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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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apparently gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale....


im looking at the following:


Silent Hill HD Collection (im still holding out hope that they release that big patch soon)

MGS HD Collection

Dark Souls

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Uncharted I & II double pack

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)

id go Silent Hill and Deus Ex. really any combo with Deus Ex. but id suggest not getting Fallout. New Vegas was total crap Compared to the others. but thats me. id suggest playing it at a friends place or something before committing to actually buying. just to see if you really like it.


oh i already have the F:NV regular version, one of my favorite games. Even though I still love F3, the desert made it seem that much more like a genuine wasteland. I still need to play the original two Fallouts.

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The Walking Dead - Episode 2



That was great. These episodic Walking Dead games are turning into my favourite thing in gaming lately. I need more.


Agreed. Definitely the best game(s) I've played this year.


Can you expand on why, is the writing better than the awful tv show? I've seen a small portion of the first one and it just looked like quicktime events and point and click.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

apparently gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale....


im looking at the following:


Silent Hill HD Collection (im still holding out hope that they release that big patch soon)

MGS HD Collection

Dark Souls

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Uncharted I & II double pack

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)

id go Silent Hill and Deus Ex. really any combo with Deus Ex. but id suggest not getting Fallout. New Vegas was total crap Compared to the others. but thats me. id suggest playing it at a friends place or something before committing to actually buying. just to see if you really like it.


oh i already have the F:NV regular version, one of my favorite games. Even though I still love F3, the desert made it seem that much more like a genuine wasteland. I still need to play the original two Fallouts.

oh ok. then if you already have it then for that i guess it comes down to wanting the add ons. i kinda felt like 3 had a lack with its add-ons. other than the Pitt. the rest seemed a bit........pointless. especially, i think it was called Anchorage. the story was cool but the reward was so fucking cheap. armor that never needs to be repaired. a little, you know, against the whole point of the game. but i don't know the add-ons for new vegas. so id look into that. as for Deus-Ex, you might really like that game. Uncharted, i haven't played but heard good reviews for it. but it seemed like one of those games that everyone says its good but its not. like the first 10-20 mins are awesome but then is the same all the way through. but the story i hear is pretty good. MGS, are great games. youll never be disappointed with those games. but if you already have em i wouldn't see the point of getting them again just cause of the graphics. but thats me. same goes for the silent hill games. Fun and great but really no point to have two copies. Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.
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apparently gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale....


im looking at the following:


Silent Hill HD Collection (im still holding out hope that they release that big patch soon)

MGS HD Collection

Dark Souls

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Uncharted I & II double pack

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)

id go Silent Hill and Deus Ex. really any combo with Deus Ex. but id suggest not getting Fallout. New Vegas was total crap Compared to the others. but thats me. id suggest playing it at a friends place or something before committing to actually buying. just to see if you really like it.


oh i already have the F:NV regular version, one of my favorite games. Even though I still love F3, the desert made it seem that much more like a genuine wasteland. I still need to play the original two Fallouts.

oh ok. then if you already have it then for that i guess it comes down to wanting the add ons. i kinda felt like 3 had a lack with its add-ons. other than the Pitt. the rest seemed a bit........pointless. especially, i think it was called Anchorage. the story was cool but the reward was so fucking cheap. armor that never needs to be repaired. a little, you know, against the whole point of the game. but i don't know the add-ons for new vegas. so id look into that. as for Deus-Ex, you might really like that game. Uncharted, i haven't played but heard good reviews for it. but it seemed like one of those games that everyone says its good but its not. like the first 10-20 mins are awesome but then is the same all the way through. but the story i hear is pretty good. MGS, are great games. youll never be disappointed with those games. but if you already have em i wouldn't see the point of getting them again just cause of the graphics. but thats me. same goes for the silent hill games. Fun and great but really no point to have two copies. Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


Don't forget you get the Chinese Stealth Suit..which can pretty much be a gamebreaker...god i loved that thing.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

apparently gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale....


im looking at the following:


Silent Hill HD Collection (im still holding out hope that they release that big patch soon)

MGS HD Collection

Dark Souls

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Uncharted I & II double pack

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)

id go Silent Hill and Deus Ex. really any combo with Deus Ex. but id suggest not getting Fallout. New Vegas was total crap Compared to the others. but thats me. id suggest playing it at a friends place or something before committing to actually buying. just to see if you really like it.


oh i already have the F:NV regular version, one of my favorite games. Even though I still love F3, the desert made it seem that much more like a genuine wasteland. I still need to play the original two Fallouts.

