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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Just watch the inauguration speech. He basically wants people to believe in God and love America and keep evil other countries out because they are destroying America and America shall shine above all other countries as the best country and other countries will want to be like America because he will make America a proud and great country and America used to be powerless and weak because of Obama government but that will change because he will make America great again and he will even accept black people in America that shows how great and wonderful America is and he will make it great again with the power of God and America needs more borders because America has no borders but with the power of God he will keep evil non-American countries away from America and make America proud and wealthy and great again. Sounds legit, not nationalist at all

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In more shitty news the FCC pick is aggressively anti net neutrality and Trump wants a federal hiring freeze with military excempted (this will likely cost taxpayers more because it will result in more expensive contractors).


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I'm guessing over time two simultaneous trends will unfold - more unity among Americans against the Trump administration, and inner disputes and tensions within.

I'm not guaranteeing impeachment or an attempted coup d'état, but I'm not ruling out the chances either.

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I sorted Trump's inauguration speech alphabetically:



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Just watch the inauguration speech. He basically wants people to believe in God and love America and keep evil other countries out because they are destroying America and America shall shine above all other countries as the best country and other countries will want to be like America because he will make America a proud and great country and America used to be powerless and weak because of Obama government but that will change because he will make America great again and he will even accept black people in America that shows how great and wonderful America is and he will make it great again with the power of God and America needs more borders because America has no borders but with the power of God he will keep evil non-American countries away from America and make America proud and wealthy and great again. Sounds legit, not nationalist at all



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I sorted Trump's inauguration speech alphabetically:





Is that really the entire speach? If so, nicely done!

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i'm no trump supporter but hey it looks like that funny comparison pic of trump inaug and obama inaug was using an early shot of the crowds still filling in .. http://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2017/01/politics/trump-inauguration-gigapixel/


also looks like george didnt master the poncho in time for the 360 shot. 



^ they were taken at roughly the same time of day though, no?


They had to be - inauguration is always at 12:00.


ABC says Obama 2009 was taken earlier: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/2009-2017-comparing-trumps-obamas-inauguration-crowds/story?id=44927217


This website shows a photo with a time stamp for trump at 11:49 - that's only 11 minutes before his address started.



Here's a pic from CNN just after noon:

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i'm no trump supporter but hey it looks like that funny comparison pic of trump inaug and obama inaug was using an early shot of the crowds still filling in .. http://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2017/01/politics/trump-inauguration-gigapixel/





lol you can still see empty the space from that picture

Edited by Deer
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i'm no trump supporter but hey it looks like that funny comparison pic of trump inaug and obama inaug was using an early shot of the crowds still filling in .. http://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2017/01/politics/trump-inauguration-gigapixel/


also looks like george didnt master the poncho in time for the 360 shot. 


you just can't see far back enough on the gigapixel shot.

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At this point the crowd size is irrelevant, it's the fact that Spicer through such a shit fit and flat out lied out of frustration. Any past communications directors would of been like "c'mon people, the crowd size isn't that big of a deal, and this is probably the biggest audience of viewers if you count internet streaming* " but no, he threw a hissy fit, they tried framing it as acceptable over the weekend and failed, and he then pouted about how hard and mean the media is on him and Trump (which I cannot begin to even unpack how fucking ironic that is BTW).


*which is probably true btw

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It's such a silly argument though, I mean I watched it, what does that prove? I really only wanted to see if anyone would try and assassinate him, tried to ignore his fascistic ramblings.

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^ I agree. It's always been absurdly hyperbolic, delusional bragging of infomercial and WWF match levels. When they get scoffed at they lose it.




Is related to the wikileaks announcement that they are putting a bunch of Trump stuff out? If they get his tax returns and other dirt out they'll make up for their inadvertent flirtation with right-wing darlings completely.

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Trump canceled all subsidies for humanities. That's insane. In whose interest is it if only the rich can afford to study humanities? But yeah, for people like Trump thinking people are a pest

It's a 'cultural revolution' (if you will)

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Trump canceled all subsidies for humanities. That's insane. In whose interest is it if only the rich can afford to study humanities? But yeah, for people like Trump thinking people are a pest

It's a 'cultural revolution' (if you will)


Or an anti-cultural evolution

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Looks like Native American is back on the menu, boys: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/01/24/trump-gives-green-light-to-dakota-access-keystone-xl-oil-pipelines/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_xlpipeline-1130a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory




President Trump signed executive orders Tuesday clearing the way for the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines to move forward, another step in Trump’s effort to dismantle former President Obama’s environmental legacy.
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Obviously from an altruistic standpoint Trump's election was completely unnecessary. Not to don the aluminum foil hat, but I wonder if this whole thing was set up as a social experiment. Maybe some "loominati" puppet master dude wanted to see how the country would deal with a fascist demagogue in the White House, test our grassroots resolve.

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Looks like Native American is back on the menu, boys: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/01/24/trump-gives-green-light-to-dakota-access-keystone-xl-oil-pipelines/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_xlpipeline-1130a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory




President Trump signed executive orders Tuesday clearing the way for the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines to move forward, another step in Trump’s effort to dismantle former President Obama’s environmental legacy.



not to mention that trump has stock with the company building the DAPL. he claims to have sold it but i highly doubt that, another reason why he doesn't want to release his tax returns



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