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If you could sucker punch one celebrity and get away with it, who would you choose?


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Morrissey (sp/), but no sucker punch, straight up "yeah yer fuckin miserable nowwwwwwww"


sssssssssslow-motion og Streetfighter spinning round house with 5 consecutive wallops just to A) show off & B) knock the cunt out properly, clean


if a job's worth doing.........."sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh, no-one's fuckin listening anymore" to crumpled Flat-topped wonder


final frame for irony - passers by throw flowers over his horizontal unconscious form



believe that meets all thread's justifiable figures, methods, scenarios, visceral violence & outcomes

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Okay yeah, Martin Shkreli is a damn good answer... That guy definitely deserves a smack in the face, and his smug smile definitely makes him look punchable.

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yeah as other people have said, dunno if I could punch someone. Also, someone like Katie Hopkins would use being punched by a stranger to her advantage.


Instead I'd like to destroy them. Destroy their world to the point of nervous breakdown.


Maybe somehow slowly frame Katie Hopkins as a racist and child abuser, something like that. Get her on the wrong side of the mob, give her a taste of her own medicine.

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He would then give you honest feedback about your sucker punching abilities, before arguing that sucker punching each other isn't strictly speaking what we're sent here to do.

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I'd spank Krysten Ritter. Not in a sexual way, I'd just like to punish her.


I'd punch Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia for general incompetence and doing nothing to phix the phuckery of Philly public schools.

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yeah as other people have said, dunno if I could punch someone. Also, someone like Katie Hopkins would use being punched by a stranger to her advantage.


Instead I'd like to destroy them. Destroy their world to the point of nervous breakdown.


Maybe somehow slowly frame Katie Hopkins as a racist and child abuser, something like that. Get her on the wrong side of the mob, give her a taste of her own medicine.


Come on man, not even Katie Hopkins?! it could be something small like a.. like an one inch punch.

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I don't think I'd want to punch any live people either, but seeing as the dead are up for grabs apparently I'll go for Mother Teresa, what a horrible person she was.

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despite all appearances she was in reality quite bigoted, was mates with loads of dodgy people and held reasonably extreme right wing views... more can be found here: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2008/05/mother-teresa/


it's often the way with these sorts of people...mandela was also a bit of a cunt.

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Can a punch be used for good? What punch would the world benefit the most from? For example, there's this tyrant country leader who sees himself as untouchable, North Korea style. Then you appear out of nowhere, punch him in the face, and disappear. Would that event make him change his ways? Maybe the fact that teleportation has been proven possible will have more of an impact than the punch itself


There's also the fact that a good punch in a sensitive place (neck, side of head) could kill someone. This question's too complex

I'd probably just punch everyone who was involved in the creation of Roxette's Joyride. I don't know if that song was playing during a particularly traumatic childhood event or something but I have an irrational hatred towards it
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lol well just think about giving a figurative punch or something if you guys are sensitive about it, after all this is only an "if you could" thread


Can't think of a particular celeb, but I'd gladly figuratively tornado punch every professional politician out there. Skhreli sounds good as well, but he's just one tip of the iceberg innit. Shows off more is all.

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despite all appearances she was in reality quite bigoted, was mates with loads of dodgy people and held reasonably extreme right wing views... more can be found here: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2008/05/mother-teresa/


it's often the way with these sorts of people...mandela was also a bit of a cunt.


maybe mother teresa wasnt a good person or whatever but the idea of mother teresa was powerful while she was alive and years after her dead (this thread) before everyone forgot she existed , so what do we do? do we choose reality or pretend for the greater good?



maybe punch her but in private (NOT in her privates)

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Maybe somehow slowly frame Katie Hopkins as a racist

I really don't think she needs your help.



No, she really does. ATM she's in "I'm not a racist but" (something needs to be done etc) territory


If recordings surfaced of her talking about 'dirty niggers' or going all EDL and talking about skull sizes, we'd be getting somewhere.


Then, of course, I'd wheel out the evidence of her being a paedo or something...

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