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Imagine your dad went through a mid-life crisis, and read a copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. And then at the dinner table he's bangning on about how he defines his life through struggle because his mortgage rates are going up.


That's the Jordan Peterson experience.


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He really looks like his speech is being suppressed.


In the full video, which is quite entertaining, the reason they're outside is the hall he was supposed to be doing a talk in was filled with protesters drowning him out with airhorns and other noisemakers

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This is a meeting between teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd and Wilfrid Laurier University representatives. Shepherd was called in for violating the school's Gendered and Sexual Violence policy by screening a few minutes of a TVOntario program which questioned the use of gender-neutral pronouns.

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Imagine your dad went through a mid-life crisis, and read a copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. And then at the dinner table he's bangning on about how he defines his life through struggle because his mortgage rates are going up.


That's the Jordan Peterson experience.


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whoever came up with this thing is an absolute ignoramus


seriously though, this is dumb and the guy who conceived it is dumb



Why is it dumb?  ...It seems reasonable to me...?


he's being sarcy/ironic brethren

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Sober post: For the most part he just seems to regurgitate intellectual treaded ground eg Nietzsche-esque meaning through struggle and defending a kind of masculinity that's been around since forever (And I'd argue hasn't really gone anywhere aside from less violence). I'm just honestly lost about his appeal. I could make some snipe about loser sadbois who don't read books but there has to be something more than that. Something something by-product of Internet echo chambers and social media video clips maybe.

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There's clearly nothing to worry about in Canada, so will just leave this here




Everyone's conveniently ignoring the part where he got famous for calling out the authoritarian socialist machinations that've taken over Europe & Canada and instead mocking the fact that he's inspiring the younger generations of males emasculated by toxic third wave feminist pop culture.

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Everyone's conveniently ignoring the part where he got famous for calling out the authoritarian socialist machinations that've taken over Europe & Canada and instead mocking the fact that he's inspiring the younger generations of males emasculated by toxic third wave feminist pop culture.





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Always tickles me when Americans who believe everything they read on breitbart and /pol/ and tell me about how my deeply conservative country is actually now a sharia law zone/socialist dystopia/out-of-control disaster of liberalism and chaos



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Always tickles me when Americans who believe everything they read on breitbart and /pol/ and tell me about how my deeply conservative country is actually now a sharia law zone/socialist dystopia/out-of-control disaster of liberalism and chaos


don't blame them, they have to make sense of the hellhole they're trapped in somehow

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This is a meeting between teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd and Wilfrid Laurier University representatives. Shepherd was called in for violating the school's Gendered and Sexual Violence policy by screening a few minutes of a TVOntario program which questioned the use of gender-neutral pronouns.

Go further and find out the university fully exonerated her: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/wilfrid-laurier-university-exonerates-ta-lindsay-shepherd/article37377602/


It was ridiculous to begin with, but don’t just stop reporting when the facts stop fitting the narrative.

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This is a meeting between teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd and Wilfrid Laurier University representatives. Shepherd was called in for violating the school's Gendered and Sexual Violence policy by screening a few minutes of a TVOntario program which questioned the use of gender-neutral pronouns.

Go further and find out the university fully exonerated her: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/wilfrid-laurier-university-exonerates-ta-lindsay-shepherd/article37377602/


It was ridiculous to begin with, but don’t just stop reporting when the facts stop fitting the narrative.

uni trying to save face after social media backlash

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Making sure some purple-haired xim/xer gets to comfortably avoid the real world is certainly worth setting a legislative precedent for compelled speech!


Also, that university's apology is full of "sorry but not sorry" language if you actually read it, and the real discussion should be about how insane it is that social justice tribunals exist in western universities.

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