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21 hours ago, usagi said:


lot of good sample material there.

Also, didn't realize it was the All Gas No Brakes guy who did the interview.

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13 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Also, didn't realize it was the All Gas No Brakes guy who did the interview.

yeah, there was some saga with that where the AGNB channel got fucked up and taken over. Channel 5 is his new joint. it's a pity he can't bring over the old content, the AVN Expo video is quality educational material that should be shown in schools.

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8 minutes ago, usagi said:

yeah, there was some saga with that where the AGNB channel got fucked up and taken over. Channel 5 is his new joint. it's a pity he can't bring over the old content, the AVN Expo video is quality educational material that should be shown in schools.

Yeah just been reading about the draaaama. Real shame about that - and that AVN video is the tits. 

He was probably the best possible person to interview the lunatic in prison. Either him or Louis Theroux.

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12 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

he didn't say "go crime" but once they were in, he refused to tell them to leave until hours later, after the cops had beat them back anyway. literally everyone was begging him for hours to ask them to leave, but he wouldn't. he was watching on tv, rewinding and rewatching, excited. so, this demonstrates the intent that he wanted it. he's a master of hiding behind strategically vague wording. the people interpretted that this is what he wanted, and he knew that, but he was careful not to say it explicitly.



hiding behind ambiguous wording helps people get away with things sometimes but not all the time. plenty of mob bosses who thought they were insulated by never stating the criminal things explicitly, nevertheless, go to prison.


He did say go to the Capitol and fight, you have to fight and you can never show weakness. So they went to the Capitol and fought, everyone. I’d say he’s totally responsible, along with the other shitheads who were speaking on stage and riling the crowd up. What I don't see mentioned hardly by any media, is that Trump told the crowd he was leading them down to the Capitol, so a large portion that heard him say thought they were following their POTUS to "liberate" the Capitol from an illegitimate administration. Of course, he cowered and immediately went to the White House to watch the debacle on TV, and do nothing but sit on his fat ass. Now he claims the Secret Service wouldn't let him go.

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10 hours ago, chenGOD said:

lot of good sample material there.

Also, didn't realize it was the All Gas No Brakes guy who did the interview.

He lost the all gas no brakes youtube channel a little while ago and now runs channel 5

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6 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

He did say go to the Capitol and fight, you have to fight and you can never show weakness. So they went to the Capitol and fought, everyone. I’d say he’s totally responsible, along with the other shitheads who were speaking on stage and riling the crowd up. What I don't see mentioned hardly by any media, is that Trump told the crowd he was leading them down to the Capitol, so a large portion that heard him say thought they were following their POTUS to "liberate" the Capitol from an illegitimate administration. Of course, he cowered and immediately went to the White House to watch the debacle on TV, and do nothing but sit on his fat ass. Now he claims the Secret Service wouldn't let him go.

yeah, for sure. it's like connect the dots where you can tell it's a butterfly, but trump is like "hey i just put the dots and the numbers there, i didn't know it's a butterfly"

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here are 2 good podcasts


a lawfare podcast episode with detailed info on what we know about the conspirators of jan 6, mainly proud boys and oath keepers so far. around 40 charged with conspiracy already, as doj is beginning to move past the early phase of the investigation. interesting play by play details regarding logistics, planning and actions on the ground that day regarding those militias



and an episode dealing with the doj case from Sisters in Law, which is probably one of the best podcasts for current events legal commentary right now. be ready to skip 5 minutes of commercials at the beginning. good reactions to garland's jan 5 speech from doj professionals



and i'll just put garland's jan 5 speech here too, which is worth a watch


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Jesus fuck Paul is an absolute tool. Classic tactic of throwing out question after question trying to find something. Fauci doesn't do very well here, he should demand the first time Paul interrupts him that he be allowed to finish his response.

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4 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Jesus fuck Paul is an absolute tool. Classic tactic of throwing out question after question trying to find something. Fauci doesn't do very well here, he should demand the first time Paul interrupts him that he be allowed to finish his response.

I used to wonder why our government couldn't get anything done, couldn't agree with each other, couldn't compromise to get stuff done.  Bit by bit, congressmen and women have been replaced by people like this fuckwad, and imagine trying to get anything done having to work with a critical mass of morons like that guy.

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30 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

I used to wonder why our government couldn't get anything done, couldn't agree with each other, couldn't compromise to get stuff done.  Bit by bit, congressmen and women have been replaced by people like this fuckwad, and imagine trying to get anything done having to work with a critical mass of morons like that guy.

the 80s/90s really turned things upside down. once the evangelicals started getting into politics and culture wars were kicked off the division really ramped up. newt gingrich sucks hard. all those reagan era fucks sucked hard. moreal majority.. sucked hard. heritage foundation.. sucks hard. 

