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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Adjective

i've been crushing on zooey since she sang in Elf





watched Primer last night. very impressed. it kinda runs through my fingers, like i only had a grasp on portions but never the whole. will rewatch

"there's always leaks"

i'll say it drifts between 6/10 and 9/10 depending on the scene


you have to watch it again imo. I've seen it probably 10 times and pick up new things with every watch.


unlike a David Lynch film re watching ex cerise you do actually get concrete realizations from Primer that build over time, when i try to rewatch say Inland Empire its just like my brian is slammed with a movie version of an ink-blot every time and my interpretation is completely rewhacked.


I think primer is pretty easy to understand once you know


the guy's copy kept his original self upstairs in the attic. Something that isn't really explained visually in the movie btw. Certainly didnt pick up on it my first time watching, wasn't until the dvd when i watched the director's commentary.


i think my brain (brian) just can't buffer all the info. after i watched it the first time, i set it on repeat and fell asleep to it. even then, drifting in and out i'd see something and think "oh that makes sense" but i didn't remember seeing it the first time.. then i'll focus on that and the parts i focused on the first time seem new again. i'm sure lots of people can get everything they need in the first viewing, but i've got the short term memory of a 70 year old. probably why i like david lynch, just enjoy the lost trip. i noticed there's a primer site and forum and it looks like the writer/director even moderates it. maybe when review eventually grows dull i'll dig through there, looks like it's been examined to death.



i remember seeing the copies and some foul play going on with them, but i didn't really comprehend for what purpose


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Guest Mirezzi

Il Postino- really nice movie...it was a pleasure to watch something simple and touching. the actor playing main character in this one is perfect, really.


Yeah, I believe he died of cancer shortly after the release of the film. :mellow:

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Taxidermia - 9/10 - although sickening in some parts, it was a pleasure to watch, if that makes any sense.

Ponyo On The Cliff - 8/10 - I kind of liked how there wasn't much conflict throughout, so it was very entertaining for the senses in almost every way.

Ghost Town - 6/10 - Fun to watch, but probably wouldn't watch it again

Horton Hears A Who - 7/10 - Great art style in tune with the book, thought the ending sucked.

Double Life Of Veronique - 9/10 - Not quite sure what it all meant but I loved it anyways, although the green/yellow color filter over everything was a little much.

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Guest Mr Salads

500 days of summer - 8/10


Im glad I saw it actually there was some good stuff in there. Im fucking gay for gordon levitt

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Guest zaphod

it was ok. i wasn't really in the mood for it when i watched it. i don't like zooey deschanel so that didn't help. it had its moments, but i have a feeling people aren't gonna shut the fuck up about it once it gets a wide release.

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the hurt locker 10/10


best film i've seen this year


quite interested in this. Out of Kathryn Bigelow's other films I've only seen Point Break and Strange Days. I found the latter to be really excessive in parts when I saw it in theaters, but there's no doubt in my mind she's one of the best directors of action films, and highly underrated.

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Guest zaphod

it's what her films were building toward but far more mature. i like the way a lot of her films deal with groups of men in these kind of hyper macho situations. i was impressed that it took place in iraq and didn't have a political agenda. it was just pure action. and then the acting and tone was really minimal and basically note perfect.

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Guest Mirezzi

I don't like Zooey Deschanel either, and that trailer made me LOL heartily.


"500 days....of ecstasy...of tenderness...500 days...of Summer...of Tom...of heartbreak....500 days of loneliness..."



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Guest zaphod

she strikes me as extremely insincere and spoiled. and her music blows. it was basically just a twee little indie film about a guy who doesn't realize that liking the smiths probably isn't solid ground for a relationship. i can guarantee it's going to be quoted and loved by every sheepish little cardigan wearing twat around.

revised score 5/10 lol

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zooey deschanel is one of the most unappealing female leads in the history of movies


the hurt locker 10/10


best film i've seen this year


quite interested in this. Out of Kathryn Bigelow's other films I've only seen Point Break and Strange Days. I found the latter to be really excessive in parts when I saw it in theaters, but there's no doubt in my mind she's one of the best directors of action films, and highly underrated.


i was kind of hesitant to see the Hurt Locker, mainly because yeah she was the director of Point Break and Strange Days, two ridiculously flawed movies that i find to be barely watchable now.

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Guest zaphod

dude just go see it. although in your case you'll probably find a reason to dislike it. but it's nothing like either of those movies.

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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me


i only watched the series before


6/10, didn't really enjoy it and Audrey wasn't in it

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i don't pay the $10.50 for many movies these days, ill probably wait till it comes on video. I'm just a little surprised by the hype it is getting. Its definitely the most talked about indie film at the moment. i don't see why i would find a reason to hate it ?

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Guest zaphod

oh i can think of some. it doesn't really address the iraq war in any political or ideological terms, which is a strength, but you might not like that, having seen your reactions to other media on this board. although you sort of liked generation kill, right? i would suggest you see it in a theater if you're going to watch it at all.

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i admire a film that is about the Iraq war without being political. it's films that are political that try to create some sort of balancing effect (mostly just a generic left or right balancing effect, nothing even resembling a moderate or actual realistic middle point of view) that i cannot stand. If you ARE going to have an obvious political agenda, i think you should at least have the balls to take it all the way and make it fairly clear.

One of the most hilarious examples of what i'm talking about was that showtime program Sleeper Cell. And i did like Generation Kill, i found it to just be ultra authentic.

My Reactions to movies like 'United 93' (could be what you are referring to) was mainly based in the idea that i felt the movie had an extremely intense political agenda but was oddly portrayed by many reviewers and members of this board in particular that it was a completely non political film.

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Guest beatfanatic

the hurt locker 10/10


best film i've seen this year


amen brother


we can finally agree on something.

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