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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Obviously I'm not happy about what's transpired in Charlottesville a week ago, but what's been happening since then...neo-Nazis acting like little crybabies, Bannon getting ousted, Alex Jones getting flipped off and splashed with coffee...gives me a small glimmer of hope.

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CNN has started running several pieces on Antifa and interviewing them, but they don't come off well on TV IMO. All black outfits, masks, they seem inspired by Anonymous, but I could see it giving the right wing Alex Jones type listeners reasons to fuel their "alt left" conspiracies, and fan fears that some kind of liberal West Coast LGBT Illuminati is trying to take over "their America". There was some kind of confrontation today at a rally, and I can see Trump seizing on this kind of thing to say "see? I told you there were bad people on the left!"

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ANTIFA has been around smashin shit and wearing balaklavas for like a billion years I don't know why people are surprised



and there are/have been others


The Red Warriors, Paris, late 1980s. 

“The Red Warriors used violent force to remove Neo Nazi gangs from France and provide safe spaces for immigrants during the rise of white nationalism and an outbreak of violent crime against people of colour. They formed a squat called “L.U.S.I.N.E” and were considered the most effect gang to counter nazi violence, working to instill fear in their opposition. “



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