyone, and be proud to fucking do it because you still make more than everyone.

-Minimum wage is kept at a living level, meaning $18+ an hour

-Elected positions ALL have term limits and any politician caught accepting money for influence is jailed

-Education is easier paid by lowering costs/eliminating costs in part by making it an incentive besides spending billions to trillions on military and by giving more federal aid for adult students who wish to better themselves and thus - their country and economy.

-Abortion is legal and a Woman has the right to do with her body what she sees fit. If I could have a baby, I'd hope I could choose to terminate if I saw fit.

-Religious extremism is abolished or at least kept into the confines of ones home or place of worship.

-Drugs are legalized, taxed, (or at best decriminalized in terms of use and possession) and what consenting adults choose to do with their bodies and minds is their responsibility alone, but treatment is offered for those struggling with addiction and seeking help.



I could go on, but none of this matters. I'm tired of the way things currently are. Humans could be so much better to the world, ourselves, and the universe as a whole. I feel like the entire earth needs to have the 'pale blue dot' experience of seeing the Earth from the cosmos, if that doesn't provide a somewhat moving experience and realization that we are all indeed one living mass, then the individual in question should be jettisoned into the deep cold of space to serve as carbon to drift amongst the cosmos until its mass as a whole is remade celestial. It's about time we grew up as a whole and started from square one. (takes off tie-die and steps off soapbox to consume more food and weed)


(that last thing about shooting ignorant dummies into space was a joke too, just FYI, slightly necessary, but brutal)

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Police beat the shit out of 16 year old kid for jaywalking



Not advocating for the police of course.


But why was he jaywalking again?


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I find it ridiculous that Jaywalking/crossing the road is a crime. Have people not got used to cars being on the road yet?


It's funny going to other countries where they take these things seriously, remember getting dirty looks in Amsterdam when crossing the road, same in Germany. Not even sure if they have jaywalking laws there, or do they just really enjoying following rules (you see everyone standing at traffic lights even when there's zero traffic, weird).

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Doesn't really matter to me why he was jaywalking. Living in a large city - I do it all the time, often times in front of police. It's hardly ever enforced and even if it was, I doubt I'd get my ass beat for it up here. Yelling at someone to 'stop resisting' when you have a baton and gun, while they are cowering, is ridiculous. The kid is in the bushes and crying FFS. Then when the 5 other cops show up all the sudden the original one tries to throw him to the ground, which for a non-violent offender, is complete overkill.


Lol @ Stockton Police Department Joe Silva said: "If everyone would just learn to comply with the lawful orders from police officers and not try to hold or grab any of our weapons force would never have to be used."


I saw force being used, while a child is on his back in a defensive stance. Anyone who's gotten beat up knows that your reactions as a surviving animal is to stop the thing that's hurting you from hurting you, thus him trying to get a hold of the baton to get it to stop being used against him, also to allow himself the ability to get out of a very dangerous position to be in when involved in any physical altercation... This was a densely crowded area, the teen was not resisting in a manner consistent with the responding force used and it's fairly sickening to watch all this happen because he decided to cross a street where there was no crosswalk. I see no point in which that officer is not in control of the situation or in any danger...

Edited by Audioblysk
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Ahmed got a pretty nice care package from Microsoft this week. The school district is still refusing to admit they did anything illegal, now the chief of police wants to meet with Ahmed, and his family were like "uh, yeah not without our lawyer."



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Doesn't really matter to me why he was jaywalking. Living in a large city - I do it all the time, often times in front of police. It's hardly ever enforced and even if it was, I doubt I'd get my ass beat for it up here. Yelling at someone to 'stop resisting' when you have a baton and gun, while they are cowering, is ridiculous. The kid is in the bushes and crying FFS. Then when the 5 other cops show up all the sudden the original one tries to throw him to the ground, which for a non-violent offender, is complete overkill.




sums it up

Edited by StephenG
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Ahmed got a pretty nice care package from Microsoft this week. The school district is still refusing to admit they did anything illegal, now the chief of police wants to meet with Ahmed, and his family were like "uh, yeah not without our lawyer."




have you seen the information about his dad .. and the pics of the 'clock' ... managed minds and it isn't just a waste of time when you consider the crime, the hate speech against the teachers for example ...

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Immigrants coming to the US and working their way up from scratch is nothing new. I had a girlfriend who's father was from Indonesia with a degree in Nuclear Medicine, but his degree was not recognized here, so he drove a fucking cab for years, and is now a hospital administrator with a six figure salary. That's the American dream, not being racially profiled, and violating the rights of minors.

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This is the original post questioning the clock the kid may or may not have made. If the photo he's analyzing is a photo of the kids clock, then he def didn't make it from scratch. So maybe he took an existing clock apart and put the guts in a pencil case to impress the teacher idk.


Def changes the narrative

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I find it ridiculous that Jaywalking/crossing the road is a crime. Have people not got used to cars being on the road yet?


It's funny going to other countries where they take these things seriously, remember getting dirty looks in Amsterdam when crossing the road, same in Germany. Not even sure if they have jaywalking laws there, or do they just really enjoying following rules (you see everyone standing at traffic lights even when there's zero traffic, weird).



Here in Norway we have the optimal solution.


The red light on a pedestrian traffic signal means that the cars have right of way. This only makes it illegal to cross if you are hindering traffic.

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Immigrants coming to the US and working their way up from scratch is nothing new. I had a girlfriend who's father was from Indonesia with a degree in Nuclear Medicine, but his degree was not recognized here, so he drove a fucking cab for years, and is now a hospital administrator with a six figure salary. That's the American dream, not being racially profiled, and violating the rights of minors.


There are tens of millions of illegal immigrant invaders in the US, if you then count their children the numbers stack up to vast numbers that both destroy the ability of locals to be paid fairly and the tax system to cope with additional healthcare and education infrastructure etcetera (can you in anyway deny that these are not under stress)


little stories mean nothing in the scheme of things, the bigger picture is a bugger and all of these people that did this are CRIMINALS for country hopping, the ones that used legal means suffer whilst these CRIMINALS are celebrated. So you are harbouring and apologizing for crims whilst hating on those locals that have been displaced from work to provide for the scab labour.


get withit or perish ..

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Wtf are you on about? That has nothing to do with people who legally emigrate to the US. Almost 800,000 immigrants were granted legal US citizenship in 2013, most after waiting years in line for their turn. The United States was built on the backs of hard working immigrants, so I'm not sure where you're going here. This is not including M-1 visas or green cards.




And I'm not defending illegal Mexican aliens or birthers or whatever you wanna call them. That's another can of worms. Illegal immigrants and naturalized citizens are two different things entirely.

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