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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest abreaktor

Up 7/10


Those stupid fucking dogs ruined it.

absolutely. watched it with/because of the girl recently and enjoyed it very much... but who the fuck comes up with such a ridiculous idea. didnt really ruin it, but it was very offputting. damn.

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Up 7/10


Those stupid fucking dogs ruined it.

word. the rest was great, but fuck those stupid dogs and their "funny action" sequences. that shit felt like it was shoehorned in there to keep the adhd kids satisfied.

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Up 7/10


Those stupid fucking dogs ruined it.

word. the rest was great, but fuck those stupid dogs and their "funny action" sequences. that shit felt like it was shoehorned in there to keep the adhd kids satisfied.


Exactly, but I actually liked the nice dog's remark when it first meets Carl, "My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.". That summarises a labrador quite well.

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Guest abreaktor

also, mad props to this thread and the combined cinema knowledge here. gave me the heads-up to a bunch of pretty unknown yet awesome movies. thanks again and keep em coming!

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Guest Fat Roland

I'm off to see Nine this afternoon. Not 9. That's the sci fi one with the cloth dolls. This one is a musical. It could be awful.

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Up 7/10


Those stupid fucking dogs ruined it.

word. the rest was great, but fuck those stupid dogs and their "funny action" sequences. that shit felt like it was shoehorned in there to keep the adhd kids satisfied.


Exactly, but I actually liked the nice dog's remark when it first meets Carl, "My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.". That summarises a labrador quite well.


lol, I thought Doug was the only good, non-cliche part of the film. Just like I thought Dory was the best part of Finding Nemo.

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Up 7/10


Those stupid fucking dogs ruined it.

word. the rest was great, but fuck those stupid dogs and their "funny action" sequences. that shit felt like it was shoehorned in there to keep the adhd kids satisfied.


Exactly, but I actually liked the nice dog's remark when it first meets Carl, "My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.". That summarises a labrador quite well.


lol, I thought Doug was the only good, non-cliche part of the film. Just like I thought Dory was the best part of Finding Nemo.


Yeah, Doug was pretty cool but I can't even imagine the things going through the writers' heads when they we're coming up with the idea that the doberman's voice should be pitched three octaves up.


Also, this most the first Disney animation since The Beauty and the Beast to feature blood.

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The Corpse Grinders (1971) - 6/10


"When the Lotus Cat Food Company finds itself in financial trouble, the owners decide to find a new, cheap source of meat -- the local graveyard. Only one problem -- soon cats develop a taste for human flesh, and tabbies are tearing out throats all over town."


Wonderfully awful. Some of the worst continuity in a movie I've ever seen. One character is killed 3 different times.

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Yeah, Doug was pretty cool but I can't even imagine the things going through the writers' heads when they we're coming up with the idea that the doberman's voice should be pitched three octaves up.


Also, this most the first Disney animation since The Beauty and the Beast to feature blood.


I dunno, I thought the whole premise for the film was basically a set-up without a plot. You've got an old widower who wants to take his house to a south american waterfall, along with his vaguely asian kid sidekick, and then...what? I got the feeling the writers didn't really know what to do when they made it to their destination. Hence the rather tacked-on subplot involving the explorer searching for the dodo bird in his massive zeppelin...i didn't find the dogs any more absurd than any other element of the second half of the film, after everything changed gears. Honestly I preferred the goofiness to what I thought was the pretty maudlin tear-jerking of the first half. Call me callous, but they didn't succeed in making me give a crap about the guy or his dead wife, it was too paint-by-numbers.



Wonderfully awful. Some of the worst continuity in a movie I've ever seen. One character is killed 3 different times.


lol! how is that possible?

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Call me callous, but they didn't succeed in making me give a crap about the guy or his dead wife, it was too paint-by-numbers.

it might sound not too manly, but actually i cried like a baby. i mean it, i wept for good 10 minutes. something just broke inside of me.

