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This short extension thing is bollocks. What's it for? What is going to change in 3 months? Fuck all that's what. Sorry, it's morning and I'm angrier in the mornings. But I wouldn't be surprised if the EU flatly refuses to grant a meaningless extension that will accomplish nothing. So where are we now? Who fucking knows? No deal is more likely than yesterday. Fuck. Fuck this government man. Fucking idiots ruining this country.


I'll be back once I've had more coffee and have a more balanced perspective.

Edited by BCM
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This short extension thing is bollocks. What's it for? What is going to change in 3 months? Fuck all that's what. Sorry, it's morning and I'm angrier in the mornings. But I wouldn't be surprised if the EU flatly refuses to grant a meaningless extension that will accomplish nothing. So where are we now? Who fucking knows? No deal is more likely than yesterday. Fuck. Fuck this government man. Fucking idiots ruining this country.


I'll be back once I've had more coffee and have a more balanced perspective.


Don't change!



Good Lord!


Brexit is like a terrorist attack on reason.

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Opinion is that the EU will refuse this extension leaving May nowhere...so hold onto your hats but expect this to go to March 28th with no resolution, then May to revoke Article 50 and immediately resign.

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It's like a super slowmo accident you can't look away from.

It's why Armando Iannucci hasn't bothered doing any more episodes of The Thick of It - reality has overtaken the absurdity of that series.
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EU are going to say no to extension until 30th June. They are saying it needs to either be a super short extension to 23rd May (so we're out before MEP elections) or a much longer (2-5 years) extension.


The super short option does not give us enough time to achieve anything and is not really practical.


Super long option essentially means remain (we would have a General Election in that time, new government etc).


So looks like it's a long delay or we crash out with no deal. Or May might revoke Article 50 I suppose.



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Just had a thought;


What if


You were shot and went into a coma


Would you prefer to wake up in a zombie apocalypse scenario




Would you prefer to wake up as part of the Brexit committee, sitting in the house of commons

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ahahahaha...douchebag trump jr. says this whole brexit mess could have been avoided had May listened to the wise old orange:





Trump Jr. did not go into detail on what his father had advised. Asked last year for details by the BBC, May said, with an amused expression: "He told me I should sue the EU. Not go into negotiations; sue them."



This week President Trump's former adviser Steve Bannon elaborated on the advice Trump allegedly gave May. "Trump sat there and said 'Listen — number one — overshoot the target on your deal because it will come apart," Bannon said in an interview with Sky News. "'Number two get on with it — you ought to be on terms agreed within six months; and number three use every arrow in your quiver even if you have to do litigation later.'"



Were any "arrows" from "quivers" used in the brexit negotiations? I think not! Therefore, don's right again! huzzah!  :cisfor:

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Who should be in charge then?


I’d like to watch a pay per view boxing match between Jacob Rees Mogg and Jeremy Corbyn.

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A weekly 10 minute exercise with a Russian sex worker cuts risk of early death by a fifth! I'm guessing Trump will be >100 when he'll leave office.





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A weekly 10 minute exercise with a Russian sex worker cuts risk of early death by a fifth! I'm guessing Trump will be >100 when he'll leave office.






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What a complete bumbling mess May and the Tories have been in negotiating brexit. What an omnishambles. It's like these people have no idea what they are doing. I think UK politics might be even more broken than the US. I think losing a globe spanning empire in a century might have caused some sort of national trauma and the UK is regressing back to being a pitiful wet island in the Atlantic with no friends. lol

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