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8 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

more proof that everyone defending biden is a pathetic piece of shit

"let's just elect a fucking senile moron because he's more electable"

this country will get what it deserves when it's destroyed from the inside out.  at least the US empire will fall if this country fails

This “Bernie wins or we all shall perish” thing got you pretty good, didn’t it? It’s a cult of personality. A populist who told you what you wanted to hear, details be damned. 

How about having a Dem majority in the House, Senate, and a Dem in the Oval Office? As a progressive, you won’t get a better scenario than that. Bernie getting the nomination makes this much less likely, which is pretty ironic. You are really just repeating a bunch of Facebook memes like they are your actual thoughts, with no bearing on the reality of elections. 

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1 hour ago, Candiru said:

This “Bernie wins or we all shall perish” thing got you pretty good, didn’t it? It’s a cult of personality. A populist who told you what you wanted to hear, details be damned. 

How about having a Dem majority in the House, Senate, and a Dem in the Oval Office? As a progressive, you won’t get a better scenario than that. Bernie getting the nomination makes this much less likely, which is pretty ironic. You are really just repeating a bunch of Facebook memes like they are your actual thoughts, with no bearing on the reality of elections. 

A cult of personality?  If Bernie loses I will be dropping him because he has no chance anymore.  I don't care about Bernie as a person except for his work and policies - I care about implementing the United Socialist States of America

Having a Dem majority in the House, Senate, and Oval Office sounds great, if they're not degenerate capitalist shills, and what exactly does that have to do with this?  Why do you think Bernie getting the nomination makes this less likely?  I have never used Facebook

Your take is so wrong on every point that I'm not sure why you posted it

Look, you're a status quo pro-Washington centrist, that's fine, I'm sorry you can't handle someone disagreeing with your mainstream views.  All I care about is poor people, minorities, underrepresented groups, and workers

Edited by Zeffolia
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11 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

A cult of personality?  If Bernie loses I will be dropping him because he has no chance anymore.  I don't care about Bernie as a person except for his work and policies - I care about implementing the United Socialist States of America

Having a Dem majority in the House, Senate, and Oval Office sounds great, if they're not degenerate capitalist shills, and what exactly does that have to do with this?  Why do you think Bernie getting the nomination makes this less likely?  I have never used Facebook

Your take is so wrong on every point that I'm not sure why you posted it

Those degenerative capitalist shills have, over the years, put more progressive policies in place than Bernie has. Warren was a far more effective version of Bernie. And you don’t like her, right? What does getting the majority in the senate have to do with this? You may have heard of this guy named Mitch McConnell. Judging by Bernie’s performance in the primary, if he barely gets enough young people to make him win, he faces a steeper climb in the general election, where the electoral college plows Bernie. This is not a good situation for down ballot races. Hello lame duck Bernie, in the slim chance he wins, but it’s over anyway. If he can’t win the primary, he obviously not getting enough people to vote out the GOP senate, so the point is kinda moot. Have you dropped him yet?

You are like a child trying to explain to their parents that Santa Claus is real. You are either going to get some of what you want or nothing at all, that’s voting. 

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14 minutes ago, Candiru said:

Those degenerative capitalist shills have, over the years, put more progressive policies in place than Bernie has. Warren was a far more effective version of Bernie. And you don’t like her, right? What does getting the majority in the senate have to do with this? You may have heard of this guy named Mitch McConnell. Judging by Bernie’s performance in the primary, if he barely gets enough young people to make him win, he faces a steeper climb in the general election, where the electoral college plows Bernie. This is not a good situation for down ballot races. Hello lame duck Bernie, in the slim chance he wins, but it’s over anyway. If he can’t win the primary, he obviously not getting enough people to vote out the GOP senate, so the point is kinda moot. Have you dropped him yet?

You are like a child trying to explain to their parents that Santa Claus is real. You are either going to get some of what you want or nothing at all, that’s voting. 

it's no surprise that the people with proportionally the most power have been the ones to implement the things that have ended up implemented.  warren was unelectable and didn't even win her home state, how is that effectiveness?

As for your claims that young peoples' non-voting is an issue down-ballot, the young people's non-voting is an issue by itself, and you are wrong to describe it in this way.  If young non-voters are failing to vote for Bernie, those same ones would be failing for Biden right now if he was the furthest left.  Those same ones will fail in the general too if Biden beats Bernie, even if it's at a lesser rate than in the primary.  

