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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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the "tax bill," which raises taxes for 60% of americans, will increase profits of the 7 biggest banks by 14%



it's some for real obvious give away to the big corporations on a fake hope that it'll spur growth. they know it's all bullshit and this is just some fuck the poor old school shit. merciless. the whole system is set up to fuck the poor and now they're just fucking everyone harder.. fucking us all to death. 

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they're just stealing money from the lowest income brackets at this point. drag these people into the street and execute them. i'd pay to see paul ryan decapitated. metaphorically speaking of course. 

Edited by zaphod
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These tax cuts are just cementing the upcoming bubble burst. This time it won't be limited to banking, crediting, or real estate. It's going to hit every inch of the economy. just bring it already, hopefully year zero will bring a more enlightened society within a few decades

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A Federal Ban on Making Lethal Viruses Is Lifted


yes, the ban was put in place by the obama fed


yes, the ban followed a series of horrifying mistakes involving mishandling dangerous pathogens


yes, this pertains to the creation of new viruses that could cause pandemics



































































voting doesn't matter


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voting doens't matter? quite the opposite. trump won the election, and now the us is screwed. matters lots who win elections, i'd argue.

Voting definitely matters. 


The lack of permanence of some of these major, important policies/strategies/institutions etc put in place is directly a result of electing a different platform, no?

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voting would really matter if you had a genuine diversity of parties and candidates...a more diverse media...less lobbying power...less campaign funds...actual equality in society etc etc


the U.S was screwed anyway before Trump...arguably from the very beginning...he's a symptom and not the cause

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forward to 12:16 for the prayer and/or 13:40 to begin the most epic ass kissing in the history of politics

What a fucking shitshow, reminds me of North Korean propaganda.
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voting doens't matter? quite the opposite. trump won the election, and now the us is screwed. matters lots who win elections, i'd argue.



Voting is the only weapon we have. There's been a very successful smear campaign against voting over the past 30 years. Nearly half of all eligible voters neglected to do so in this past election.

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voter apathy is bad and unsavoury types will exploit it for pre-defined political goals, but that's not quite the same issue as ascertaining the actual value of votes wrt their impact on the system (which, it can be argued, is not as great as it should be).

Edited by usagi
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Her speech at the United Nations gave his penis an erection.


No that's wrong, I don't think his penis has a penis.

Edited by Gocab
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that UN speech.. wtf.. she's smart enough to use some diplomacy and grown up words to say what trump wanted her to say. she was able to remove the confederate flag from the south carolina state buildings and all that but couldn't dance around some trump talk? 


i think she just wanted to say it like he wanted to hear it. either way.. fuck them both.. fuck them all.. to death. 


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forward to 12:16 for the prayer and/or 13:40 to begin the most epic ass kissing in the history of politics

What a fucking shitshow, reminds me of North Korean propaganda.


Had to google ANWR... jesus..His turnaround on this is fucking awful -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_Refuge_drilling_controversy

Edited by phudoshin
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Trump's administration thinks they can strongarm everything because they have the diplomatic skill of a teenager. I'm sure his die-hard fans loved Haley's speech but it's blown up in the US' face and they lost a vote they could have skillfully negotiated, at least at a much less harsher loss.

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