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the watmm GAS thread


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Technicaly you can do all that stuf fhere but sometimes they don't get the message and take it out for delivery anyhow.


The country has been headed this way for at least 45 years so far, but I think a critical mass of people might actually be paying attention now so maybe we'll get some of it sorted out.

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Living in Japan now the mail service is first class

I've had a few things sent from a Japanese eBay store (ms_tokyo) and they have not only been packed incredibly well, but they've also arrived unusually quickly.. and they always put cute little notes in the packages. Just thought I'd share a positive story :D

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Living in Japan now the mail service is first class

I've had a few things sent from a Japanese eBay store (ms_tokyo) and they have not only been packed incredibly well, but they've also arrived unusually quickly.. and they always put cute little notes in the packages. Just thought I'd share a positive story :D



I too got a note and some chocolate when I ordered my Roland A33 keyboard. Checks out. :)

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Ok! Ill buy the octatrack but can someone just tell me if i do is there a chance i could release a record on a known label? Just be straight up with me... Is there a chance?!

Of all the “known” people and labels in business now, most are completely petrified that their small little shares of fame are going to disappear, and thus don’t invest themselves in anyone unless they are guaranteed something in return. Almost no one does anything based on merit right now. Hopefully this storm will pass over.


Also, you better be paying hundreds a month in PR.




of course, i was joking... but, actually i would like to release, somewhere nice, why not ;) 


but im so buried in my shit that i dont know at all what's going on in the scene. i wouldnt know where to sent my stuff even if id had anything good to send so inputs like this one from you is really veeeery helpful to me. thank you bro!



that's really sad to hear that even in australia you cant be properlly paid for a gig. fak this shitty earth man!

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oh I'm sure I'd get paid adequately if I were in a cover band or something lol. I have played some semi-high profile gigs where I've been paid adequately though!


Truth is, promoters are often doing it just because they love putting on gigs. Many of them, especially in the chip/idm scenes, fail to even break even, let alone turn a profit, so I don't blame them for not offering to pay performers.. but it does make it easier to turn people down who aren't my friends. 

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I have felt that it's best to try and make some cash from selling merch and albums after lives than to expect to get paid from the show alone. Usually when we've done gigs with a full band we have at least gotten back transportation costs, maybe some beers and enough to cover a dinner after the sound check. Not sure how much this applies in electronic music though.

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Ok! Ill buy the octatrack but can someone just tell me if i do is there a chance i could release a record on a known label? Just be straight up with me... Is there a chance?!


Of course there is, It's not the tool it's the musician. I'm going to say one thing though, it's not going to be the deciding difference and it might even hinder you from making what you want to make.


I am a HEAVY octatrack user, but I feel like the more I tend to get down in the weeds with the OT, the less prolific I am.

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it's not going to be the deciding difference and it might even hinder you from making what you want to make ... the more I tend to get down in the weeds with the OT, the less prolific I am.

Truth... it's so easy to get sucked into tweaking FX, LFO, retrigger parameters for hours instead of doing anything remotely musical.
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I won't get to try the USAMO properly until tomorrow but I got it set up, activated (offline activation was smooth), saved a track template that was gainstaged correctly (at unity gain my interface was too hot for it to work even with the trim turned all the way down, but lowering the track fader 7db was all it took to get it working consistently) and sent some clock to the MIDI clock analysis in the MidiGAL.





Best MIDI clock timing I've ever seen in software or hardware.  So far so good.


EDIT: this thing works really well, I'll probably get a second one this summer. Only complaint is it doesn't ship with a power supply.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I broke down and dropped $35 on a Behringer Modularizer, because Circuitbenders.co.uk now has a simple kit to add a variable clock and switchable firmware, so you can switch between Modulizer and Virtualizer firmware at will, and underclock it for the expected washes of digital noise.

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I'm super tempted to put my Octatrack up for sale after seeing recent prices... I bought an MK1 for $695 when the MK2 was announced and retailers were dumping their supplies. Saw MK1 going for like $1000+ on eBay recently o.0


I haven't given it the proper attention to learn its intricacies and wonder if I would immediately regret selling it.

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The OT is a forever instrument for me, so I can't really give unbiased advice.. How long have you had it for? If you're just not feeling it, it may be time to move it on, but if you haven't explored what it can do, you should probably give it some more time.

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I saved up for like 7 months last year and got an MPE controller back in December, and the Kyra looks like it could really take full advantage of it.

Assuming it's MPE compatible. I haven't checked.

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Lots of iOS apps adding MPE support if you want to go that route (Volt Synth, Spacecraft which is a really neat granular app, Animoog, Quanta, etc.)

I mix ITB msotly but I'm completely OTB for sound sources.  But it works really well with most multitimbral 80s and 90s synths I've tried it with.

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Picked up my first modules today. Elements and Links (which I don't really need yet, but it was cheap from the same seller, so I thought why not). I fkn love Elements, even on its own. Can't wait to start modulating it. Gonna see how much I can cram into a 2x84hp setup, I'm hoping to have at least one nice diverse voice that I can treat like an instrument, controlled by either a sequencer or my Qunexus.

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I only have one more big purchase and a couple of odds & ends and then I'm done buying gear for the foreseeable future. Pretty excited about that.


Bastl Thyme:



Left Hand Wrath Deluxe distortion pedal:




I've reached the end, boys. Ordered the Left Hand Wrath over the weekend, and trying to order the Bastl Thyme right now. However, there is no button to add it to my cart on the website. Bastl pls.

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Picked up my first modules today.

You poor bastard.

He's probably not poor yet as he is just getting into modular , give him a few months




Only 2x84hp for the moment. Gonna build something I can play like an instrument, or at least as one voice I can sequence/clock with my OT. Limiting myself to 1 module or $500 per month, though that seems a bit absurd. I don't need a wall of modules, especially considering how much other gear I have, so just a nice voice+effects will do me for the time being. I'm very happy that Elements is a nice synth voice on its own. Maths next :P

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