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Various Artists/Anonymous - Covert 4 (Touched Music)


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 Only just started to listen to it, but the first track is really nice.  Looking forward to reading speculation about who did what.  I laughed at the track title "Dead Giveaway" but I haven't gotten to that one yet.

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19 hours ago, Itsu said:

Dead Giveaway sounds like Aphex Twin. Loch Turnkey could be Plaid. idler sounds very Boards of Canada. 

I'm probably way off the mark though.

Dead Giveaway is more likely EOD. Maybe Rolando Simmons.

idler does sound like BoC. Could be Principles of Geometry.


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Monk3.. any guesses? 😉

edit: trying to remember what track it reminds me of and it's richard devine from a while back.. definitely sounds like a track of his i've got but a different version. 

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love coverts

15 hours ago, ignatius said:

Monk3.. any guesses? 😉

edit: trying to remember what track it reminds me of and it's richard devine from a while back.. definitely sounds like a track of his i've got but a different version. 


also 3ncod3

Edited by trying to be less rude
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These covert compilations are great! Or rather, a great way to NOT discover new artists because you can’t know who made them.

Only a handful of artists from the earlier compilations have been confirmed, if I can believe discogs. I was hoping all would have been revealed by now. Guess not. If you like a track and want more from the same artist: tough luck. 

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monk3 reminds me of RISP era richard devine. plonked spectral, oxin2lin, Varseop all have a similar mojo to monk3


but it could also fit right on Sort/lave no problem.. 


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7 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

These covert compilations are great! Or rather, a great way to NOT discover new artists because you can’t know who made them.

Only a handful of artists from the earlier compilations have been confirmed, if I can believe discogs. I was hoping all would have been revealed by now. Guess not. If you like a track and want more from the same artist: tough luck. 

Yeah that’s also what keeps me coming back to earlier compilations. I might like 3-4 tracks but after a while I completely forgot which ones and can’t be bothered listening through everything again just to find these

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Coverts are absolutely fabulous, way, way up there with the likes of Neo Ouija's Cottage Industries. I don't even care who the specific artists are, because I know I follow most of them anyway - the Touched roster is relatively narrow.

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My notes:

  • I'm fairly certain that Manchester Grey is The Black Dog.
  • I agree with Rude that Monk3 is likely exm; we can also be fairly certain exm is represented on the compilation.
  • It's also fairly likely Plaid is represented (given past Covert releases); maybe Glotc4
  • I believe Autechre was on previous Covert releases, but less clear which here, if any.  I wondered about ronck67.
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43 minutes ago, atypic said:

My notes:

  • I'm fairly certain that Manchester Grey is The Black Dog.
  • I agree with Rude that Monk3 is likely exm; we can also be fairly certain exm is represented on the compilation.
  • It's also fairly likely Plaid is represented (given past Covert releases); maybe Glotc4
  • I believe Autechre was on previous Covert releases, but less clear which here, if any.  I wondered about ronck67.

i think you're right on Manchester Grey. def fits with that ambient album they did recently.

Monk3 being exm is possible but not sure on that...i could see ronck67 being him too, some of those noisy snares suggests it to me. i really doubt that or anything on here is Autechre tho.

i think the Refraction track is probably Datach'i, got those weirdly mixed modular vibes he's been doing on his last few.

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3 hours ago, auxien said:

Monk3 being exm is possible but not sure on that..

could be. idk. it reminds me of richard devine but the mixing/mastering is way different than his usual style of that era. also, i don't think he's done anything w/Touched before has he? hmm.. whatever.. it's a dope track. i dig it. 

a well rounded release. 

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