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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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BF3 - but fuck buying EA's rip off map packs and dog tags shite

Max Payne - MP is pretty interesting

Skyrim - VG Crack

Just Cause 2 for shits and giggles

Red Dead for cowboy on cowboy action

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Aliens Colonial Marines is starting to look seriously cool, especially on Wii U. a probable buy for me.




What's particularly compelling about the Wii U version? Not trolling, genuinely curious as what's 'better' in the Wii U version...

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LOL @ "Cloud" saves :emotawesomepm9:

Heh, I actually had no idea what it meant until just now - In my mind they were trying to flog the feature that the save files had an icon of Cloud or something !

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Aliens Colonial Marines is starting to look seriously cool, especially on Wii U. a probable buy for me.



i dont know, i saw some gameplay footage of it at E3. Was not impressed. the only cool thing was the fact that you could play as a xenomorph in multiplayer. but that would get boring after awhile.
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Well according to Gearbox, the Wii U engine will be by far the "prettiest" port, which no one has seen yet, and the game pad has added functionality as scanner, inventory, etc.



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Well according to Gearbox, the Wii U engine will be by far the "prettiest" port, which no one has seen yet, and the game pad has added functionality as scanner, inventory, etc.




Interesting - considering the comparison between the PS3 Batman and the Wii U version lent itself to being inferior to the PS3 version visually. Different game/studio though, so really apples and oranges.


In other news, Square Enix says they won't remake Final Fantasy VII until a current FF game surpasses it.


Looks like there will never be a remake of FF VII if that's the case.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

look, the Wii U, as with all Nintendo systems, will never be visually amazing compared to any system. reason being, Nintendo never puts high end cards into their systems. so their systems can't actually handle it. ever. thats why a Nintendo system is always cheaper. Sony and Microsoft will say "hey we got this awesome stuff inside" they then ramble off some names and bam, "our new system will be 600 bucks." and then people buy it.


If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.

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If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.


Right until Sony and Microsoft release their new consoles and no one will bother making third party games for the Wii U, because everybody wants to flex their graphics muscles on the new NEW consoles.

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If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.


Right until Sony and Microsoft release their new consoles and no one will bother making third party games for the Wii U, because everybody wants to flex their graphics muscles on the new NEW consoles.


LOL, so true. All Sony or Microsoft have to do is (and may have already done so) rattle off some near-final specs to developers, and the Wii U will unfortunately suffer the same fate as the Nintendo 64 and GameCube. People aren't going to fall for the Wii again.


Hell, even the Wii U looks like a Wii - imagine the clueless parent who at Christmas goes to get their kid's "Wii game" and ends up picking up a Wii instead of a Wii U and thinks they are smart as hell since the Wii will probably be down to 99USD by then.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.


Right until Sony and Microsoft release their new consoles and no one will bother making third party games for the Wii U, because everybody wants to flex their graphics muscles on the new NEW consoles.

yeah i know, its really sad. i just wish i could give people the benifit of the doubt that they will buy games cause they're good. but all the public wants is a game that looks real. im just so sick of playing games that are 10 hours long!
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Plus, a lot of people were wondering where all the third party support for the Wii U had gone. Last year Nintendo were talking about massive third party supporters (remember that video they showed of big time developers talking about how interesting it would be to develop games for the Wii U?) but at this year's E3 the only truly visible supporters were Ubisoft...... and EA... maybe? I don't even remember if EA showed any exclusive Wii U games?

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If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.


Right until Sony and Microsoft release their new consoles and no one will bother making third party games for the Wii U, because everybody wants to flex their graphics muscles on the new NEW consoles.

yeah i know, its really sad. i just wish i could give people the benifit of the doubt that they will buy games cause they're good. but all the public wants is a game that looks real. im just so sick of playing games that are 10 hours long!


But don't worry, there are enough Nintendo fans out there who will buy the Wii U for the first party games. I mean, who doesn't want to play the next big Mario game? Unless, it's Super Mario Sunshine 2 of course.

