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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Afghanistan doesn't produce oil to any significant degree (not even in the top 100 countries in the world, though it does have greater capacity than it's currently set up to exploit, but don't expect that to dramatically increase anytime soon, and even if it did, it wouldn't be anywhere near the top oil producing countries.


Worth noting that the Afghan government doesn't want the US to withdraw its troops and anyone thinking that if they did it would lead to good times for all involved are seriously deluding themselves (would be good for the Taliban of course). Long term the current situation isn't going to accomplish anything (aside from preventing it getting a lot worse maybe), and that's not going to change unless Pakistan sorts it's shit out, they're a bigger problem in all this than the US at the moment. Like most of the world's current thorny issues this one doesn't look like being resolved anytime soon, but it is one where it's possible to make things a lot worse, and the US pulling out now would definitely help in doing that.


It's also worth noting that Trump's policy is basically no different than Obama's policy, thankfully Trump doesn't seem to be having a huge impact on policy here, though he did try to until the generals convinced him otherwise (like they did with Obama)

Maybe not oil but how about minerals? 



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After walking onstage at the Phoenix Convention Center to “God Bless The U.S.A.” for what was, effectively, a 2020 campaign rally, Donald Trump repeatedly ditched his TelePrompTer and went off-script as he ranted about being mistreated by the media in the wake of Charlottesville, relentlessly attacked an array of enemies including both of Arizona’s Republican senators, and portrayed himself as the true victim of a violent clash between white supremacists and counter-protesters that left one woman dead. Journalists and other social media commentators watched, stunned, as he proceeded to spend the rest of his hourlong speech unloading on the mainstream press, praising a CNN pundit who was fired for tweeting a Nazi slogan, and re-litigating his entire response to Charlottesville, line by line, in what has become a hallmark of the Trump presidency: a full-on public meltdown.


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didn't think that was going to be so depressing to read. the disconnect betwix both the right and the left, and the government and citizens is amazing. 

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It's incredible to think of how much Nixon's impeachment disillusioned so many people and left such a legacy of corruption and dirty politics, essentially forming a conclusion to the turbulent 60s.


It seems so tame, or at least cut and dry, compared to the last year. I really do feel Trump is going to end up resigning to save face before impeachment and/or even a GOP coup in 2020. It's becoming less of a pipedream and more of a plausible endgame.

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Nah. Trump doesn't think like the rest of us.


He's going for theater/scorched earth tactics. In denial and blaming the establishment and the media. Like he's already doing. And then making money with Trump TV. Because his 30% supporters will follow him.


Only exception is if there has been some criminal/illegal stuff. He'll rather settle that out of court/office. Haven't seen the link above, so if that's the case, maybe he'll start to behave like a more normal human being and resign. But if there's nothing illegal...

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He's just trying to cause a little bit of social unrest before going to prison, along with much of his family. I think most of us can relate. 

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