oh ok. then if you already have it then for that i guess it comes down to wanting the add ons. i kinda felt like 3 had a lack with its add-ons. other than the Pitt. the rest seemed a bit........pointless. especially, i think it was called Anchorage. the story was cool but the reward was so fucking cheap. armor that never needs to be repaired. a little, you know, against the whole point of the game. but i don't know the add-ons for new vegas. so id look into that. as for Deus-Ex, you might really like that game. Uncharted, i haven't played but heard good reviews for it. but it seemed like one of those games that everyone says its good but its not. like the first 10-20 mins are awesome but then is the same all the way through. but the story i hear is pretty good. MGS, are great games. youll never be disappointed with those games. but if you already have em i wouldn't see the point of getting them again just cause of the graphics. but thats me. same goes for the silent hill games. Fun and great but really no point to have two copies. Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


Don't forget you get the Chinese Stealth Suit..which can pretty much be a gamebreaker...god i loved that thing.

yeah that too. sweet. but still it kinda ruins the point of the game. especially since you can get them right when you start the game.
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Guest Mirezzi

Can you expand on why, is the writing better than the awful tv show? I've seen a small portion of the first one and it just looked like quicktime events and point and click.


Yeah, exactly. That show is so awful, I'm afraid to go anywhere near the game. I just downloaded the demo though, so we'll see. I also downloaded the Dragon's Dogma demo.


Just got back from GameStop. Traded in Red Dead, Demon's Souls, RE5 (god awful), and Uncharted 1.


I picked up Dark Souls and Arkham City. Stoked? You better believe it!

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Guest Mirezzi



If Dark Souls sucks, I will get Dragons Dogma!


I may not be man enough for these Souls games.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

fun fact: Fallout NV apparently holds the record for the most lines of dialogue in a game (about 65,000).


I loved Fallout 3 but haven't gotten onto NV yet. aging PC etc. I always become a total hoarder in games like these, it starts getting tedious. last night in Stalker I turned what should have been a simple 20-minute search-and-retrieve mission into a 2-hour grindfest of killing mercs and bandits (cheeki breeki!) and accumulating loot to sell for profit. I feel compelled to pick up every piece of junk and refrain from using my weapons/supplies as much as I can, which sometimes gets me killed :dry:

yeah but that adds to the fun of it. anyway you can increase the difficulty, not just increasing the difficulty bar, makes the game more intense. like the elder scrolls games. i NEVER buy anything in that game unless its part of a quest or something like that. i only use dropped items. it just makes it more fun.
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The Walking Dead - Episode 2



That was great. These episodic Walking Dead games are turning into my favourite thing in gaming lately. I need more.


Agreed. Definitely the best game(s) I've played this year.


Can you expand on why, is the writing better than the awful tv show? I've seen a small portion of the first one and it just looked like quicktime events and point and click.


The show has gotten better. It has gotten grittier and now it's finally going somewhere so that's a start.

But about the game... First of all, the story is what it is. Zombies attack and people want to survive - no government secrets or conspiracy theories - so it's basically a survival game just like mom used to make them where each attack counts for something and there are barely any weapons in the game.

Unlike the characters on the show, you actually feel for the characters in the game. I have no fucking idea how they've pulled that off, because that is something you never see in a video game. Sure, they are overly saturated, like he's the hillbilly, this is the kid you need to protect, here's the angry old racist, here's the girl who might end up being your love interest and so on. But when you're put in front a choice to do SOMETHING, that without a doubt will jeopardise someone's life, then you're really thinking it through - at least that's what I've been doing. Another thing that I find really interesting is that even though we've been exposed to gunshots and explosions for so fucking long in video games now there's something different about The Walking Dead. When you hear a gunshot in the game you know you're in deep shit or something has gone completely wrong and I've caught myself going 'oh shit' a couple of times when distant gun shots could be heard. I find this really interesting because the game somehow manages to leave you with a feeling that everything that happens counts for something. I've already done some terrible shit in the game, and instead of reloading my save game I've just accepted my choices and carried on - and yes, the characters will give you massive shit for some of the things you end up doing.


Plus, the characters look good and their feelings are clearly visible on their faces. The background though could have used some polish... but fuckit. The atmosphere is really good and that's all that matters to me. Oh, and the music is actually quite good as well.


Keep in mind that this game is in no way tied to the tv-show. It's its own thing. It takes place in the same world as the comic books but in a different location.

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Dark Souls is tough, though. prepare your anus patience.


Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)


fun fact: Fallout NV apparently holds the record for the most lines of dialogue in a game (about 65,000).


I loved Fallout 3 but haven't gotten onto NV yet. aging PC etc. I always become a total hoarder in games like these, it starts getting tedious. last night in Stalker I turned what should have been a simple 20-minute search-and-retrieve mission into a 2-hour grindfest of killing mercs and bandits (cheeki breeki!) and accumulating loot to sell for profit. I feel compelled to pick up every piece of junk and refrain from using my weapons/supplies as much as I can, which sometimes gets me killed :dry:


Stalker? As in Shadow of Chernobyl? lol is it "cheeki breeki?" the hoodlums are saying? I always thought they were saying "Shakey Breaky"...

Anyway that game is great. I might play it again after I finish Deus Ex.


"Get out of here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R."

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Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


And you call yourself a hardcore gamer...pfft. Hand in your Nintendo Power Club card and go take a poop on your NES.

