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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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Lol. The grey telephone in the background looks like some sort of proto-MPC or obscure '80s plasticky drum machine.


That'd be cool, man.  A sampler where one has to record audio with a telephone receiver.  Akai PhonePC 9000


You mean like THIS?



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Lol. The grey telephone in the background looks like some sort of proto-MPC or obscure '80s plasticky drum machine.


That'd be cool, man.  A sampler where one has to record audio with a telephone receiver.  Akai PhonePC 9000


You mean like THIS?





Holy shit.  WTF- is that a circuit bent phone?  I was just smoking at a temple after lunch, and I saw a 40~50's year old woman sitting there jamming by herself on one of the larger Casiotone keyboards.  It was pretty cool.  (reminded of that cuz circuitbending, yada yada)

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I'm actually in that crowd of white people who grew up poor and whose parents were addicts doing drugs all the time. It sucks when people think that I've had it easy because of my skin color when they have no idea what I've been through. Hey, whatever color you are, did you have to deal with being around a meth lab when you were 14 and entering high school? While your dad was in terrible health too? Privileged piece of shit!

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