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for the counts of obstruction that mueller detailed, alone, over a thousand former federal prosecutors said trump should have been indicted. that's a lot of federal prosecutors. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-berwick-parker-trump-mueller-obstruction-justice-20190530-story.html


it's going to be a big question, and it's not just one question. there are many crimes. biden is approaching it in the correct way. he's going to appoint an AG and then it's up to the DOJ to do what they do. it will be very interesting to see. i won't be surprised if he faces only manageable charges, or none at all. i also won't be surprised if he goes down in a big way. 


there are reasons why you don't want to set the precedent for prosecuting a former president. consider trump having barr put obama (or biden) in prison. it's like a short circuit in the system, you don't really want to mess with that unless you have a really good reason to. but there is a case to make that there are really good reasons to.

Edited by very honest
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6 minutes ago, very honest said:

for the counts of obstruction that mueller detailed, alone, over a thousand former federal prosecuors said trump should have been indicted. that's a lot of federal prosecutors. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-berwick-parker-trump-mueller-obstruction-justice-20190530-story.html


it's going to be a big question, and it's not just one question. there are many crimes. biden is approaching it in the correct way. he's going to appoint an AG and then it's up to the DOJ to do what they do. it will be very interesting to see. i won't be surprised if he faces only manageable charges, or none at all. i also won't be surprised if he goes down in a big way. 


there are reasons why you don't want to set the precedent for prosecuting a former president. consider trump having barr put obama (or biden) in prison. it's like a short circuit in the system, you don't really want to mess with that unless you have a really good reason to. but there is a case to make that there are really good reasons to.

but NY is a whole other thing. SDNY is gonna take a big dump on him. considering all the shade he threw on cuomo and NY over the last year or so i'm sure some people who might've been on the fence "take it or leave" about prosecuting him might now think "fuck that pig".  trump has a history and burned a lot of bridges and shit on and stepped on a lot of people during the course of his life.  There might be some prosecutor now relishing the opportunity to make some charges stick.

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1 minute ago, ignatius said:

but NY is a whole other thing. SDNY is gonna take a big dump on him. considering all the shade he threw on cuomo and NY over the last year or so i'm sure some people who might've been on the fence "take it or leave" about prosecuting him might now think "fuck that pig".  trump has a history and burned a lot of bridges and shit on and stepped on a lot of people during the course of his life.  There might be some prosecutor now relishing the opportunity to make some charges stick.

yeah, i think new york is going to make some big moves. 

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13 hours ago, ignatius said:

hard to say. if the investigations into him and his family are smartly pursued and the charges and fines etc have teeth then it'll be hard for trump to rally and come back from that. He also might decide he's had enough and just make whatever grift he can. he seems rather sturdy as far as his health goes (though his brain is another question) so if he holds up, isn't royally fucked with fines, prison, health etc.. then who knows what the odds of him running in 2024 are? 

also, depends on who else is running. the world could turn upside down 3 or 4 times by then. 

He’s also 74, obese and lives off cheeseburgers and Diet Coke. Let’s all buy him another burger.

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On 11/23/2020 at 7:31 PM, ignatius said:


i saw another story reporting that trump is complaining to those around him.. worried his legal team is making him look bad. lol. idiot. 

He’s not wrong. I mean, he’s making himself look plenty bad, but his legal team is all kinds of shithouse crazy. 

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On 11/25/2020 at 5:56 PM, chenGOD said:

He’s not wrong. I mean, he’s making himself look plenty bad, but his legal team is all kinds of shithouse crazy. 

he called in to that mock hearing today in PA. such a shit show. all these republicans had it trending on twitter like it was some kind of official testimony. it was a bunch of people presenting 'evidence'.  it was nonsense. it was essentially a press conference stage show.  no one under oath, not in any court or whatever. such bullshit. 

anyway.. finger crossed all these shits get rolled up in a big rug and tossed in the nearest river. 

LOL. fucking hell. i'd have search for voter fraud for half that!





A man who donated $2.5m to help Donald Trump's crusade to overturn the elections is asking for his money back.  

Fred Eshelman, the donor, is suing Houston-based "True the Vote Inc" for what he claims are "empty promises," Bloomberg reported.  

True The Vote claimed it had a multi-part plan to "investigate, litigate and expose suspected illegal balloting and fraud in the 2020 general election," the lawsuit said. 