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Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


And you call yourself a hardcore gamer...pfft. Hand in your Nintendo Power Club card and go take a poop on your NES.



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Guest Mirezzi

I downloaded the Walking Dead demo last night and thought it was really cool. $20 per episode a decent price, Squee? For the amount of content?


My wife even thought it was fun...it's heavily narrative-driven and linear which is fine by me.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


And you call yourself a hardcore gamer...pfft. Hand in your Nintendo Power Club card and go take a poop on your NES.

i never bought it cause when it came out i was not paying 60 bucks for any game. the whole lack of a job makes my purchases kinda restricted. so yeah, thanks for pointing out my shitty life. :cry:
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I downloaded the Walking Dead demo last night and thought it was really cool. $20 per episode a decent price, Squee? For the amount of content?


My wife even thought it was fun...it's heavily narrative-driven and linear which is fine by me.


$20 per episode? On what platform? Each episode is only $10 on the Xbox Marketplace. If you buy it on Steam (which is also a LOT cheaper) you buy all the episodes at once and each episode will automatically be patched in once it's released.


It's linear in the way that it has a story arc but it's quite flexible and takes your actions into account so it never feels as if you're on rails. At least that's how I've experienced it so far.

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Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


And you call yourself a hardcore gamer...pfft. Hand in your Nintendo Power Club card and go take a poop on your NES.

i never bought it cause when it came out i was not paying 60 bucks for any game. the whole lack of a job makes my purchases kinda restricted. so yeah, thanks for pointing out my shitty life. :cry:


Cry me a river... and I never pay 60 bucks for a game anymore... I can wait a few months and catch them on sale or wait even longer and they hit the bargain bin (case in point - Demon's Souls I paid 20 bucks for, and Dark Souls I paid 40 for on sale about a month after it came out).


And get a job! :wink:

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Dark souls, I know nothing about. so your on your own for that one.


And you call yourself a hardcore gamer...pfft. Hand in your Nintendo Power Club card and go take a poop on your NES.

i never bought it cause when it came out i was not paying 60 bucks for any game. the whole lack of a job makes my purchases kinda restricted. so yeah, thanks for pointing out my shitty life. :cry:


Cry me a river... and I never pay 60 bucks for a game anymore... I can wait a few months and catch them on sale or wait even longer and they hit the bargain bin (case in point - Demon's Souls I paid 20 bucks for, and Dark Souls I paid 40 for on sale about a month after it came out).


And get a job! :wink:

IVE NEVER STOP TRYING. *sob sob* lol. trust me, where i live there is literally no jobs at all. im so leaving this town when i get the chance.
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10 hours is not a game

You can beat Super Mario Bros in under 10 minutes and that game's done all right ...

Errrrrrrrr.........fine. lol ill rephrase. 10 hours is not long enough for a SERIOUS game.


honestly, i don't mean any offense by this but it's attitudes like this that have turned the world of modern video games into mediocre RPG/strategy point and click time waster horse shit. by saying a serious game cannot be beat in under 10 years just goes to show how conditioned you've become to the marketing angle videogame companies play into these days. Instead of just making a really fun awesome game that takes the same time to beat as an original NES game, they fill it to the brim with so much unnecessary boring crap to make it feel worth your money.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

10 hours is not a game

You can beat Super Mario Bros in under 10 minutes and that game's done all right ...

Errrrrrrrr.........fine. lol ill rephrase. 10 hours is not long enough for a SERIOUS game.


honestly, i don't mean any offense by this but it's attitudes like this that have turned the world of modern video games into mediocre RPG/strategy point and click time waster horse shit.

no offense taken, but you apparently haven't really followed this. cause i was joking about the whole thing.
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10 hours is not a game

You can beat Super Mario Bros in under 10 minutes and that game's done all right ...

Errrrrrrrr.........fine. lol ill rephrase. 10 hours is not long enough for a SERIOUS game.


honestly, i don't mean any offense by this but it's attitudes like this that have turned the world of modern video games into mediocre RPG/strategy point and click time waster horse shit.

no offense taken, but you apparently haven't really followed this. cause i was joking about the whole thing.


guilty as charged i didn't read 299 pages of this thread

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Guest Frankie5fingers

10 hours is not a game

You can beat Super Mario Bros in under 10 minutes and that game's done all right ...

Errrrrrrrr.........fine. lol ill rephrase. 10 hours is not long enough for a SERIOUS game.


honestly, i don't mean any offense by this but it's attitudes like this that have turned the world of modern video games into mediocre RPG/strategy point and click time waster horse shit.

no offense taken, but you apparently haven't really followed this. cause i was joking about the whole thing.


guilty as charged i didn't read 299 pages of this thread

lol its fine. it kinda went over everyone's head and turned into a running gag against me. so really its on me. lol
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so i bought the deus Ex because Im a cheap bastard...Dark Souls looked enticing, but ill wait until its in the 20 dollar range.

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