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If you could sucker punch one celebrity and get away with it, who would you choose?


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There's still nobody other than Trump I wanna knock out right now. Seems like there's a lot more supporters of him out there than I originally thought, which is troubling, to say the least. It's reflective of how many Americans are actually idiotic.

Goes against my self-imposed rule of not taking a swing at senior citizens, but history just might get repeated if he becomes the next POTUS.

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Mark Zuckerberg - For destroying society at large.

Barrack "Cool clock Ahmed" Obama - 'nuff said but it would have to be a slap to the head.

Quentin Tarantino - For not having an original idea since the 90's and for being a systematic dipshit.

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Mark Zuckerberg - For destroying society at large.

Barrack "Cool clock Ahmed" Obama - 'nuff said but it would have to be a slap to the head.

Quentin Tarantino - For not having an original idea since the 90's and for being a systematic dipshit.


Best post yet, focused and on point. Thoroughly enjoying it with a cock(tail). These are some highly punchable faces as well.

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/ban sine


*crosses arms*



jk jk, why though?



I was listeningto a three hour interview with him the other night,and,dont get me wrong- I love his work!Ive got I,Partridge on audio and the hardback copy,but there were a few points where he just came across as a bit wanky and kind of arrogant.

And thats it really.Hes the only celeb that, at this moment,Id like to punch.

Although Im totally up for lining up to give Cosby a left hook too.

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lol fair enough, got a link?


I think the reason his stuff is good is that he's fine with acknowledging his wanky/arrogant side and uses it in his characters. Also he doesn't pull any punches when he plays himself. It's usually at his own expense.


Man, I've had I, Partridge on CD since it came out but still haven't listened to it, need to get on that!

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lol fair enough, got a link?


I think the reason his stuff is good is that he's fine with acknowledging his wanky/arrogant side and uses it in his characters. Also he doesn't pull any punches when he plays himself. It's usually at his own expense.


Man, I've had I, Partridge on CD since it came out but still haven't listened to it, need to get on that!

Ah...I got it from someone who got it from slsk.Im not the most helpful person am I?

The interview with Coogan was by Micheal Winterbottom I think,the director of 24 hourparty people.

Sorry Im not more forthcoming.

As I,Partridge goes I insist you get on that as soon as you can.Its very funny....

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the first thing I thought of when I saw this pic was how nice it would be to amble up behind them, gently place my palms on the outer sides of each head, take a deep breath and slam them together while yelling Allahu Akbar in as bloodcurdling a shriek as I could muster.

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I want them to legit die

This. Who the fuck are these people? They make me feel grateful to not keep up with pop culture.



Okay yeah, who the fuck are these two? I definitely think they deserve a smack after seeing that video... books, published? are they famous?

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I don't know who the cunt on the left is but the one on the right has done some of the worst Let's Play videos ever, in which it was eminently clear she's not really interested in games and is just playing them to increase her viewership.


I shudder to think what some of these yt vlogger conventions are like.

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