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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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This is basically Steamed Hams at the highest echelons.


And that Lincoln facepalm is perfect. Too perfect. In fact, I wonder if it wasn't P-shopped.



Lincolns facepalm is real! :D

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Athletes don't eat that shit.




Athletes don't eat that shit.


Yeah I realized just how insulting it was when my wife pointed out that college athletes are disciplined as hell diet wise. That fast food shit could legit fuck them up.



Maybe not:



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If he did that for elementary school kids they would think he's God.

Seeing a mountain of McDonalds at age 8 would have made me go insane






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Athletes don't eat that shit.




Athletes don't eat that shit.


Yeah I realized just how insulting it was when my wife pointed out that college athletes are disciplined as hell diet wise. That fast food shit could legit fuck them up.



Maybe not:






Most of them don't eat like that though.

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in related news, Alex Jones is getting well reamed by the Sandy Hook lawsuit.


he just got dropped by roku after having a channel on their platform




right wingers are getting triggered by this ad so much they're cancelling their gillette orders



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in related news, Alex Jones is getting well reamed by the Sandy Hook lawsuit.

he just got dropped by roku after having a channel on their platform




right wingers are getting triggered by this ad so much they're cancelling their gillette orders



People are such morons.

I will say though that I almost find it just as bad when corporations pretend to be woke in order to squeeze in today’s hot topic in their campaigns and sell a revolution against a cliché masculinity of the Middle Ages. Masculinity already evolved. Peaceful, moral, sensible, responsible men are not a new concept, and Gillette has nothing to do with it.

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If you need Pepsi and Gillette to tell you what common decency is, then you're already fucked.



The people rallying against Gillette are fucking pathetic.

They make Jerry Smith (Rick & Morty) seem like a goddamn genius by comparison.

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That message won't ever get through their heads. They'll just pull the same shit they did with Nike and Keurig, and be stupid enough to buy their products just to destroy them by what they think is a "boycott"

The fact that it's controversial at all is making me question my faith in humanity. This brainless outrage was never an issue with GI Joe PSAs.

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That message won't ever get through their heads. They'll just pull the same shit they did with Nike and Keurig, and be stupid enough to buy their products just to destroy them by what they think is a "boycott"


The fact that it's controversial at all is making me question my faith in humanity. This brainless outrage was never an issue with GI Joe PSAs.



marketing is serious business. serious.. serious business. the products americans own are the fabric of our society. when you question the truths of masculinity in a commercial it's basically equivalent to crucifying jesus all over again.. but this time.. it's personal. it's not just jesus being crucified it's AMERICAN JESUS and that's  whole different thing. american jesus fed washington's soldiers and kept them warm and dry.. he stormed the beaches of normandy and personally blessed each and every cigarette and hot sandwich.. and not only that but he invented the ford mustang and chevy pick up truck and built the hoover dam and still to this day puts nacho cheese on every single dorito chip produced by nabisco. so i say to you gillette.. are you trying to sell me a sensitive gay tom brady who doesn't fuck his hot brazillian wife? 

Edited by ignatius
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Pretty sure Jesus was a hippie tho...not that these evangelical boomers and white nationalist incel goblins would ever understand.



of course they wouldn't. jesus was an evangelical american. when he comes back he's going to put things right. so far he only sent trump to get things going nad set the stage for his return because trump is our god chosen emperor here on earth.. until the jesus return.  he'll see the shining city on a hill that is america and he'll land in trumps whitehouse and then trump will give him advice and jesus will zip on over the israel and crack the land in half and out will come gold and milk and honey and a might shield to protect his people then he'll lay waste to all his enemies and elevate america and israel to the heavans.. except for the nonblievers of course. 


and.. jesus being a hippy is just liberal fake news.. he actually was quite muscular and ate rare meat and his eyes would burn with fire when he was near his enemies and he would stricke fear unto them just by hiz gaze... and he only got crucified the first time because of the jews who were confused. and judas of course. 


i mean.. it's all right here in this film. 




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Quote, not from me



Thats fucking politics right there. None of that pansy-ass dick-tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Women puke, women poop on the Senate floor, men deliver their new born baby in the House gallery. Fucking hard core dick in the ass political foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit.



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Pretty sure Jesus was a hippie tho...not that these evangelical boomers and white nationalist incel goblins would ever understand.


of course they wouldn't. jesus was an evangelical american. when he comes back he's going to put things right. so far he only sent trump to get things going nad set the stage for his return because trump is our god chosen emperor here on earth.. until the jesus return. he'll see the shining city on a hill that is america and he'll land in trumps whitehouse and then trump will give him advice and jesus will zip on over the israel and crack the land in half and out will come gold and milk and honey and a might shield to protect his people then he'll lay waste to all his enemies and elevate america and israel to the heavans.. except for the nonblievers of course.


and.. jesus being a hippy is just liberal fake news.. he actually was quite muscular and ate rare meat and his eyes would burn with fire when he was near his enemies and he would stricke fear unto them just by hiz gaze... and he only got crucified the first time because of the jews who were confused. and judas of course.


i mean.. it's all right here in this film.







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also, there's been a lot of noise in just the last 1-2 hours around this breaking story (paywalled WaPo link, but I assume you all know how to get around that). the orange directed Cohen to lie to Congress about ongoing business/construction deals in 2016 whilst he was running for office.


the next 24 hrs should be interesting.

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Can't get around paywall, but assume its related to guiliani recent media appearances. ( please bare with me. I mean related and not "about") Managing the coming storm. Because they already know what cohen is going to tell (because written statement). And guiliani goes for the "trump wasnt part of the collusion" story. While arguing Cohen is not credible to begin with.


The irony of it all, whatever Cohon is going to tell, it's hard to be surprised at this point. What a shit show...

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re paywalling, hit Esc (and hold for a bit if necessary) at the right moment and you can usually stop the page reloading to the payment prompt. same trick works on NYT. I assume you're using Chrome.


Julie's just doing more Julie.

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re paywalling, hit Esc (and hold for a bit if necessary) at the right moment and you can usually stop the page reloading to the payment prompt. same trick works on NYT. I assume you're using Chrome.



Holy shit, I can't believe that works, hahahaha

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