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If a film is rubbish after 20 minutes do you still watch it?


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Where do you draw the line? I've picked a few bad movies recently; Honeymoon, Monsters: Dark Continent and Spring, each I hated almost from the start but I persevered until the credits as my loathing continued. I can't think of many films that I thought were shit but grew on me so why waste the time?

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No. I dont watch rubbish films. Even films that I want to watch I skim pointless dialogue or non plot momentum related drama. I don't watch much film though so I'm not a good sample for your question.

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Over the last couple of months theres been so many films I've started watching and lost interest in on the 20 minute mark (most recently San Andreas last night but that was more to do with the 3d glasses being annoying), I vow to go back to them but they're mounting. I sometimes go back and watch the rest but watching a film in bitesize is chunks detracts. I think its more my attention span rather than the quality of the film.

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it depends. I've never walked out of a cinema movie, not even the Michael Bay TMNT torturefest. if any movie deserves to be walked out on, it's that utterly irredeemable, depressing pile of shite. but I was with friends and they'd covered me and it would've been rude to just leave them. god did I give them an earful about how shitty it was afterwards though. I was literally depressed, it ruined my night.


if I'm at home, I will probably skip forward in the hope that there's better stuff ahead. there is a maximum tolerance level however beyond which I will write it off.

Never, mostly cause I always do some basic research before watching a movie


yeah but like Snowpiercer has a 90+% rating and I nearly killed that one in the middle of watching it. you get blindsided with unexpectedly awful movies sometimes.


me and my sis thought Dreamcatcher would be good and that was just laugh after laugh. that's still the worst modern movie I've ever seen.

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If you're at the cinema or with the gf or something, sometimes you have to see it through to the shitty end, although it can actually be kind of satisfying just ranting about how shite the film was. Kind of like getting home from a really awful day at work and there's some part of you that's actually quite enjoying being able to moan so much.

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I'm sensing a Michael Bay theme here, I walked out on Transformers 3 in the cinema but I didn't do it alone. It rarely happens at home, I try not to watch anything I'm not really interested in, but sure, I've turned off movies. Bangkok Dangerous is the last one I clearly remember not having seen beyond the first 20 minutes.

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a movie would have to be really, really bad in order for me to not watch until the end. can't even remember the last one i didn't finish. probably transformers 2.


edit: someone mentioned snowpiercer, so yeah, that one.

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only movie i walked out on ... from the director of donnie darko !!!




This is probably my favorite stoned movie. That said, I can see why people hate on it. I couldn't get into Inherent Vice, so I shut it off at like half an hour last night.

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Bangkok Dangerous is the last one I clearly remember not having seen beyond the first 20 minutes.


lol I watched this on a plane. nowhere to walk out to. I remember absolutely nothing from it except it has Nic Cage and is set in Bangkok.

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I've never walked out of a movie, but I stop Netflix movies all the time. If I'm not digging it in like 15 minutes, I'll just try something else.


I also use my friend's account, so it costs me nothing but time.

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yes it happens, though rarely. movies are chosen, not randomly clicked.

I never skip ahead anything - similar to music albums. Whenever I start skipping stuff it's just cmd+w a few seconds later usually.

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Over the last couple of months theres been so many films I've started watching and lost interest in on the 20 minute mark (most recently San Andreas last night but that was more to do with the 3d glasses being annoying), I vow to go back to them but they're mounting. I sometimes go back and watch the rest but watching a film in bitesize is chunks detracts. I think its more my attention span rather than the quality of the film.


i'd be really curious how far you can get with this film or this film

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If you're at the cinema or with the gf or something, sometimes you have to see it through to the shitty end, although it can actually be kind of satisfying just ranting about how shite the film was. Kind of like getting home from a really awful day at work and there's some part of you that's actually quite enjoying being able to moan so much.

Nothing like a cup of lady grey and a good moan.

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Never, mostly cause I always do some basic research before watching a movie


I don't know what this means.


I have never walked out of a cinema early actually, I did once watch Transformer 2 and was twenty minutes in before I realised I'd already seen it but erased it from my mind.

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i walked out of Once Upon a Time in Mexico to have sex, no regrets

edit: I walked out of the Da Vinci Code for the same reason, plus more

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Never walked out in cinema, but I did quit a few movies at home. Snowpiercer, for instance.


"Trudno byt bogom" was a real challenge to endure in cinema though.

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I've never walked out of a movie, but I stop Netflix movies all the time. If I'm not digging it in like 15 minutes, I'll just try something else.


I am exactly the same.


Most recent venture was About Time. I saw "Time Travel" and was intrigued. I turned it off after five minutes when it was painfully obvious it was a Richard Curtis movie.

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