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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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2 hours ago, Nebraska said:

^^ not sure. new campaign ads seem to point more obscure industrial or metal acts


this kind of shit always makes me think it's stephen miller's doing. he's the creepy racist behind the big orange racist

Edited by ignatius
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It’s all about you Donald.

Trump says he thinks some Americans are wearing masks to show they disapprove of him and not as a preventive measure during the pandemic


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fox news siezes on ability to make themselves essential to GOP party ->

GOP aligns messaging with conservative media themes pandering to lowest-common-denominator virality ->

GOP/right-media deception more narrowly orbits identity politics ("you are with us and the others are bad") ->

bronzer mushroom dick illiterate fosters celebrity cult with race baiting, snatching hold of xenophobic segment previously claimed by conservative media/GOP amalgam  ->

KGB exploits US vulnerability of compromised narcissist and tips election with cambridge analytica technology, hack & dump, and fraudulent online content ->

GOP/right-media, self-serving, aligns with super-charged chaos agent who won the pot at the political deception poker game ->


Edited by very honest
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1 hour ago, ignatius said:
this kind of shit always makes me think it's stephen miller's doing. he's the creepy racist behind the big orange racist

probably so. don't think donald is intelligent enough to pick up on these dual meaning symbols or double entendre's being used by his campaign. plus he really has no agenda, other than to say no to anything Dem related. miller definitely has an agenda and is blatantly using the orange oaf to push his completely misguided white nationalist beliefs.

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3 hours ago, zero said:

probably so. don't think donald is intelligent enough to pick up on these dual meaning symbols or double entendre's being used by his campaign. plus he really has no agenda, other than to say no to anything Dem related. miller definitely has an agenda and is blatantly using the orange oaf to push his completely misguided white nationalist beliefs.

words like "oaf" and "misguided" infantilize this administration, which it should be noted is currently in control of the world's largest military arsenal

trump's administration is fascistic.  they're openly using anti-anti-fascist (fascistic) Nazi symbology, soon after they previously declared antifa a "terrorist" organization. 



In D.C., he said ominously, “we’re going to do something that people haven’t seen before. And you’re gonna have total domination.”

things are nearing the pre-concentration camp stage of fascism.  that's not even taking into account the actual concentration camps being employed against undocumented immigrants right now.  I'm legitimately worried and everyone should be.  I doubt he will abdicate power if he loses the next election.  he's building dual power with his rallies.  this is trump's country now

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I refuse to call the president stupid or to assume he is unintelligent. He might not give a shit what anyone thinks about him and, to “smart” people, he behaves and speaks in a way that other smart people don’t. 
Whatever the case, he is 100% dangerous and I really think we shouldn’t underestimate him.  

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16 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

I refuse to call the president stupid or to assume he is unintelligent. He might not give a shit what anyone thinks about him and, to “smart” people, he behaves and speaks in a way that other smart people don’t. 
Whatever the case, he is 100% dangerous and I really think we shouldn’t underestimate him.  

i think a person can be stupid, determined and have an agenda.. those things aren't mutually exclusive. i think trump surrounding himself w/loyalists and firing everyone else makes it obvious how loyal stephen miller is. he's been there since the beginning. he's the little engine pushing an addled warped mind.. a narcissist.. onward. trump probably has a pretty clear vision of his ideal operating space and some notion of how to get there but without enablers and conspirators i don't think he could do it.. we'll see though. he's still got time and november election is anyone's guess. i don't trust any of the polls or stories coming out about how a blue wave will happen and trump support is in the toilet and all that.. perhaps in some segments it is but there's still plenty of time for everything to change more than once. 

trump is an experienced grifter and has ability to see the scams laid out in front of him.. he twiddles his fingers knowing how he can pull the wool over everyone and funnel money to him and his family or friends or anyone he wants to do him a favor later. so, there's a sophisticated thing happening. 

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45 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

I doubt he will abdicate power if he loses the next election.

I'll tell anyone who'll listen, this motherfucker ain't gonna just leave, no matter what the outcome.  Fuck fox noos to high hell, but also fuck the legacy media in advance for again putting heads in the sand only to act all surprised when the shit hits the fan knowing full well it will.

I member one of the Hillary debates when one of those tools (I wanna say brian williams b/c he's an exemplary one, but probably not) began a loaded-ass question with "America has prided itself on a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next..."  Just knowing they'd get that titillating response from Fuckface they want, to get replayed across all other media outlets, thereby drawing attention to their brand, increasing their market share in the boomer demographic and boosting shareholder dividends by 2.5% this quarter.

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2 hours ago, BobDobalina said:

I'll tell anyone who'll listen, this motherfucker ain't gonna just leave, no matter what the outcome.  Fuck fox noos to high hell, but also fuck the legacy media in advance for again putting heads in the sand only to act all surprised when the shit hits the fan knowing full well it will.

I member one of the Hillary debates when one of those tools (I wanna say brian williams b/c he's an exemplary one, but probably not) began a loaded-ass question with "America has prided itself on a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next..."  Just knowing they'd get that titillating response from Fuckface they want, to get replayed across all other media outlets, thereby drawing attention to their brand, increasing their market share in the boomer demographic and boosting shareholder dividends by 2.5% this quarter.

the worst part of this all is that joe "shoot them in the legs" biden is a completely shitty alternative since the current size of the police state is literally his fault, and if trump wants to bring the fash to the imperial core, biden has already laid the groundwork for it both materially and ideologically, and even the typical democrat will lick it straight off his boots.  electoralism isn't just dead, it was buried decades ago.  I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen apart from really bad stuff

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28 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

its not really racist as much as anti-anti-fascist and fascist

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39 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

its not really racist as much as anti-anti-fascist and fascist

I would say using known Nazi symbol counts as racist.  Although they did appropriate a lot of their symbology from Norse, Zoroastrian, Christian, and other mythologies.



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well, the fact that there were 88 of them really pushes the point, european neo nazis love that shit.

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This Wordpress article from Feb 2016 does a pretty good job at summarizing the symbol's history: https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2016/02/10/the-difference-between-the-buddhist-swastika-symbol-and-the-nazi-swastika-symbol/

(Only need to scroll thru the first quarter of the page)

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7 hours ago, psn said:


I just happened to buy some new North Face merch about two hours ago (before I saw this). Miracles work in mysterious ways.

But also because Ae.

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the fuck. not surprising. glad Berman isn't taking any shit. Barr is a shitbag bootlicking asshole. he's as bad as any  of them... if not worse. 

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liberate us comrade trump

Folks, the bourgeois, they're no good everyone is saying it. All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they're right. These bourgeois are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The means of production, obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. Landlords? They're done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Trump you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess whose laughing now?

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