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lol, i know. it's just... imagine being yourself in that old man's shoes. you are left alone. the unrealized plans you had together - pain. the loneliness - pain. everything around you constantly reminding you of her - pain. it really doesn't change anything if you tell me it's cheap, it still hurts me, if i imagine myself in his position.


and the real pain, of course, is in knowing that some day i will be in his position. :sad:

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lol, i know. it's just... imagine being yourself in that old man's shoes. you are left alone. the unrealized plans you had together - pain. the loneliness - pain. everything around you constantly reminding you of her - pain. it really doesn't change anything if you tell me it's cheap, it still hurts me, if i imagine myself in his position.


and the real pain, of course, is in knowing that some day i will be in his position. :sad:


kokoon, you mustn't forget that it was YOU that made UP complete at the emotional point. You needed it and it needed you. That doesn't make it worth everyone's emotions.

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Transsiberian was Ok, but i've never understood this love surrounding Session 9. I heard people rave about it as one of the best modern horror thrillers of the decade and was frankly shocked at how generic and unremarkable the movie was, not to mention awful acting by David Caruso. the fact that it's at a 6.8 on imdb baffles me, i'd give it like a 3/10

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Fargo - 9/10 - Rewatched on blu ray... I meant to watch it with the DP commentary but ended up forgetting to turn them on after the opening scene engulfed me. I'll try again tomorrow.


Pontypool - 8/10 - One of the better zombie films I have seen as of late... very fresh in that it is a thinker, not a slasher. It was pretty damn tasteful too for today's standards. I need to give it another watch.


Obsessed - 4/10 - Watched this with the girlfriend. Hollywood 101.


The Silence - 9/10 - All around excellent film in typical Bergman fashion.


anything else you could suggest that is like Pontypool? i liked that it relied more on the viewers imagination to transmit horror, rather then showing it upfront


Well, hopefully I'm not bring too obvious... Hitchcock :)


Zerkalo (2nd time) - 10.1/10

The only Tarkovsky film I don't own :(

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Brotherhood/Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo





The story is quite simple: Two brothers go to war and the older one promises his mother to take care of his younger brother. But screw the story, because the action scenes are awesome. The action sequences can't help but remind you of the opening scene from Saving Private Ryan. The only difference is that Saving Private Ryan had 3 action scenes whereas this one has 15 or so. Just when you think everything has cooled down an explosion tears down a building and all hell breaks loose again.

If you like watching people getting blown to pieces by cool explosions (explosions full of dirty and mud and not anything like the fire-filled explosions from Michael Bay's craptastic movies) and people getting shot in the face then you're in for a treat. It's like a 2 and a half hour long Saving Private Ryan taking place during the Korean War.

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Transsiberian was Ok, but i've never understood this love surrounding Session 9. I heard people rave about it as one of the best modern horror thrillers of the decade and was frankly shocked at how generic and unremarkable the movie was, not to mention awful acting by David Caruso. the fact that it's at a 6.8 on imdb baffles me, i'd give it like a 3/10


Hearing such grand things abut Session 9 must have undoubtedly given you high expectations.

I was lucky in that for me it was one of those films that I had heard very little about and watched it alone late one night. Perfect setting for a movie like this. I really enjoyed the atmosphere in it, nice contrast of creepy stuff going on in really sunny weather struck me as quite unique. It's not the best movie ever made, but one of those nice little...gems, and seemed to stick with me for a while.

I have actually not seen Caruso in many things, vaguely recall him from some stuff in the early nineties. Thought his performance was well fitting for his slightly high strung character trying to keep the team at peace though.

The acting in general was positively sober and believable.

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The Reflecting Skin - ?/10 - Not really sure, at all, what to make of this. It was like Days of Heaven getting chewed on my David Cronenberg then spit down David Lynch esophagus thus digesting into this celluloid nightmare. It's beautifully shot and edited but I felt rather cold towards its characters and fractionated story. I got and understood the loss of innocence and picked up on the Freudian violence on children spittle but fuck me was it over acted with a few too many mouthfuls of pretentiousness. maybe I'm just not in the right frame of mind for this film.

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