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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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The fact that all the other despicable and useless shit he does has triggered basically no response shows how terrible things are actually.

From a social psychology standpoint, this is also what I find fascinating about everyone's acceptance of Trump. Maybe what he said about him shooting someone on 5th avenue and getting away with it is true?


I mean all that happens every week is he gets a stern scolding from the media for his latest fuck up, and then continues on with his unapologetic, arrogant, narcissistic behavior. What if next he makes a stupid comment about Asians in reference to north Korea? Is anything really going to happen in regards to toning down his rhetoric or does the same thing keep happening...everyone gets angry at him for a few days then moves on?


It does seem baffling that he continues to get away with the shit he does as the president...and that there are millions of people who don't think his behavior is at all troubling and still think he's this amazing guy.


He's essentially a cult leader for his faithful flock. His plan is to hang on to them long enough for him to start Trump TV. Once he's finished this president nonsense, he will crush CNN with his daily firestorms of hatred...his redneck army cheering their orange master as he lays in his golden den eating quarter pounders with cheese and sipping diet Cokes...

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It does seem baffling that he continues to get away with the shit he does as the president...and that there are millions of people who don't think his behavior is at all troubling and still think he's this amazing guy.



I think that's basically because these people have never experienced any real strife or hardship in their lives. They talk about deportation, prisons, war and invading other countries like it's nothing, because never ever has any of this (or what Trump has done) had any negative effect on them. And for the small things that do have effect, like rising cost of living or stuck wages, Fox News or whatever else mindfuck media they watch can just tell them it's the fault of somebody else, either Democrats or the deep state or immigrants or whatever. In this way the US is like some virtual reality experiment where the slight discomfort or delusion of old white rich people is more important than the lives of brown poor people in a far away country.


I think I heard it best on the Chapo Trap House podcast after Charlottesville events. They basically said that now with all the global issues there's essentially two camps: one is the leftist people who are saying that we should work together and fix the world and climate change and try to have everyone living as well as possible, and the other is the rightist people who are saying that it's a zero sum game, we can't save everybody so we are going to let a lot of poorer people die and shoot everybody who seems threatening.


So right now it seems the Harvey and Asian floods show first signs of really fucked up weather, 1/3 of Bangladesh is flooded and global fish stocks are dying out. It's bleak that the richest people in the richest countries are spending the time basically arguing about fucking useless shit like who gets to use a toilet or get an abortion or threatening nuclear war.

Edited by thawkins
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Everyone thinking Trump resigning would be a good thing consider this: Mike Pence is only 58 years old, represents much more of the Republican base, was a Governor, and although I think his views are atrocious, he could possibly get re-elected by the Relublican base. That means if he takes over for Trump, he could serve out that term plus possibly two more.

Trump could serve out his term either avoiding indictment, or gets indicted after he leaves office, also I don't see him getting re-elected by the conservative base, then Pence wouldn't try to run until 2024, and his brand would be much more tarnished by association with Trump. I guess the closest parallel would be Ford taking over for Nixon, but then he lost his next campaign. He also never wanted to be President, like Trump.

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Everyone thinking Trump resigning would be a good thing consider this: Mike Pence is only 58 years old, represents much more of the Republican base, was a Governor, and although I think his views are atrocious, he could possibly get re-elected by the Relublican base. That means if he takes over for Trump, he could serve out that term plus possibly two more.

Trump could serve out his term either avoiding indictment, or gets indicted after he leaves office, also I don't see him getting re-elected by the conservative base, then Pence wouldn't try to run until 2024, and his brand would be much more tarnished by association with Trump. I guess the closest parallel would be Ford taking over for Nixon, but then he lost his next campaign. He also never wanted to be President, like Trump.


Pence is implicated as fuck. 

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So then President Paul Ryan? The spineless wonder with great abs.


Paul Ryan knew about the RNC accepting dirty Russian money. Remember the whole "That's how you know we're a family" thing? After Paul Ryan, it's Orrin Hatch. Who knows? Too many people in the line of succession are compromised. The whole GOP should just be fucking eliminated, since it's not exactly a mystery what their endgame is anymore. 


That's another thing, there are all of these seemingly sensible people who still call themselves republicans, but I think they're just imagining a political party that doesn't exist. They just like the "republican" brand.

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The golden shower stuff was just a shoddy and unverifiable story. Doesn't mean it's not true, but it doesn't present itself as such, and with no proof at all well it's just words on a page.

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The golden shower stuff was just a shoddy and unverifiable story. Doesn't mean it's not true, but it doesn't present itself as such, and with no proof at all well it's just words on a page.

yeh but deep down you know drumpf likes getting pissed on by hookers. 



Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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The golden shower stuff was just a shoddy and unverifiable story. Doesn't mean it's not true, but it doesn't present itself as such, and with no proof at all well it's just words on a page.

yeh but deep down you know drumpf likes getting pissed on by hookers.



I think this would make me like him a bit, it shows some character. He's surely nothing but a two minute missionary man.

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The point is Russia has leverage over Trump if it's true.

I've got leverage on Trump if he paid me to piss on his feet while he oiled and anally penetrated himself with a golden dildo.



auxien: Hey everyone, Trump paid me to piss on his feet while he oiled and anally penetrated himself with a golden dildo


Now I've got just as much leverage as Russia. Am I a superpower now?


I'm being a snarky shit but really that's about how much I trust that pissing 'report' or whatever it billed itself as. It wouldn't much surprise me if it happened, and I'd be even less surprised if Russians in general had 'kompromat' on Trump. I'd bet money that even if they don't, someone does. The problem is until there's undeniable proof of something that'll take Trump's piece of shit ass out, it's all worthless.


This all reminds me of that tape someone was saying they had of Trump on the set of The Apprentice using racial slurs, and that they'd release the tape if paid enough cash. Until it's out there, it's all just words and stories, and to some candidates and public figures that has been more than enough to damage their rep and take them down, but for Trump it means absolutely fucking nothing, as we've seen over and over again. Grab them by the pussy. Can you imagine ANYone else getting elected to the presidency after audio of them saying that shit came out? How the actual fuck did that happen? That's reality now though. It's absolutely ridiculous.

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The golden shower stuff was just a shoddy and unverifiable story. Doesn't mean it's not true, but it doesn't present itself as such, and with no proof at all well it's just words on a page.

yeh but deep down you know drumpf likes getting pissed on by hookers.



I think this would make me like him a bit, it shows some character. He's surely nothing but a two minute missionary man.


Ah I dunno man, he seems like a dirty old man to me. Didn't he make comments when Ivanka was still a teenager, something like he'd be dating her if it wasn't his daughter? =/


Trump gives me bill cosby chills.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Most of those sources are in the intelligence game, one is an oligarch, not exactly sterling sources. The BBC are just reporting what their sources told them, they haven't seen the tapes. I think there's a reasonable chance it's true, but until there's actual firm evidence it is pretty worthless.

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I'm being a snarky shit but really that's about how much I trust that pissing 'report' or whatever it billed itself as. It wouldn't much surprise me if it happened, and I'd be even less surprised if Russians in general had 'kompromat' on Trump. I'd bet money that even if they don't, someone does. The problem is until there's undeniable proof of something that'll take Trump's piece of shit ass out, it's all worthless.

You left out the important part. I hope it all comes to light asap if it's true. Great. But I'm honestly fucking over the constant bullshit of the last year of "oh, wait til you see/hear this! wow Trump is going DOWN!" Like, I want it to happen just as much as anyone with a brain and a heart who technically is presided over by that worthless old bastard, but until it happens I'm just sitting back man.

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Rumours like this can't be falsified, only verified. But the allegations are either true or false.


If true there are two possible outcomes:

1. The documentation is kept secret/Russia maintains leverage.

2. The documentation is leaked/Russia loses leverage.


If false there's only one possible scenario:

3. The unfalsifiable rumours keep circulating and hurt Trump somewhat.


Scenarios 1 and 3 are of advantage to Russia from the get-go. If and when scenario 2 seems favourable to Russia, the guts will be spilled.


In other words - what we as the general public actually know is relatively irrelevant.

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Not really fair to the workers of Mar-a-Lago though. I mean, it's not like they had a choice when that orange butt nugget arranged all those "special visits" over the last several months.

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the left's reaction to trump's decision to end daca is a disgrace 


what trump did today the greatest most compassionate thing he has done so far, he has saved us dreamers from certain doom


8 AG's from red states were going to sue the government (a lawsuit they would have won, daca WAS presidential overreach) and force the administration to end daca immediately 


trump never wanted to end daca but he was force by those 8 AG's to make a decision by sept 5, he could have ended it and revoke out work permits immediately but he didnt, he passed the buck to congress, and when congress makes daca into law, we will be protected from any anti-immigrant AGs or any racist government official.


... and the left is going crazy, democrats who are suppose to be fighting for us are trowing a fit, tweeting all day how donald is an asshole 


trump is an cunt but not today


today he saved 800k immigrants and gave us hope 


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