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Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I really don't understand how people can get excited about single player when there's so many bad ass MP games. No game experience can come close to touching on the entertainment of mobbin deep with your friends, joking around like ricky retardo's while using brilliant teamwork and fucking owning teh universe.

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I really don't understand how people can get excited about single player when there's so many bad ass MP games. No game experience can come close to touching on the entertainment of mobbin deep with your friends, joking around like ricky retardo's while using brilliant teamwork and fucking owning teh universe.


probably because all of my fondest memories growing up were from playing single player games on the NES/SNES, though 2 player Mario World was fun as hell.



I never got into multiplayer games, dunno why...too much shit talking from people Ive never met, its not the same as having your mates over playing up a game of something, but I can't even do that...most of my friends are grownup and don't play viddy games hahaha.

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I really don't understand how people can get excited about single player when there's so many bad ass MP games. No game experience can come close to touching on the entertainment of mobbin deep with your friends, joking around like ricky retardo's while using brilliant teamwork and fucking owning teh universe.

Thats what MMO's are for...

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I really don't understand how people can get excited about single player when there's so many bad ass MP games. No game experience can come close to touching on the entertainment of mobbin deep with your friends, joking around like ricky retardo's while using brilliant teamwork and fucking owning teh universe.


Because singleplayer is engaging in a whole different way. Multiplayer is usually the uptempo version of a certain game - let's just say Call of Duty and Modern Warfare. It's instant action and you don't really have to pay attention to anything but your trigger finger. The singleplayer is a whole different experience that, hopefully, brings a story to the table. It's true that it's not always innovative stories but every now and then they hit the spot. And even though I'm not always fond of scripted sequences they do actually work because if they're pulled off correctly they bring something deeper to the games that multiplayer will never be able to do. These scripted sequences bring atmosphere to games. What would Half-Life2 (the first game I could think of) be without some of the scripted sequences? It would have been rather dull, wouldn't it?


Multiplayer is like watching a good action movie where they cut away the story; it's fun and fast paced but it doesn't really show off the real game.

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i think the fact that in hl2 they're not cutscenes, and that you retained control of the character during them is equally important. it's part of what made it such an immersive game.

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Here's a music analogy.


Single player is like listening to an Autechre record (or insert any artist you consider "thinking music"). More depth, atmosphere, pacing and mood.

Multiplayer is like listening to an Atari Teenage Riot record (insert "banging music" here). Faster, harder, more... immediate.



Shit analogy!

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Here's a music analogy.


Single player is like listening to an Autechre record (or insert any artist you consider "thinking music"). More depth, atmosphere, pacing and mood.

Multiplayer is like listening to an Atari Teenage Riot record (insert "banging music" here). Faster, harder, more... immediate.



Shit analogy!


No, I liked it. Good boy.

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Here's a music analogy.


Single player is like listening to an Autechre record (or insert any artist you consider "thinking music"). More depth, atmosphere, pacing and mood.

Multiplayer is like listening to an Atari Teenage Riot record (insert "banging music" here). Faster, harder, more... immediate.



Shit analogy!


No, I liked it. Good boy.


Thanks pa :biggrin:

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Guest assegai

I just borrowed assassins creed 2 and it sucks


I just borrowed assassins creed 2 and it sucks


The voice acting sucks testicles but it's a lot better than the first one.


it's better but still sucks.

"Find the secret room EZIO" you mean the secret room that's glowing and on my radar?

What's the point of the "stealth" aspect of the game when I can easily kill every guard in the game one-by-one with X+X+X+X slice+slice+slice

I never "blend" you can just go around slicing the shit out of everybody with no consequences...

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Adding a few new mission types and extras does not cut it. But well it's Ubisoft, they can create huge worlds and some shiny graphics (although the animations and facial expressions are already dated), but they can't make a fun or interesting game. They also make tons horrible design choices. The puzzle games are done in Flash for some reason, look like shit and seem to run at 5fps. Bad controls, boring/restraining gameplay, awful characters, bad framerates... And it's not worth finishing either. Stupid ending, stupid storyline.

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Adding a few new mission types and extras does not cut it. But well it's Ubisoft, they can create huge worlds and some shiny graphics (although the animations and facial expressions are already dated), but they can't make a fun or interesting game. They also make tons horrible design choices. The puzzle games are done in Flash for some reason, look like shit and seem to run at 5fps. Bad controls, boring/restraining gameplay, awful characters, bad framerates... And it's not worth finishing either. Stupid ending, stupid storyline.


are you talking about assassin's creed? how are the puzzles badly done? the game generally ran really smoothly for me (i played the game on xbox360), even the puzzles did. i thought the game was really fun and cool. i'm not getting the hate.