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It's about building an anticipation for a doomsday event, fundraising off of it, never delivering, then rolling it over into the next gambit.

i'd like to think that ppl on the left can take solace in the fact that it seems like anyone who achieves real power on the right eventually turns out to be a grifter, motivated by the cream (slang term for money) rather than the cream (slang term for white nationalism)

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19 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

i'd like to think that ppl on the left can take solace in the fact that it seems like anyone who achieves real power on the right eventually turns out to be a grifter, motivated by the cream (slang term for money) rather than the cream (slang term for white nationalism)

It was funny when I was reading about the Finnish history of far right and fascists that this was the pattern already back in the 1930s. There are maybe a few true believers but they are way too nutty and uncompromising to get anything real done by themselves, then the amorphous group of followers who are mostly men who have been disadvantaged in life and will follow anybody who will promise them better life and getting back their self-esteem, and then a bunch of grifters who are just taking advantage of the rest of them and will just pocket the money and the disappear into thin air when the trouble starts.

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9 minutes ago, zkom said:

There are maybe a few true believers but they are way too nutty and uncompromising to get anything real done by themselves, then the amorphous group of followers who are mostly men who have been disadvantaged in life and will follow anybody who will promise them better life and getting back their self-esteem, and then a bunch of grifters who are just taking advantage of the rest of them and will just pocket the money and the disappear into thin air when the trouble starts.

yeah you can see this sorta pattern play out even with things like the contemporary men's rights movement: you've got the genuine incels that pretty much everyone (even other men's rights types) distance themselves from because they tend to just be viscereally unpleasant people. and then you've got activists who probably have some actual nuanced arguement to make but they're boring, lack the charisma to be genuine leaders of a movement. The ones who rise to the top are pick up artists, self-help gurus who'll teach you how to get redpilled and become a true alpha, basically guys looking to stack cheese. i'd say even ppl like joe rogan, jordan peterson (trump?) etc basically dog whistle this kinda sentiment constantly while primarily being driven by building a media empire.

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On 11/25/2020 at 6:58 AM, Rubin Farr said:

He’s also 74, obese and lives off cheeseburgers and Diet Coke. Let’s all buy him another burger.

That would be pretty funny if Democrats started a charity for Trump to gift him free big macs "for as long as he lives"

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such a huge piece of shit. 





Trump ‘is considering an event to announce his 2024 campaign on the day of Biden’s inauguration’


Biden’s inauguration will be on 20 January and a Trump campaign timed to clash would be a logistical and diplomatic nightmare for Washington DC


god.. this all sounds horrible

If he does run a 2024 campaign it would likely thwart the presidential ambitions of Mr Pompeo and possibly Mr Pence. His own son, Donald Trump Jr, is enjoying the "Trump Jr 2024" hashtag, and considered a possible contender.

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seems like an amazing send-off from the dying era, where you couldn't just look things up, and people lived smelly lives of not knowing what the fuck. the millenials emerged on this planet like "what is happening?" us elder millenials bridge the divide, and witnessed the transition. 

trump stands as a perfect, towering statue, exemplifying, to an astounding extent, exactly how wrong and fucked a human can grow to become. it honestly seems like he just set the controls for the heart of the sun and committed to perfecting the example, knowing something is wrong, but also that he is old, and just prefers to double down. a brilliant beacon of how not to be, for the ages of the future to look back on with horror, disgust, and shame. 

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2 hours ago, very honest said:

it honestly seems like he just set the controls for the heart of the sun and committed to perfecting the example, knowing something is wrong, but also that he is old, and just prefers to double down.

only thing I'd like to comment on, regarding your excellently written hyperbolic description, is that he didn't as much "set the controls" as he "knocked the controls into action accidentally, while reaching for a diet coke and scratching his butt at the same time."

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On 11/28/2020 at 4:29 PM, ignatius said:

I could totally see donnie deciding to have his own version of an inauguration at the same time as Biden's. presided over by "his" judges... totally crazy, but not out of the realm of possibility in MAGA land. 

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i managed to be rasonably productive today which is saying something considering how much i've posted on the internets. the thread in the quoted tweet from "Sandwich breath" is amazingly insane. all of these people could be sascha baron cohen. it would be a tough act to pull of but i think he could do it. 


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That deserves nearly every facepalm gif on the internet.

16 minutes ago, ignatius said:

i managed to be rasonably productive today which is saying something considering how much i've posted on the internets. the thread in the quoted tweet from "Sandwich breath" is amazingly insane. all of these people could be sascha baron cohen. it would be a tough act to pull of but i think he could do it. 



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27 minutes ago, ignatius said:

i managed to be rasonably productive today which is saying something considering how much i've posted on the internets. the thread in the quoted tweet from "Sandwich breath" is amazingly insane. all of these people could be sascha baron cohen. it would be a tough act to pull of but i think he could do it. 


Fascinating. I left Michigan 18 years ago and this seems to tell me I made the right choice. The people are mostly horrible. Beautiful state, though. 

Edited by Upset man
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13 minutes ago, ignatius said:

jesus these fucking people are batshit.. but hey.. if they discourage republicans from voting in the georgia runoffs.. ok? 


“This is Georgia. We ain’t dumb!” ?

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