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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

With the way I'm evolving my studio, improvising music has become just as immediately entertaining and fast paced challenging as an intense multiplayer game with my friends. I'm hoping this keeps up and multitasking music creation stays more entertaining than videogames. Probably wont though and I will go back to being unproductive by means of steam powered entertainment. I really should just cancel my internet and remove my steam from my hard drive... the idea almost seems smart until a week from now when I realize I need it back.. god damn unproductive entertaining addictions

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Guest AcrossCanyons

been playing a lot of team fortress 2 on xbl recently. any players? (xbl version)


getting continuous spy backstabs must be the most satisfying streak ever

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I've been playing Painkiller (2004) recently. It's great.


yes! i was way into that game's multiplayer back in 04/05. it's incredibly fast, like a hardcore version of quakeworld. very very fast 1vs1 duelling.


then warsow came around which was pretty much a hardcore super-competitive version of painkiller's multiplayer and everyone switched to that. it was even more movement-focused than painkiller, even more intricate trickjumping and such. i wonder if warsow's still being played.

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alan wake


How you finding it?


I completed it yesterday, good game but all the spooky forests start to really tire. No variation whatsoever. Game could do with being at least a little bit creepy too.


Pretty good though. Hope they never do a sequel.

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I'm about 19 hours into Dragon Quest IV for the DS. Classic RPG. Will be playing more of Red Dead Redemption soon. How soon? Right now.

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Battlefield 2 online (PS3)


Very addictive. IMO better than COD.




I agree too. I used to play MW2 all the time but I just play BC2 now. I tried playing MW2 yesterday and it wasn't at all how I remembered it and the movement and lighting just seems totally messed up, maps feel cramped. BC2 is a lot more rewarding. I just fully unlocked all of the engineer class, got the UMP. Sniping is a lot of fun in BC2.

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Guest Gary C

Just completed Alan Wake. It was good. Possibly one of the best visually pleasing games I've ever seen. The weather effects and detail of the levels was just amazing.

Unfortunately the enemies are very repetitive. Not really any originality or increase in challenge as you progress.


The ending was a little bit of a let-down. I expected a better boss, but it leads well into the ethereal nature of the downloadable content.


Probably a 7/10. Looks great, enthralling storyline (mostly during the opening plot set-ups of each episode), great sense of dread, but does become monotonous and you'll end up just running past enemies in the latter stages.

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on Xbox Live, Limbo and Monday Night Combat are both great games worth buying. they're doing some deal in August where you get some MS points back when you buy several of the summer XBL releases for 2010.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Mafia II demo on steam.

wasn't very sure of its performance on my pc but it actually runs reasonably good. it's visually catchy and i hope the story is consistent.

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Mafia II demo on steam.

wasn't very sure of its performance on my pc but it actually runs reasonably good. it's visually catchy and i hope the story is consistent.


I didn't have high hopes for this game, because early on they promised to much, but they never showed anything - or at least not any of the things they had promised. I then tried the demo (Xbox360) and the graphics aren't that great. It really suffers from the consoles' inability to use anti aliasing and the framerate was horrible. So all in all - not good. It might change though. I mean, this is obviously a demo that is AT LEAST 6 months old because the demo level is one of the first ones they ever demonstrated in front of a live audience... but still...


Also, Nolan North... stop voice acting in every fucking game. Please.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Mafia II demo on steam.

wasn't very sure of its performance on my pc but it actually runs reasonably good. it's visually catchy and i hope the story is consistent.


I didn't have high hopes for this game, because early on they promised to much, but they never showed anything - or at least not any of the things they had promised. I then tried the demo (Xbox360) and the graphics aren't that great. It really suffers from the consoles' inability to use anti aliasing and the framerate was horrible. So all in all - not good. It might change though. I mean, this is obviously a demo that is AT LEAST 6 months old because the demo level is one of the first ones they ever demonstrated in front of a live audience... but still...


Also, Nolan North... stop voice acting in every fucking game. Please.


i can't comment on the first part, as i haven't followed the development at all.

the graphics might not be that amazing (i won't compare to other games) but they create a pleasant atmosphere and you can feel the 40's and 50's. i am not really excited about it, but deserves a try for sure :)

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Guest ruiagnelo

The music is great!


Indeed, i enjoyed the soundtrack a lot.

i understand your disapproval about the graphics, and i have to admit they are far from amazing, considering the ridiculous tecnhical requirements established. but i guess they work in the same way as, when you observe painting that is not technically perfect, but you forget that because you get the message.

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