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I just borrowed assassins creed 2 and it sucks


I just borrowed assassins creed 2 and it sucks


The voice acting sucks testicles but it's a lot better than the first one.


it's better but still sucks.

"Find the secret room EZIO" you mean the secret room that's glowing and on my radar?

What's the point of the "stealth" aspect of the game when I can easily kill every guard in the game one-by-one with X+X+X+X slice+slice+slice

I never "blend" you can just go around slicing the shit out of everybody with no consequences...


that's one of the reasons i actually like the franchise, you are practically superhuman...you cant really die, just fuck up missions...but i can see how people would hate that.


oh btw, i stopped bothering with the pieces of eden after doing like 3 of them....is the payoff even worth it?

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lol... You are gonna be severely disappointed if your hyping it up that Rage is the only game that will be worth playing. Hopefully the engine is perfectly fine tuned and we will see some amazing mods for it but I can pretty well guarantee that ID is gonna all of a sudden crank out a dynamic vast gameplay experience that you can really write home about these days.


you mean isn't, i think. you know that Bethesda Softworks bought id Software, right? :rdjgrin:



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im saving up to get the orange box and finally play the epic 3 parts of half life 2. i really need a massive epic game, right now, getting bored with mw2


http://www.shopto.net/XBOX%20360/VIDEO%20GAMES/XB2HA06-Half%20Life%202%20The%20Orange%20Box.html - 14.95 pounds. It's a steal.


that really is incredible value. of course with the xbox, you miss out on a TON of TF2 shit and portal is a strangely ...emptier experience than on pc. i can't quite put my finger on it.

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I just borrowed assassins creed 2 and it sucks


I just borrowed assassins creed 2 and it sucks


The voice acting sucks testicles but it's a lot better than the first one.


it's better but still sucks.

"Find the secret room EZIO" you mean the secret room that's glowing and on my radar?

What's the point of the "stealth" aspect of the game when I can easily kill every guard in the game one-by-one with X+X+X+X slice+slice+slice

I never "blend" you can just go around slicing the shit out of everybody with no consequences...


that's one of the reasons i actually like the franchise, you are practically superhuman...you cant really die, just fuck up missions...but i can see how people would hate that.


oh btw, i stopped bothering with the pieces of eden after doing like 3 of them....is the payoff even worth it?



it plays a video where adam and eve are running away from eden, which looks like a futuristic city that employs slave labor using the pieces of eden. there's also some stuff about aliens mixed up in there, like you saw at the end of the game. it's interesting. i liked the puzzles actually, they were a nice change of pace.


here's the video:






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I hit the cheap bin at gamestop and picked up 'mass effect' (pretty slick game so far), 'turning point' (who doesnt love shooting nazis - especially when they invade new york?), and 'two worlds' (for some RPG action...). Waiting for bioshock 2, SWTOR, and the new dragon age expansion...

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol... You are gonna be severely disappointed if your hyping it up that Rage is the only game that will be worth playing. Hopefully the engine is perfectly fine tuned and we will see some amazing mods for it but I can pretty well guarantee that ID is gonna all of a sudden crank out a dynamic vast gameplay experience that you can really write home about these days.


you mean isn't, i think. you know that Bethesda Softworks bought id Software, right? :rdjgrin:




Ya I meant isn't but I stand corrected in more ways than one, it very well could be worth writing home about. The technology really is amazing how its rendering so much high quality textures. I don't get why someone of the character models have such weirdly shaped polygon arms and such. Probably will be the shit but I'm still more happy about the games that will come after its engine advancements.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

BTW I just got the global agenda beta a few days ago because a bunch of my homies made me... I wish I wouldn't have got it because its taken over my life. I really well made MMO-FPS-RPG "for sho"



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that looks interesting! i'm not much in to RPGs but i think they could work when you mix it up like that. Warhawk (ps3) is kinda like that where you fly around but can also fight on the ground FPS style, which is almost more fun.


but yea, i wasn't expecting it from id either. for them being such pioneers in the past they really did fade in to the background for a while so it's good to see Carmack back at it. They did put out a free version of quake 3 that's played through a browser, which is cool.

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