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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Just because the GOP are full of ass bags doesn't mean some of the Dems aren't slimy. I'm frankly quite pissed that some of them refuse to get on board with the healthcare-for-all bill. They might as well switch sides.

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I don't like the Clintons at all but people should listen to her view. Yea she is defensive and unable to take responsibility but on many counts shes right. The whole system is sexist as f. The electoral college is a broken system. Russia did do whatever they could to disrupt. Kim is more of a rational actor than Trump. Trump does not have a clue - he is racist, misogynist, homophobic etc etc. The white house is incompetent. His supporters are either stupid or just loathsome humans. 

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This was a good read concerning her book https://newrepublic.com/article/144797/hillary-clinton-doesnt-get




In the first hundred pages of What Happened, Hillary Clinton writes that she decided to run for office during a vacation with the designer Oscar de la Renta and that when she lost she received an invitation from George W. Bush to get burgers. These bookends are an early sign that there is something amiss in this much-anticipated tell-all of the 2016 campaign, which attempts—and fails—to offer a diagnosis of how Clinton lost an election to the most unqualified and most loathed presidential candidate in modern history. These anecdotes suggest a fatal lack of awareness, an inability to see that she and her party may have grown out of touch. To the contrary, she says. She was the victim of forces beyond her control. Journalists, Russia, Bernie Sanders: These are a few of her least favorite things.
All of this is exacerbated by the book’s proud one percent vibe. Long before she gets to the crime bill, she informs us that her campaign once partied at a Hamptons fundraiser with Jimmy Buffet because “sometimes we just needed to have fun.” (Jon Bon Jovi and Paul McCartney reportedly “danced under the stars.”) She describes her “glam squad” in detail, well before before she tries to explain how she allowed Trump to destroy the Democratic firewall in the Midwest. She doesn’t mention the unpaid prison labor that kept her and Bill “well fed and taken care of” during their time in the Arkansas governor’s mansion, but she does tell us that Anna Wintour recommended her make-up artist.
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Couldnt finish the rachel meadow interview. Really painful. It's basically the campaign all over again. I dont blame her. She seems honestly pissed about it. And rightly so, imo. But its not something i'd like to see. Especially when you also see rachel struggling with it. But she did keep going there though. There being the trump administration. I'm surprised Clinton allowed herself to go there. I do blame Clinton she allowed this to happen. And I assume it was a conscious choice to do this.


The interview at vox is better. Here a more friendly clinton.


Btw, that new republic review is pretty ridiculous. Really affirms the fivethirtyeight analysis of the media covering clinton and her new book. But hey, i guess i have to put an imo here. Just an opinion. (Rather a verifiable fact but whatever)

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If the Democrats don't shed the liberal elite coastal image the have fostered with the Clintons and Obamas, it will cost them again in 2018 and 2020. But going the other direction with left wing Socialism also turns off a lot of Americans that equate Socialism with Communism bc they stupid. It really is becoming a class war between those with higher education and those who got a high school diploma or dropped out, leading to an income gap and white collar vs blue collar. The South also seems to be sinking into possibly irreversible poverty.

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I don't like the Clintons at all but people should listen to her view. Yea she is defensive and unable to take responsibility but on many counts shes right. The whole system is sexist as f. The electoral college is a broken system. Russia did do whatever they could to disrupt. Kim is more of a rational actor than Trump. Trump does not have a clue - he is racist, misogynist, homophobic etc etc. The white house is incompetent. His supporters are either stupid or just loathsome humans. 



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I do blame Clinton she allowed this to happen.


She has to take her share of the responsibility, sure, though her share was far less than that of any of the myriad other factors (Comey alone was probably enough to swing it), she did win a healthy national majority remember. But ultimately the US president is elected by grown-ups, the people who have ultimate responsibility for Trump are the retards who either voted for him, or didn't vote for Clinton in states he won. It wasn't even close to a difficult call, and they dun goofed.

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All this talk about image only strengthens the influence of identity politics. Image is not policy. The problems you mention can only be solved through implementing policies (or perhaps some economic wonder, or a meteorite obliterating the planet). Not image. Image (or rather money) might give you votes. But democrates winning on image are just as useless as republicans winning on image. It reduces the democratic process to a match where the party with the best image wins.


My fear is that the democrats will indeed go further down the road of image instead of the other direction. And it's understandable: who's interested in policies nowadays? We're here talking about image, right?


I do blame Clinton she allowed this to happen.


She has to take her share of the responsibility, sure, though her share was far less than that of any of the myriad other factors (Comey alone was probably enough to swing it), she did win a healthy national majority remember. But ultimately the US president is elected by grown-ups, the people who have ultimate responsibility for Trump are the retards who either voted for him, or didn't vote for Clinton in states he won. It wasn't even close to a difficult call, and they dun goofed.



ehm... you took my comment out of context. way out of context. i blame clinton for the interview with rachel. she shouldn't have ventured back into campaign mode. i'm not blaming clinton for a lack of self-reflextion.

Edited by goDel
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Just because the GOP are full of ass bags doesn't mean some of the Dems aren't slimy. I'm frankly quite pissed that some of them refuse to get on board with the healthcare-for-all bill. They might as well switch sides.

