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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest viscosity

has anyone seen tyrannosaur? now that film made me feel like shit, in a good/unusual way, if that makes sense. great drama

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Drive: 7.5/10 Fun, tense, but overly too cool for my taste.


Rare exports: 7/10 Fun, interesting idea, but some elements didn't fit that well in there


Pirates of the Caribbean 4: 4/10 The kid in me, that loves pirates also loves pirate movies and this movie has pirates everywhere. It's a shitty movie though


The Expendables: 7/10 Fun, I loved all those stars doing their thing. I can't give it more for lack of depth and moral.

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Fright Night (1985) - 8/10

anybody know where to find a downloadable copy of this OST? it has some great FM synth music by Brad Fiedel, the composer of Terminator 1 and 2


Fright Night (2011) - 5/10

why do all big budget hollywood movies blow their load in the first 15 minutes? The suspense and build up from the original film is totally absent and is replaced by over the top scenes of CGI spectacle. If you think the fx in the new thing suck compared to the original, watch both Fright Nights back to back (and you will find you can lower the bar even more).

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Kill List - 7/10


A mate told me it was his favourite of the year. I'm not sure what else he watched though?


I did enjoy it up to a certain point. You can probably guess when.

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Just watched Melancholia...not very good. And if Tarkovsky was still alive he'd have grounds to sue Von Trier, Trier lifts a shot of a Breughel (sp?) painting directly from Solaris...made me lose quite a bit of respect for him. His aping of Tarkovsky has now reached absurd proportions (there are lots of other heavily Tarkovsky moments as well...getting caught in the hailstorm...the dark horse running about...)


Strangely, some of the more striking/unsettling shots happened at the start of the movie (the planets touching, the birds falling from the sky...)...not sure why he chose to "use them up" in the prologue, when they would have probably been more effective at the end.


I thought the music really didn't fit at all, and undercut the emotion. The background sound of the planet approaching was enough, they didn't need the twee strings better suited to a "Midsummer Night's Dream" (have no idea what big-name composer did the main piece...still didn't fit)


Disappoint. 5/10 for the effects and Kirsten Dunst's tits.

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TinkerToys Sailor Tool Time-6/10


Interesting thriller..good but not great. Oldman does a fantastic job as always....Hardy was sorta "meh"...most of the other actors were the same...I felt like it was an Oldman acting vehicle...none of the other big names really had anything relevant to contribute other than warm bodies for the camera.


The ending sorta ruined it for me. Anyone that has seen it would certainly know why.

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Strangely, some of the more striking/unsettling shots happened at the start of the movie (the planets touching, the birds falling from the sky...)...not sure why he chose to "use them up" in the prologue, when they would have probably been more effective at the end.



this was quite odd, i thouht since Von trier wasn't a hollywood movie maker he wouldn't fall victim to the 'blow your load in the opening 10 minutes' syndrome. but no imagery even came close to how good looking those shots were. The Planet coming in at the end had to be on par with some very bad scifi channel movie CGI i've seen of late. He would have been better off just not showing it directly on camera. After seeing 4 of his movies, i'm beginning to think Antichrist was a fluke

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It is still a better film than you gentlemen think it is.


The tense realization of what melancholia is as a mental disorder, revealed through Dunst's amazing portrayal of a woman suffering from the condition, and the fear of objects from space slamming into the earth and killing us all. The combination of these two subjects is where the true magic of the film is.


Also, the first sequence of 'Melancholia' is incredible. So that can take away from the first scenes during the wedding which are not nearly as stunning or interesting.


'The Tree of Life' suffered from the same problem, but much worse in my opinion. The space sequence was not only way too much like the stargate scene in '2001', it was actually worked on by the same man who worked with Kubrick, film lover's hero, Douglas Trumbull. It was also the only interesting thing about the film, besides the blurred colour schemes between certain scenes. Von Trier will always be a more effective director. Being a die hard Tarkovsky fanatic, I see only a bit of his influence in 'Melancholia'. The painting in the film is most likely an homage to Tarkovsky. Not fucking plagiarism.

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i get what he was trying to do, some parts of it i loved. I just thought from a basic filmmaking perspective he structured it wrongly and showed 'too much' at the end. I have a more favorable opinion of it than Lumpenprol, i actually think a smart fan edit of the already existing movie would make it twice as good

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The painting in the film is most likely an homage to Tarkovsky. Not fucking plagiarism.


Yeah it's "an homage", just like him dedicating Antichrist to Tarkovsky...but enough already. It's time for him to get off Tarkovsky's jock. That level of adoration/emulation from a fellow filmmaker is just kind of...embarrassing. Makes me think less of him. In Antichrist it didn't bother me so much, but second time in a row, it's starting to get on my nerves...


The final shot was "just ok" but it needed to be there...though I think you could have edited it with the long shot of the planets "kissing" from the start...like, you show the shot up until the point where the atmosphere gets sucked away (that was cool), and then the kissing shot (where the gravity of Melancholia makes the earth bulge up to touch it) and then black. Probably would have worked better.


The best part of the film for me was watching my normally cheerful girlfriend get bummed out by it. We were lying in bed last night and she says "I'm thinking about that movie..." Hehe. Glad I didn't show her Antichrist.


And no I don't think Antichrist is a fluke. Breaking the Waves, Dogville, and Antichrist all rank up there on my list of favorites.


Atop, remember when you recommended "Knowing" to everyone here (the Cage movie with the same end as Melancholia)? Maybe you're just really generous to any film with that subject matter...I don't blame you, it is a cool idea...

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And there I was, telling everybody I thought the last sequence of Melancholia was best high budget cgi thing ever. Now I'll have to see it again just to check if it still works.

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Guest Xenblake

I watched half of The Room


Will I experience anything new if I continue?


A seizure perhaps?


That's quite an experience! One I'm gonna save for a rainy day, A very rainy day.


Upon browsing this thread I decided to watch The Kill List. For the most part an engaging, intense film. Good characters, acting etc.

Two gripes: The last 20 minutes or so veered off into dodgy territory, the ending utterly ruined it all for me.


Plus I found the violence unnecessarily graphic in a few places, but that's more a minor gripe.

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yes I do love that subject Lump. One of my favourite novels, "When Worlds Collide", is an amazing portrayal of an event like this. A lot more intense in the book than in 'Melancholia'. 'Knowing' is a film that I enjoy period. A sort of Philip K Dickian take on the end of the world. When I watch the film I just block out the fact that I am watching Nic Cage. It helps to make the film better. The disaster scenes also help the enjoyabililty of the film.

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