The old vote is locked, it's the young vote that has turnout issues.  The old vote will vote for Bernie over Trump in the general if they're currently voting for Biden over Bernie in the primary.  Biden suffers from this same weakness you're describing against Bernie but worse

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6 minutes ago, ignatius said:

Covid19 - 2020

Only candidate with any real shot to get this climate thing back on track. Took it a couple of weeks to clean up China's act. Now Europa is on the chopping block. US is next in line, although seems anxious to pass Europe and be chopped first. Impressive stuff. And very determined. Better than revolution even. 

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17 hours ago, goDel said:

Only candidate with any real shot to get this climate thing back on track. Took it a couple of weeks to clean up China's act. Now Europa is on the chopping block. US is next in line, although seems anxious to pass Europe and be chopped first. Impressive stuff. And very determined. Better than revolution even. 

Completely agreed.  Nothing in the past few years has laid bare the lies of capitalism and consumption oriented economics than coronavirus.  By proving that when somehow the capacity of the US economy increases, in other words the consumption of goods decreases (gas, airline flights, entertainment, restaurants, etc.) that the metrics of our economy are somehow indicating that things are bad, when they really should be good and happy because our system can support a much higher capacity when it's being less stress tested through mass consumption, the proof is laid out in the open for all to see.  That's not even taking into account the clear proof that the US medical system is completely sub-par

Yet another piece of the puzzle to help shift the public mindset towards socialism.

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13 minutes ago, MIXL2 said:

was so surreal to see both candidates confuse the corona crisis, sanders with ebola and biden with sars... I thought I must be dreaming for a second

Bernie didn't confuse the corona crisis with ebola, he mis-spoke the word ebola twice and what he said was still perfectly understandable from the context, then he corrected himself.  Don't remember what happened with Biden confusing it.

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Bernie repeated his moronic talking point tonight about the Fed injecting $1.5 trillion as if it had anything to do with government spending. Is he really this ignorant about how the Fed operates, or does he just realise that most people don't understand it either and it's an easy win for him amongst those morons? He doesn't strike me as a fundamentally dishonest person, so I guess he's just dumb.

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2 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

Completely agreed.  Nothing in the past few years has laid bare the lies of capitalism and consumption oriented economics than coronavirus.  By proving that when somehow the capacity of the US economy increases, in other words the consumption of goods decreases (gas, airline flights, entertainment, restaurants, etc.) that the metrics of our economy are somehow indicating that things are bad, when they really should be good and happy because our system can support a much higher capacity when it's being less stress tested through mass consumption, the proof is laid out in the open for all to see.  That's not even taking into account the clear proof that the US medical system is completely sub-par

Yet another piece of the puzzle to help shift the public mindset towards socialism.

I was being sarcastic, btw. ?

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1 hour ago, Zeffolia said:

Bernie didn't confuse the corona crisis with ebola, he mis-spoke the word ebola twice and what he said was still perfectly understandable from the context, then he corrected himself.  Don't remember what happened with Biden confusing it.

Biden didn't confuse it, he talked about his experience in government dealing with Ebola and H1N1. He mentioned SARS, which was also a disease caused by coronavirus, the official name of the current virus is now SARS-CoV-2. Bernie misspeaking is obviously not evidence of any cognitive decline. 

This debate obviously put to bed any notion that Biden is senile.

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It was better than the previous ones, nobody shouting over anyone, lack of a crowd was good too, they should all be like that in future. They both performed well, neither scored a knock out blow, Biden allowed Bernie to put him on the defensive a bit too much, and he didn't call him out about enough of the practical failures of delivering on his plans (he definitely should have hammered home the fact that Bernie's plan will see US carbon emissions increase for example - something the moderator even brought up in relation to fracking). Biden just had to avoid any disasters though, and he did that.

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Not sure if I think this is an effective ad. Imo, it would be more effective to show the impact of Trumps leadership on the decision making in the white house and the (should be) responsible government agencies. Instead if goes after Trumps (poor) attempts to calm the people (with nonsense). Basically, apart from the communication, there's no leadership. Is it Pence? Kushner? Someone else? Dr. Fauci? What about the CDC?  Who's making the decisions? Based on what?

Would be more effective if it wasn't just about Lying Trump, but about Chaos Trump.

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15 minutes ago, goDel said:

Would be more effective if it wasn't just about Lying Trump, but about Chaos Trump.

hey, trump wanted to close the boarders so nobody could come in and infect us with the coronavirus. the man was fighting corona before anyone even knew what it was


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^ that's some A+ leadership right there. he could of just said "ain't my fault" or "not my problem." instead he gave us some virus history, named the villains (dems), provided statistics, AND he (as always) is the hero of the story. nicely played donnie, nicely played.

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