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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Mueller waited until he got written answers from Trump to drop this "Manafort is a lying sack of shit" court filing so you know Trump and Manafucked have been "getting their stories straight". I think this is one of those chess moves n shit.  


'En Passant,' Whispers Mueller As He Knocks Another Pawn Off Chessboard in Shadowy, Dimly Lit Office

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Michael Cohen pleads guilty


January is going to be nuts when the lame duck congress exits. All of this Mueller has accomplished under a GOP controlled executive, legislature, and judiciary. Now the House Intel committee is Dem lead. Even the dark spook heading the CIA is being sidelined by Trump and speculation seems to be that they are increasingly out of his sphere of influence.

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I hope all this leads somewhere and actually results in the orange criminal being removed from office. I know that's Mueller's end game and he's plotting things so they can't be pardoned away, just wish the whole thing would hurry up and happen.

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There's also the phrase 'your turn in the barrel'. Meaning your turn to do a difficult or unpleasant task.

Believed to come from the (probably apocryphal) Naval practice of one man getting into a barrel while at sea and placing his bunghole in aligment with said barrel's bunghole so that all the other sailors can relieve their frustrations.




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o my god. this interview with corsi


Stick with it to 15 mins and things get really interesting. this guy is a professional liar. wtf. and ari melbatoast pretty much cuts right through it beautifully. for example with bringing up corsi originating the birtherism bullshit about obama. 



in other words, he went to ari to ask trump for a pardon on national tv. good to know trump and his legal team was paying attention. :)

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cohen lied saying he lied to "protect person number 1 in the investigation and aligned his lies with person number 1s lies" etc.. so, obviously person number 1 is trump. 


lol.. what a total fucking shit show of morons and liars and hacks. fuckwits. i hope they all get fucking bum rushed and rolled up.  so sick of people like this. fucking scammers and con artists. 

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trump soliciting deals directly from the kremlin negotiating w/putin’s right hand guy to give him the $50 million penthouse.
i think a lot of this is leading to russia having evidence of all this and that basically means putin could end trump’s presidency whenever he wants by revealing that info, which explains part of why trump kisses putin’s ass all the time.  basically an international organized crime ring involving the president of the united states and of course also.. it seems.. deutsche bank.


The Trump Organization Planned To Give Vladimir Putin The $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow



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So, apparently russian government have confirmed - officially - they had contact with cohen about a project in Moscow. Happened during the current G20. Might be a secret reason why talks between trump and putin have been cancelled. If true, going to be exciting to how this develops. As it looks like russia basically thinks trump has served their purpose and they can play with him in whatever way possible. And sure, there's probably way more 'kompromat', so trumpy might be sweating more and more. He might go flipping to mueller as well. Saying he was forced by junior or kushner or something. Perhaps he could also get away with a light sentence? If cohen can, why not trump? or so he might reason. i'm just bullshitting... but not about the russian government confirming the contacts with cohen. 

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The big reveals from this week really seem to be summed up by the revelation that Trump's Russian dealings were in conjunction with his efforts to meddle in the election and defame HRC. He was pursing business dealings through June of 2016, not just the beginning of January. He was literally calling for Russia to hack the DNC at the same time. He's stuck in a perpetual loop of either saying it didn't happen or if it did happen it wasn't a crime. 


In other words, the plausible assumptions of his corruption and crimes are being confirmed, and the once speculative acts of treason and bribery are now likely. 


Brooks from NYT made the analogy to browsing a grocery store. So far Mueller indictments and their timelines/narratives have been like specific sections of specific aisles - they seem removed and related from each other but they are indeed connected. It's all part of one big convoluted set of crimes by Trump. He's a bit skeptical / cynical though - in the same NPR interview he mentioned that the same things that ended Nixon are essentially brushed off by Trump. That NYT expose on his family and their tax evasion was barely a headline for a day, let alone weeks or months. It's a blip now but 10 years ago it would of ruined a legacy.

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Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.




Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.


Yeah, I can't wait for banks to become obsolete



I can't help but ask myself, even if Trump is indicted and leaves power, even if the GOP implodes, how much democratic progress will simply be roadblocked by the banks? 


I thought of this when I heard the markets were already devaluing the Peso and projecting slowing growth simply because Mexico is about to inaugurate a left-wing populist. Makes me realize just how much the world economy will more than tolerate right-wing authoritarians so long as they play ball trade wise.

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Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.




Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.


Yeah, I can't wait for banks to become obsolete



I can't help but ask myself, even if Trump is indicted and leaves power, even if the GOP implodes, how much democratic progress will simply be roadblocked by the banks? 


I thought of this when I heard the markets were already devaluing the Peso and projecting slowing growth simply because Mexico is about to inaugurate a left-wing populist. Makes me realize just how much the world economy will more than tolerate right-wing authoritarians so long as they play ball trade wise.


See Bolsonaro especially for that

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Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.

Yeah, I can't wait for banks to become obsolete

Don’t hold your breath.



Once consumers have alternatives for storing their wealth, they won't lend banks their money anymore for retard interest rates like 0.002% interest per year, so the banks can't go and lend out 10x as much anymore for a 500x higher interest rate and get free money because nobody will be lending banks their money anymore, then nobody can take out loans for houses and the housing market will crash and they will become affordable without requiring loans, same with the education market, and everyone will live happily ever after


I can dream at least

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Based on actual events, the story surrounds a fireman and public servant Mark Taylor who heard a special message from God about change in our nation. When Mary Colbert, a networker and connector of Christian ministries, heard Mark's message she felt called to start a national prayer movement which grew to thousands of people across our nation praying together for the leadership of America and a return to the Godly principles we were founded upon. The Trump Prophecy tells the story of Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert through the election of 2016 followed by a reflective time hearing from leaders in various sectors of faith, business, finance, military, and world affairs who respond with their perspective on what it takes to make America great again.






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