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jordan b peterson

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(and beware of The Cloven Hoof)

Theres loads of these guys out there! First they’ll have you sucking their dick, then they’ll have you sipping on the Kool Aid ?

Zero doubt about it

Edited by beerwolf
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21 minutes ago, cruising for burgers said:



Mind where you post that. Tucker Carlson will have a new segment about how the Bolshevik council of invictus elite have cancelled the sexy kool aid woman.

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  • 4 months later...
27 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

wow this is so ridiculous.. female-typical patterns? socialism destroys wealth? sounds like he's just become a mouthpiece for right-wing driven one dimensional thinking.. thought patterns formed by hatred not understanding.. woke being pseudo intellectual while he writes complete wank as a "studied man".. it's alarming how many people follow him still. I have this one friend who's usually super cool to discuss all kinds of things with but he has the biggest jordan peterson boner. I keep showing him how ridiculous he's become and he just immediately defends him instead of doing some critical thinking.. guess with herd mentalities and judgemental world views it's easier to just sit back and take his word for it than having to rethink paradigms coming from a grey-haired complicated word-salad professor.. boy o boi.. im glad i dont follow anyone like a fucking sheep.. maybe duncan trussel is the one OG I keep listening to.. jordan you fool of a took

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lemme try..

Woke: The up and coming shift in mostly young people trying to understand the unjust parts of societal systems, be it our government or an individual's world views that we as a society have to develop away from to come to a better overall state of unity and well being on not just our wallet's side of things but as a forward-thinking society. This comes with rabid followers too, which hurt the cause more than helping IMO. Not very woke people.

Critical race theory: Looking at the person in front of you and ignoring individualism for the sake of race theory, thinking of humans more in terms of generational achievements rather than the place one has being born into the 21st century, where race as such is becoming an abstraction, I'm half swedish quarter greek quarter italian living in Switzerland, who gives a shit where my grandparents came from, it only matters how they behaved and what positive mental traits I was able to be born into, the rest is literally just the follow-up to evolution and putting any part of that on a pedestal is in my opinion pure ego.

Cancel culture: Part of woke culture trying to adjust faulty positions in places of power, be it on social media or politics, you don't want a pedo teacher being able to go back to school so you stand up for it, but then there's also the rabid part where a rumor can lead to immediate witch hunting, again, rabid followers of a semi-just cause. There's also a bit of a power trip behind herds of people cancelling someone which is alarming.

Socialism: A state of society where part of taxation goes towards the physical and mental health of everyone involved, see basic income, universal healthcare, homeless programs, etc., becoming an overall better society for the lower income demographic, subsequently helping them with poverty, reducing criminal behavior over time, making sure they aren't kicked to the curb for being dealt a worse hand of cards.


it's incredible reading his take on it after writing this, his mental gymnastics to attack leftist groups and women as a whole are fucking mad! we're living in the future but we're thinking in the past still, holy shitsnacks


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Shit the man won't shut up with his postmodern neo-marxism crap 

Attacking the leftist is the only thing he can do for seeking attention you know.. 
A normal smart right/left winger would not attack their opponent. Just share why they believe in their political thought.

People who attacks like this just doing it for the action and attention.  

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  • 1 month later...
23 hours ago, Nebraska said:



Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

This is totally over my head. But is Jordy "B" Petey lampooning oh dearism by parodizing non blue-collar low wage workers and trying to win them (us? me?) over by briefly satirizing himself? What's going on? Is this a man desperately clinging on to his 15 minutes?   

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The thing with Jordan.P is that he is a loud attention guy with a ADHD-Brain who must showing himself and talk about knowledge 24/7 
That is his therapy.. He even gets mental breakdowns live 


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4 minutes ago, cern said:

The thing with Jordan.P is that he is a loud attention guy with a ADHD-Brain who must showing himself and talk about knowledge 24/7 
That is his therapy.. He even gets mental breakdowns live 


been saying for long time now but he needs to get back on the benzos pronto. 

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2 hours ago, user said:

This is totally over my head. But is Jordy "B" Petey lampooning oh dearism by parodizing non blue-collar low wage workers and trying to win them (us? me?) over by briefly satirizing himself? What's going on? Is this a man desperately clinging on to his 15 minutes?   

Not only that, but also leaning hard into biases, misinformation, half-truths, and typical alt-right nonsense like 'all gays are inherently perverted pedophiles' etc. 

What a fucken goon.


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1 hour ago, Earth said:

Not only that, but also leaning hard into biases, misinformation, half-truths, and typical alt-right nonsense like 'all gays are inherently perverted pedophiles' etc. 

What a fucken goon.


the first thing i ever watched w/him was the joe rogan interview from way way back where he's talking about evolutionary biology social order of the tribe and shit... and saying that any man who is an ally to a feminist is 'beta'. "evolutionarily speaking the male who couldn't compete with the alpha males of the tribe would gain favor by allying with the females"  - and then he started extrapolating that out to present day male allies of feminists etc.. and the whole time joe rogan is going "woooooww.. so.. no way.. woooow...." and just lapping it all up.. .and i did my best to give peterson a chance but after a bit of that it was obvious this guy was an asshole and i didn't get wtf kinda trip he was on.  later when we tried to cold turkey the benzos in russia and almost died i thought "yeah.. of course. that somehow makes sense"



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  • 2 months later...
11 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

lol apparently he was a hack long before all this: https://x.com/davidhamer_1951/status/1753383161893880036?s=46&t=lzb--cRIkaiKMari_HPNtg

which makes me wonder - how fucking low are the University of Toronto’s hiring standards??

okay elon?  what was the "different gig" ? i assume this site wont render cuz im not logged in? literally cant see shit, fuck twitter

jordan BAFFOON peterson gets NO gigs.

jordan BULK peterson devoirs growth hormone infested steak exclusively for 6 years, left with nose dripping antibiotics, closet uncleaned

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On 2/3/2024 at 10:47 AM, zlemflolia said:

okay elon?  what was the "different gig" ? i assume this site wont render cuz im not logged in? literally cant see shit, fuck twitter

jordan BAFFOON peterson gets NO gigs.

jordan BULK peterson devoirs growth hormone infested steak exclusively for 6 years, left with nose dripping antibiotics, closet uncleaned

Twitter links are just fucky. 
anyway he apparently attempted to be considered an “expert witness”, but got smacked down pretty hard by the courts here in Canada. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

the only person i've ever had to sack is also the only person IRL i've known who's been a self declared JP fanboy. Sacked him for joking about rape one too many times in front of female coworkers, alongside all the typical woman-o-phobic comments

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11 hours ago, Walter Ostanek said:

the only person i've ever had to sack is also the only person IRL i've known who's been a self declared JP fanboy. Sacked him for joking about rape one too many times in front of female coworkers, alongside all the typical woman-o-phobic comments

lol christ

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