Why do you blame Democrats for refusing to support the medicade-for-all bill? It's a giant waste of time and just more pandering bullshit


At this moment I'm looking for pragmatic reasonable politicians, I'm sick of the loons, ideologues and corrupt.

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The last insurance company left on the Healthcare Marketplace is pulling out of my state. The only available insurance will be private plans, which are expensive. Just posting here to cry about it.  :cry: Fuck this

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Just because the GOP are full of ass bags doesn't mean some of the Dems aren't slimy. I'm frankly quite pissed that some of them refuse to get on board with the healthcare-for-all bill. They might as well switch sides.

Why do you blame Democrats for refusing to support the medicade-for-all bill? It's a giant waste of time and just more pandering bullshit


At this moment I'm looking for pragmatic reasonable politicians, I'm sick of the loons, ideologues and corrupt.


See below


The last insurance company left on the Healthcare Marketplace is pulling out of my state. The only available insurance will be private plans, which are expensive. Just posting here to cry about it.  :cry: Fuck this

Seriously, I don't see how any rational being can be against affordable, single-payer health insurance...unless you're a whore to the pharma industry - THAT'S who the corrupt ones are.

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Just because the GOP are full of ass bags doesn't mean some of the Dems aren't slimy. I'm frankly quite pissed that some of them refuse to get on board with the healthcare-for-all bill. They might as well switch sides.

Why do you blame Democrats for refusing to support the medicade-for-all bill? It's a giant waste of time and just more pandering bullshit


At this moment I'm looking for pragmatic reasonable politicians, I'm sick of the loons, ideologues and corrupt.


See below


The last insurance company left on the Healthcare Marketplace is pulling out of my state. The only available insurance will be private plans, which are expensive. Just posting here to cry about it.  :cry: Fuck this

Seriously, I don't see how any rational being can be against affordable, single-payer health insurance...unless you're a whore to the pharma industry - THAT'S who the corrupt ones are.





also, this is just the first round of a bill like this getting attention in the wider mass media kind of way even though there's a conpressman who's been putting the bill forward since like 2004 or something.. 


consider it marketing really.. this is an opportunity for people to learn about it and try to understand what it means and develop opinions on it.. even though many many people think "yes// of course it's obvious this is the only thing that can save our healthcare system" there's still many many people who say "socialism!" and get out there pitch forks and torches. 


so, this is a process. getting people to accept it as an idea and then presenting details etc.. 


as example.. think of how long people have been fighting to get medical and legalized weed... decades.. 

Edited by ignatius
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can someone take this fucker's twitter account away from him and give him a blog instead?


Seriously. I don't know which is worse, seeing that text crammed into one photo or his ridiculously long twitter threads. But they're pretty popular these days so I guess it ramps up interaction by having them as tweets instead? Who cares I guess.



"Good job!" That kid can't cut a lawn worth a shit. A fucking travesty. Hire some young immigrant toddlers and I bet they'd do it 10x better, twice as fast, and for 1/4 the cost.


It doesn't look like that little shit's ever used a (push) lawn mower. Back in my day we had to cut with a hand crank push lawn mower uphill both ways in the snow.

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The last insurance company left on the Healthcare Marketplace is pulling out of my state. The only available insurance will be private plans, which are expensive. Just posting here to cry about it.  :cry: Fuck this

Seriously, I don't see how any rational being can be against affordable, single-payer health insurance...unless you're a whore to the pharma industry - THAT'S who the corrupt ones are.



I don't understand people don't see there is no silver bullet when it comes to healthcare. No system is perfect or the best. And if one might work good in one country, that doesn't mean it'll work similarly well in another.


Sanders might sell it that way. But that's just Sanders doing politics. He just make it sound like all other civilised western countries have a single payer system, while in reality that's not the case.

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also, it has no hope of passing, even if it had full Democrat support, so why waste their time on it, they've got far more important things to worry about for the next few years.

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also, it has no hope of passing, even if it had full Democrat support, so why waste their time on it, they've got far more important things to worry about for the next few years.


well, there is a reason to publicly push for single payer. while gop is still going for a repeal and going into the opposite direction, it's not too silly to have some sort of counter push for single payer. in the end, i guess the best outcome might be to keep the aca but add a lot of improvements. if you'd argue the centrist solution is the most optimal, you end up in aca territory. and the odds of ending up there increases when dems are pushing for single payer.


unless they're thinking about some scorched earth tactics and go all or nothing.

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also, it has no hope of passing, even if it had full Democrat support, so why waste their time on it, they've got far more important things to worry about for the next few years.



changing the conversation. also, there's enough people in congress to do more than one thing at a time :)

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also, it has no hope of passing, even if it had full Democrat support, so why waste their time on it, they've got far more important things to worry about for the next few years.



changing the conversation. also, there's enough people in congress to do more than one thing at a time :)



and some of them are having that conversation, I didn't say Benie and co shouldn't advocate for what they believe in, just that it doesn't make sense for to criticise the rest for not backing them up.

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