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27 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

he's trying to do damage control for this blunder, not to mention this embarrassing tweet - both of which continue to haunt his career post T. 

That tweet was comedy genius and no one can tell me otherwise. Only bested by another tool sliding a dildo up his own rectum to "own the libs".

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8 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Jesus fuck Paul is an absolute tool. Classic tactic of throwing out question after question trying to find something. Fauci doesn't do very well here, he should demand the first time Paul interrupts him that he be allowed to finish his response.

Democrat Party has always desperately needed training or an attitude change or something in order to counter right wing tactics. Which in most countries is easy because all you have to do is point out that many are fascist or borderline fascist and it's readily apparent in the way they talk, conduct themselves, and blatantly dog whistle all day.

But for whatever reason the Democrats refuse to call them out so often when it is so glaringly obvious. To the point where it makes me wonder if they don't want America to swing too far left or something. So they pretend like right-wingers are a valuable part of the conversation.

Criticizing USA style Republicanism is low hanging fruit. Like 1 foot above the ground level low hanging fruit, and the democrats still can't reach it. At the end of the day there is no excuse for conservatives to have as much power as they do and yet here we are.

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1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

Democrat Party has always desperately needed training or an attitude change or something in order to counter right wing tactics. Which in most countries is easy because all you have to do is point out that many are fascist or borderline fascist and it's readily apparent in the way they talk, conduct themselves, and blatantly dog whistle all day.

But for whatever reason the Democrats refuse to call them out so often when it is so glaringly obvious. To the point where it makes me wonder if they don't want America to swing too far left or something. So they pretend like right-wingers are a valuable part of the conversation.

Criticizing USA style Republicanism is low hanging fruit. Like 1 foot above the ground level low hanging fruit, and the democrats still can't reach it. At the end of the day there is no excuse for conservatives to have as much power as they do and yet here we are.

it's beyond stupid that the DNC doesn't have it's own wing of internet turds and media types combating misinfo and disinfo. there's only a few who are savy enough to roll out the 'sick burns' and 'clever comebacks' on social media. 

but maybe i'm not paying attention (who can it's all fuckn weaponized farts for the brain. 

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what, like a Fox News for Democrats? isn't that CNN? how does escalating a media war with equally bullshit tactics on both sides help anyone?

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46 minutes ago, usagi said:

what, like a Fox News for Democrats? isn't that CNN? how does escalating a media war with equally bullshit tactics on both sides help anyone?

nah.. i mean on social media or even just any kind of constant output of real information about all the things.  MSNBC and all those shows like rachel maddow are just more talking heads.. sure sometimes they have a good breakdown of some event and what it might mean but they're largely speaking to the choir. 

i guess it'd take a little brainstorming and i know since there's a democrat in office he's supposed to be speaking for the party or whatever.. his message is supposed to be the message and all that but seems like some other kind of tact to address the changing situation.. "modern problems require modern solutions" - meme. 

i don't think another group of loudmouths shouting from the other side is the problem solver. it'd have to be something smarter than that of course and it doesn't seem like the DNC or the democrats or whoever.. have any kind of message that can resonate w/people. i guess this is typical midterm election lull but in general it seems like there is nothing to counter the waves upon waves of crazy that seem to keep bubbling up. 

also i know that's how it can look from inside the internet/media bubble but white nationalism and fascism and violent organized people seem to be ascendant. the leaders on the left fail to rise to the moment in these cases time and time again.. one "tough speech" from joe biden isn't going to do dick. 

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I agree with the last part. some kind of counter to the cool ironic memeified fash shit is needed, it just can't smell of the mainstream media or the "establishment" because that's already what those types are set against. they can just point to CNN or MSNBC or whoever and say "these people are the enemy, don't listen to them".

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dear abby,

what is proper etiquette for responding to bat shit insane members of republican party? do we engage them? back slowly away with eyes tilted to the ground (similar to how one responds to that crazy guy on the street shouting profanities at the top of his lungs)? how can we improve the situation without creating turmoil?

concerned democratic party

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8 hours ago, usagi said:

what, like a Fox News for Democrats? isn't that CNN?

Anyone remember the pre-trump / pre-Obama / pre-bush CNN? They were always a center-right channel that masqueraded as a balanced news outlet. It only took a fascist maniac like trump (other far-right cronies included) attacking them and branding them as “fake news” and leftist extremists to make them appear like they are the Fox News for democrats. They just moved the goalpost. 

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