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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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im not so sure. polls are neck an neck arent they? this is from a very biased media 


I don't trust them TBH


She's neck to neck with Trump in some polls yet in a recent one she's 1 point behind him in Texas, which I would have never, ever expected to see any Dem do against any GOP candidate anytime soon.

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The polls are not neck and neck, there are some that are close (tie or +1, +2 for clinton), and Trump has had one +1 in the last week.


Clinton is still getting +6 and +8 in some polls though, the RCP average is +3 at the moment for her.


He's only ever polled more that +1/+2 a handful of times during the whole race, and he's only managed a single week where his average polling rate was positive, after the RNC.


He's done well to stop the collapse in his numbers after the DNC, but he's still failed to show he can actually eat into her lead, he's just far too unlikable, the people who hate him hate him, he's already got all the support he's going to get I reckon. Hopefully Clinton shakes off her pneumonia before the debate, if she does I'd expect her to obliterate him.


It's not impossible for him to win, but it's really not in his hands, something will have to happen to keep Clinton voters at home come election night, and given the relentless mudslinging going her way so far, and the fact that very little of it has been sticking, it'll have to be something serious.

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^^ yeah provided all is well with her I predict the debates will be trump's last blow. people have been dying for her to let him have it and I seriously can't imagine he'll be able to do much to gather more voters at this point. in fact, I kinda hope the debates will be more like a mortal kombat fatality for him lol

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I just want some good memes out of the big debate, is that too much to ask?

We wont which is why I miss Jeb.




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We've got the Kaine/Pence debate that could provide meme-fodder. They'll likely play it super safe and scripted though. :/

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The optics are bad. Especially confirming all the infowars crowd. She should bow out and let Biden run. He'd destroy Trump

Biden? I was hoping for Sanders.


Regardless, unless that happens I'm firmly in the Green camp. Too much dirt on Hillary, too much stench on Trump. I couldn't give two shits about poll numbers at this point.

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