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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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He can be impeached right now for his conflicts of interests, against which there is a clearly-written safeguard in the constitution called the Emoluments Clause. Unfortunately, the republicans controlling congress want Trump's help dismantling financial reform, giving tax breaks to the rich, and reversing progress on fossil fuel dependence.


Washington think tank the Brookings Institution put together this paper, THE EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE: ITS TEXT, MEANING, AND APPLICATION TO DONALD J. TRUMP. On page 22 they get to the interesting section "Remedies for Emolument Clause Violations." One such remedy:



Second, if Mr. Trump  enters office in  what would obviously constitute  a knowing  and  indeed  intentional  violation  of  the  Emoluments  Clause  and  then  declines  to  cure  that  violation  during  his  tenure,  Congress  would  be  well  within  its  rights  to  impeach  him  for  engaging in “high crimes and misdemeanors.” This  would  not  require  any  evidence  of  provable  bribes  or  other  specific  malfeasance,  since  the  whole  aim  and  theory  of  the  Emoluments Clause is that the President (among others) is not lawfully permitted to  order  his private dealings with foreign powers such that they are  vulnerable to  systemic , invidious,  undetectable corruption. So long as Mr. Trump persists in doing so, Congress would have a  plainly  valid  basis under the Constitution for concluding he cannot serve in office -- both as  a  matter  of  first  principles  and  given  evidence  that  at  least  one  prominent  leader  in  the  ratification process saw violations of this Clause as grounds for impeachment.



He was actually sued recently using the emolument clause: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/what-is-the-emoluments-clause-does-it-apply-to-president-trump/2017/01/23/12aa7808-e185-11e6-a547-5fb9411d332c_story.html?utm_term=.c06aaab51d23


Hopefully it has an impact of some kind.

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b-b-b-but gummint caint fix nuthin


Send some fucking textbooks and get all those schools reopened, you fucking horrendous shitheap of a man


they're going to push for charter schools and private school vouchers so they can weaken the federal and state roles in public education. that way they can blame those entities when charter schools and vouchers fail to produce any improvements. textbooks and test standards are going to get uglier too, they are already having battles in Texas where former School Board members are getting their shitty book companies to get contracts over vendors with better books.


this is me right now in a nutshell, i can't even listen to the news headlines without pulling my hair out


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Spicer has a major issue with dippin dots. It consumes him.



This twitchy little fuck can't even use proper syntax half of the time. It feels some septic truck came to the White House last Friday and dumped the whole tank inside. Part of that "swamp-draining" campaign innit.


I don't know where to begin to describe how much this manure mountain of an administration is pissing me off.

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I don't know where to begin to describe how much this manure mountain of an administration is pissing me off.



You wouldn't believe what the love for the troll & chief is in my parts. Truly living in a "Simpsons" alternate reality. It's only been like 6 days & shit is reaching epic levels of face palm.  I can only imagine after a month...a year...4 years...

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I don't know where to begin to describe how much this manure mountain of an administration is pissing me off.


You wouldn't believe what the love for the troll & chief is in my parts. Truly living in a "Simpsons" alternate reality. It's only been like 6 days & shit is reaching epic levels of face palm. I can only imagine after a month...a year...4 years...

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We aren't due to destroy the last of our chemical weapons till 2023 :emotawesomepm9:

To be fair that shit takes time, decades actually.


I'm more afraid of his ignorance of nuclear detente - he thinks we should use them as a tactical option .___.


Also the US nuclear strike force has had hiccups and near mishaps and needs reform...yet he just appointed a USAF chief with documented contact fraud with the government as a consultant.

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Senior Trump administration staffers, including Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon, have active accounts on a Republican National Committee (RNC) email system, Newsweek has learned.


The system (rnchq.org) is the same one the George W. Bush administration was accused of using to evade transparency rules after claiming to have “lost” 22 million emails.



wasn't using a private e-mail server supposedly the worst thing hillary EVER did? the interesting part is that, because breitbart and fox news aren't reporting it, no republican will care

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Newt not only was cheating on his wives, and had been for decades, he also used the exact same 'if she sucks me off it's not cheating' justification.

Edited by doublename
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