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Putin: Leader in artificial intelligence will rule world



The thought of a AI arms race is terrifying, and if people like putin think controlling AI will make you ruler of the world there is no way we survive the century 


UN needs to get involve in this, make AI research neutral, force all the nations to work together.

Edited by Deer
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yeah people not taking this shit seriously yet, might be not worth worrying about, but we're not even close to knowing enough about it to rule out worry, and a worse case scenario is plausible until we do.


listened to this the other day, physicist Max Tegmark talking with Sam Harris:



Edited by caze
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Don't trust Putin when it comes to computin



if you're scared of ultraintelligent AIs just program them so the self-generated code is commented... problem solved... get me on the phone with Musk i have this

The comments would probably be near useless. Hidden layers often can't be understood by humans.
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Been subscribed to Computerphile for a few years now, that poor guy always looks like it's the end of days ... he's seen something for sure. Something bad.


Haha, he's one of my favs on Computerphile.

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Don't trust Putin when it comes to computin



if you're scared of ultraintelligent AIs just program them so the self-generated code is commented... problem solved... get me on the phone with Musk i have this

The comments would probably be near useless. Hidden layers often can't be understood by humans.




Unplug it?

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Don't trust Putin when it comes to computin



if you're scared of ultraintelligent AIs just program them so the self-generated code is commented... problem solved... get me on the phone with Musk i have this

The comments would probably be near useless. Hidden layers often can't be understood by humans.


Unplug it?

Stick that shit in a bag of rice. If it survives then unplug it.

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Regarding Putin's quote that ignited a discussion in the media. My take is it's his usual hypnosis inducing rhetorics at work that has nothing to do with AI specifically.


Not a subject of the thread so i'll put it under the boring tags



The context is that in March and June anti-corruption protests happened across all Russia seemingly out of nowhere (there was a formal cause of uncovering multi-billion worth of corruption of the prime minister Medvedev, aka former placeholder president while Putin was preparing his next 12 years in power). Peaceful protests against power are de facto outlawed in Russia, as no court will take your side no matter how constitutional your rights are and the police are acting as agents of the corrupted State, inducing fear into disobedient citizens. So in order to happen massively it's not only had to have a big cause, but also consist of a yet inexperienced crowd, like schoolboys and students - all this crowd dwells on local Youtube in millions, free from the State censorship and mostly immune to its propaganda, where they naturally get to know that no future is waiting for them under Putin's rule. 


So now the Kremlin tries to reach this dangerous, if left untreated, school audience and organize a live event on the school's opening day, an open lesson with Putin. Pupils across the country are talking about their great aspirations in science & technology and Putin reacts to every single one with a variation of a generic "this is a very interesting field, full of prospect, keep up the work, it'll be valued". The truth is it will not as his 18 years in power showed unequivocally. And this AI reply is just Putin's usual empty demagoguery that's masking his indifference towards conscious people in his country.


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Also when you google AI you're gonna find a bunch of sensationalist bullshit - if you actually want to get educated try "machine learning".

Unless Google's algorithms are already trying to make AI seem like sensationalist bullshit to throw us all off the trail that it's actually already become self-aware. 





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Also when you google AI you're gonna find a bunch of sensationalist bullshit - if you actually want to get educated try "machine learning".

Unless Google's algorithms are already trying to make AI seem like sensationalist bullshit to throw us all off the trail that it's actually already become self-aware. 







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Came in expecting Haley Joel Osment and am leaving with a deep sense of impending doom


Thanks guys

I was gonna say...is this about that Spielberg film from 2001? That apparently Kubrick worked on originally but died before it could be completed?


I think Spielberg has a habit of over-sentimentalizing every sci-fi piece he attempts, but the Amphibicopters were cool.

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The people who hype up the dangers of AI often have shitty reasons

The people who downplay the dangers of AI often have shitty reasons


There is no "AI" there is only "applied machine learning" so to speak, and the real primary dangers of it include:

-Society allowing itself to become dependent upon black box oracles they don't understand, for efficiency purposes

-Targeted psyops campaigns through ads


These are the immediate dangers.  The rest like AI robots with machine guns are too far off in the future to worry about.

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These are the immediate dangers. The rest like AI robots with machine guns are too far off in the future to worry about.

Yeah, the US military aren't working on autonomous drones at all.

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