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Interviews, Documents and Pictures: Aphex Twin

Guest Silke

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Guest Dr. Elemeno von Hat X: PhD

neat, thanks.


Weidenbaum: In the time of Bach, people would write tunes based on their friends or loved one's names, each letter become a note. It's still done today, a kind of parlor game.


James: You'd have to have the right name. I don't know what the note K sounds like.


german notation actually has an H note, and so Bach stuck his name in that way. there's not really a K in music, but the -ch in Bach is somewhat close. a thought.

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Guest Mr. Magoo

theres only 12 chromatic notes in the scale right?


i wonder ifs it possbile to detune say for instance note c between c#, you would have a whole nother range to work with.


is that possible? like C C^1 C^2 C# C#^1 C#^2 ???

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Yeah I was about to say, microtones could be introduced and named as other letters. You could double the 12-note system to 24 for example, and just in-between frequencies.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 15 years later...

This interview from Muzik Magazine in 1996 when Mike & Rich came out has a lot of interesting stuff in it, primarily because they just got Mike and Rich very drunk on vodka and recorded them bickering. I had the magazine when it came out and then for a very long time I don't think this interview was on the internet anywhere until the lannerchronicle re-published it:


They essentially slag each other off quite a lot, in a laddish way but also in a way that you can see some of what they really think creeping in. And you get a sense of their personalities at the time. Lets just say that if you had to choose which one of them to be stuck in a lift with for six hours you'd definitely choose Mike.


Rich: “What’s up with you, Mike? You didn’t used to talk this much. I suppose the fame must have affected your personality.”

Mike: “No, I was just always quiet with you because you try to play games with people’s heads. You’re like a bully. And what you do with bullies is ignore them so they go away.”


Rich: “I don’t want to work with any electronic musicians for a while. But I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on you. Did you know that Mike’s girlfriend has an Aphex Twin tattoo on her ankle?”

Mike: “It’s only little.”

Rich: “I was thinking about it the other day, wondering how you are going to explain it when you kid asks, ‘What’s that on mummy’s leg?’.”


Mike: “You don’t do any promotion for the label. It’s crap.”

Rich: “What do you expect? We are just a couple of boys from Cornwall. We don’t know how to run a label.”

Mike: “Is that why people don’t know ‘Bluff Limbo’ has been re-released? And why you’ve sat on my best stuff?”

Rich: “We are waiting for Virgin to put money into promoting your next µ-ziq album before we release the older stuff.”

Mike: “Crap.”


Also has a picture of the famous tank.

Edited by zazen
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39 minutes ago, zazen said:

This interview from Muzik Magazine in 1996 when Mike & Rich came out has a lot of interesting stuff in it, primarily because they just got Mike and Rich very drunk on vodka and recorded them bickering. I had the magazine when it came out and then for a very long time I don't think this interview was on the internet anywhere until the lannerchronicle re-published it:


They essentially slag each other off quite a lot, in a laddish way but also in a way that you can see some of what they really think creeping in. And you get a sense of their personalities at the time. Lets just say that if you had to choose which one of them to be stuck in a lift with for six hours you'd definitely choose Mike.


Rich: “What’s up with you, Mike? You didn’t used to talk this much. I suppose the fame must have affected your personality.”

Mike: “No, I was just always quiet with you because you try to play games with people’s heads. You’re like a bully. And what you do with bullies is ignore them so they go away.”


Rich: “I don’t want to work with any electronic musicians for a while. But I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on you. Did you know that Mike’s girlfriend has an Aphex Twin tattoo on her ankle?”

Mike: “It’s only little.”

Rich: “I was thinking about it the other day, wondering how you are going to explain it when you kid asks, ‘What’s that on mummy’s leg?’.”


Mike: “You don’t do any promotion for the label. It’s crap.”

Rich: “What do you expect? We are just a couple of boys from Cornwall. We don’t know how to run a label.”

Mike: “Is that why people don’t know ‘Bluff Limbo’ has been re-released? And why you’ve sat on my best stuff?”

Rich: “We are waiting for Virgin to put money into promoting your next µ-ziq album before we release the older stuff.”

Mike: “Crap.”


Also has a picture of the famous tank.

lets cancel aphex twin

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

 Probably has been posted around before but it's a new one to me and pretty fun, popped up on my youtube feed. (audio of space age bachelor magazine interview)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Weird thing out of YouTube comments RE: the tank--somebody said: "Put two and two together folks. They don't let just anyone have access to tactical/weaponry stuff in Britain. RDJ has Royals somewhere in the line". I was curious if that had any traction. I always saw it as a working class hero tale of dad in the mines and mum at home but it feels "truthy" in a way.  

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3 hours ago, xxx said:

Weird thing out of YouTube comments RE: the tank--somebody said: "Put two and two together folks. They don't let just anyone have access to tactical/weaponry stuff in Britain. RDJ has Royals somewhere in the line". I was curious if that had any traction. I always saw it as a working class hero tale of dad in the mines and mum at home but it feels "truthy" in a way.  





seems easy enough to cop one

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Anyone having an idea what gear RDJ is using here? 

I can see Elektron Digitakt and Make Noise 0-Coast but what are those smaller devices? Just curios 


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4 minutes ago, cern said:

Anyone having an idea what gear RDJ is using here? 

I can see Elektron Digitakt and Make Noise 0-Coast but what are those smaller devices? Just curios 


This RDJ looks AI generated.

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