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Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals


Exclusive: Tests show billions of people globally are drinking water contaminated by plastic particles, with 83% of samples found to be polluted



"Microplastic contamination has been found in tap water in countries around the world, leading to calls from scientists for urgent research on the implications for health.


Scores of tap water samples from more than a dozen nations were analysed by scientists for an investigation by Orb Media, who shared the findings with the Guardian. Overall, 83% of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres.


The US had the highest contamination rate, at 94%, with plastic fibres found in tap water sampled at sites including Congress buildings, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s headquarters, and Trump Tower in New York. Lebanon and India had the next highest rates.


European nations including the UK, Germany and France had the lowest contamination rate, but this was still 72%. The average number of fibres found in each 500ml sample ranged from 4.8 in the US to 1.9 in Europe."


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...Reminds me: Anyone member that UK glass sprayed on weed thing?


Yes, I remember grit weed


So does


HSE Ireland


Public Health services for Ireland


Page 6




Grit weed, where fibre-glass balls are sprayed onto herbal cannabis to increase its weight, can cause serious damage to the users’ lungs. It is really hard to detect, but if you rub the bud with a wet finger then put that finger into your mouth you may feel the glass balls grind in your teeth.
Some resins have things added such as bees wax, boot polish, animal excrement, turpentine, ground coffee, milk powder, pine resin, barbiturates, ketamine, aspirin, glues and dyes.
 Damp can cause mould on cannabis, which can be dangerous to the user, when it is smoked or eaten. Fertilisers, pesticides and hormones which are used to increase yield can cause headaches and other side effects.


urban myth?





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Try himalayan pink salt



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Sea salt around the world is contaminated by plastic, studies show


Exclusive: New studies find microplastics in salt from the US, Europe and China, adding to evidence that plastic pollution is pervasive in the environment


Sea salt around the world has been contaminated by plastic pollution, adding to experts’ fears that microplastics are becoming ubiquitous in the environment and finding their way into the food chain via the salt in our diets.


Following this week’s revelations in the Guardian about levels of plastic contamination in tap water, new studies have shown that tiny particles have been found in sea salt in the UK, France and Spain, as well as China and now the US.


Researchers believe the majority of the contamination comes from microfibers and single-use plastics such as water bottles, items that comprise the majority of plastic waste. Up to 12.7m tonnes of plastic enters the world’s oceans every year, equivalent to dumping one garbage truck of plastic per minute into the world’s oceans, according to the United Nations.


“Not only are plastics pervasive in our society in terms of daily use, but they are pervasive in the environment,” said Sherri Mason, a professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia, who led the latest research into plastic contamination in salt. Plastics are “ubiquitous, in the air, water, the seafood we eat, the beer we drink, the salt we use – plastics are just everywhere”.


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Catch the Pigeon


















hahah I'm Flying I'm Flying I'm Flying


rarely do I paddle my canoe into the dark water of this thread, but when I do I like it, it feels like I'm rolling in the thick oil of a hot swamp and I'm feeling randy as a fucking teenager with a pulsing rocket cock that's about to burst my boiling ballsack into every sweet bird in the Swamp Sex Lagoon 


this is the tune I was thinking about when I saw your post


Edited by beerwolf
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                   Independence Hall - Philadelphia


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                    IIII                                                 IV





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Do you guys ever put a little emphasis into your farts when the circumstances allow? Tonight I felt one brewing and assumed an MC Hammer type leg grab, arched my back, and let er rip. very powerful and satisfying, recommended

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What?!  A Crystal?


I have never seen Picard with a crystal in his ready room, EVER! But now it's iconic and in 78 episodes?


A cup of earl grey tea yes, crystal no.






"One of the most iconic props associated with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, his “desk crystal” appears prominently in no fewer than 78 episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, often in his hands during the iconic speeches on moral and ethical issues that are so fundamental to the character of Star Trek’s most ruminative captain."











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