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Plus, a lot of people were wondering where all the third party support for the Wii U had gone. Last year Nintendo were talking about massive third party supporters (remember that video they showed of big time developers talking about how interesting it would be to develop games for the Wii U?) but at this year's E3 the only truly visible supporters were Ubisoft...... and EA... maybe? I don't even remember if EA showed any exclusive Wii U games?


UbiSoft I think was the only one showing any non-ported games, and even then, they never said "exclusive" to my recollection.


If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.


Right until Sony and Microsoft release their new consoles and no one will bother making third party games for the Wii U, because everybody wants to flex their graphics muscles on the new NEW consoles.

yeah i know, its really sad. i just wish i could give people the benifit of the doubt that they will buy games cause they're good. but all the public wants is a game that looks real. im just so sick of playing games that are 10 hours long!


But don't worry, there are enough Nintendo fans out there who will buy the Wii U for the first party games. I mean, who doesn't want to play the next big Mario game? Unless, it's Super Mario Sunshine 2 of course.


I predict Super Mario Wii U (unless it's a pack-in game) will be the worst selling Mario game so far - I just don't see any real innovation in it other than the HD and some new costumes.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

10 hours is not enough for you? I could see complaining about 6 hours or less, but 10-12 is about average for a decent length game...

dude, no......just.......no. that better be a joke. 10 hours is not a game. thats a game i beat in one sitting. most of the games i play are at least 40-50 hours. the longest game ive ever played hit at about 150 hours in one play through. but jokes on you cause you can't fully complete the game in one play through. you have to play the game twice. so really its a game that is about 300 hours.
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Plus, a lot of people were wondering where all the third party support for the Wii U had gone. Last year Nintendo were talking about massive third party supporters (remember that video they showed of big time developers talking about how interesting it would be to develop games for the Wii U?) but at this year's E3 the only truly visible supporters were Ubisoft...... and EA... maybe? I don't even remember if EA showed any exclusive Wii U games?


UbiSoft I think was the only one showing any non-ported games, and even then, they never said "exclusive" to my recollection.


If Nintendo can get this Third party thing to work out along with actually making games that will utilize the new controller along with making games that can be used with the Pro controller, they will demolish the competition. or at least every new PS item wont be WAY over priced.


Right until Sony and Microsoft release their new consoles and no one will bother making third party games for the Wii U, because everybody wants to flex their graphics muscles on the new NEW consoles.

yeah i know, its really sad. i just wish i could give people the benifit of the doubt that they will buy games cause they're good. but all the public wants is a game that looks real. im just so sick of playing games that are 10 hours long!


But don't worry, there are enough Nintendo fans out there who will buy the Wii U for the first party games. I mean, who doesn't want to play the next big Mario game? Unless, it's Super Mario Sunshine 2 of course.


I predict Super Mario Wii U (unless it's a pack-in game) will be the worst selling Mario game so far - I just don't see any real innovation in it other than the HD and some new costumes.


Yes x 2. But then on the other hand, New Super Mario Bros. sold 25 million copies, so even if the next one drops with a couple of million copies I still think Nintendo will be ok. The cost of a new New Super Mario Bros. game can't be that much.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I predict Super Mario Wii U (unless it's a pack-in game) will be the worst selling Mario game so far - I just don't see any real innovation in it other than the HD and some new costumes.

yeah probably, its really just the same game over again.
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Guest Frankie5fingers

10 hours is not a game

You can beat Super Mario Bros in under 10 minutes and that game's done all right ...

Errrrrrrrr.........fine. lol ill rephrase. 10 hours is not long enough for a SERIOUS game.
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Guest Frankie5fingers

how old are you, Frankie?

? you could have easily just looked at my profile dude. 20. why ask?
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Guest Frankie5fingers

Saying that SMB isn't a 'serious' game is kinda.. silly. nevermind.

the game is about a Japanese Italian plumber eating mushrooms, jumping into pipes, and saving a princess from a giant turtle. you really think thats "Serious". lol.
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LOL @ "Cloud" saves :emotawesomepm9:

Heh, I actually had no idea what it meant until just now - In my mind they were trying to flog the feature that the save files had an icon of Cloud or something !

lol at cloud anything.

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