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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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There Will Be Blood - 9/10 - I really enjoyed it.... Daniel Day Lewis really made the film. It and No Country shared a lot of similarities I found to be quite interesting. I'm really liking this grown-up PTA and am looking forward to his later discharge.

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Le Donk and Scor Zay Zee - 7/10


some spoilers I guess


a very relaxed, tame and seemingly genuine mockumentary....


nothing flashy about it, some funny moments....


hard to pin down what it actually is trying to convey....


Le Donk can be a dick sometimes but a the core he is a nice man...


Scor Zay Zee seems to be an autistic or just introverted person who has moments of beauty (the endless search for a power source for his keyboard, his being a Muslim, the scene with he and Le Donk when they get the call that Le Donk's baby has been born, the towel wrap on his head is classic)....


Le Donk's unexplained love and care for the Scorzilla Gorilla is a beautiful thing....


a strange film that I enjoyed thoroughly!


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

been watching sliders the tv show on netflix play instant via the new PS3 thing. it never played in the UK i don't think so its new to me. great show. "I've found the gateway" lol. reminded me of quantum leap so i first up an episode of that (as i have fond memories) and that was pretty bad so back to sliders. its 90's bad but doesn't take itself as seriously as quantum leap. young den stockwell made me remember i just watched


BSG the plan 1/10

this was just really boring. 1 hour in i could have turned it off or fallen asleep. poor old eddie can't let it go. let it go eddie. let it go. his wife is the new character? first hotdog now this? the 1 star is for her ass (although it may have been a body double) in that lol sex scene with grunting simon. i missed the cock shot must have been tiny. did anything interesting happen in it? anything? the nudity felt very out of place throw in unnecessary.


isn't kari wuhrer the lead female in that series? i used to looooooooooove her. fap city.


looked it up on imdb and shes not in it yet. just finished season 1. quite a cliffhanger.




seems they may have been thinking jerry o connel was leaving. they got that ryan guy to slide with them and jerry got shot. then first episode of season 2, everyone looks a little different, jerrys just fine and ryans gone.





I also didn't realize he was the fat kid from stand by me.

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rewatched Nolan's The Prestige....i really think this is one of the best films in the past decade....i mean, i love everything about it, the actors did a great job (even Bowie's weak accent), the plot was nice and keeps you coming back to figure shit out, and love the dark brooding ambient soundtrack..





the prestige is one of my favorite movies of all time. i just love the atmosphere and the setting is fantastic. i honestly can't think of anything i didn't like in it.

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The Prestige - 7/10 - I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected.The twist was a bit too obvious, but I believe that was intentional for this film wasn't about the twist but about the characters. I just wish Nolan had a bit more faith with his audience... the characters where developed well; they didn't need the excess of redundant dialogue/actions to get his point across.

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The Nines - 5/10.


I want to give it less, because it's a really silly film. A really dumb film. Actually...




Ryan Reynolds... Is God. No matter how the film tries to explain this away. Ryan Reynolds plays not only three lead characters in this film, but he's given God-like powers... Really? Fuck off.

Okay, so there's a spontaneous song about 20 minutes in. Literally, the two lead characters burst into song for about a minute, and then revert back to normality. Nothing like that ever happens again... Really? What?

The film is cryptic and lofty for no other reason than to be cryptic and lofty... and that fucking sucks. Apparently the same writer, John August, wrote Big Fish, and I've never been able to get into that film, not because it's too 'challenging', but simply because it's fucking shit.

Seriously, Shamalamadingdong looks like Hitchcock compared to August.


Fuck it, I'll ruin the film for you:


Ryan Reynolds plays an inter-dimensional being that has become addicted to the universe he created on our Earth. He controls everything, but has become so entrenched in his creation that he believes himself to be a real character, like he's playing a game. In the film his three characters link closely around the same places and interpretations of people, but recently there's been one new woman who keeps entering his realm and causing him to doubt it's reality. Every time he doubts his reality, he inadvertently ends his character's story and is transposed into another.

There's also a fat woman too, whom he loves and wants to stay in his realms for.

Anyway, the new woman is an inter-dimensional being like Ryan Reynolds and wants him to go back to their dimension. So rather than just tell him, or take him back, she fucks with his head and gives him clues and cryptic shit without ever just explicitly telling him.

There's a scale of characters in Ryan's universe, 1 to 10 presumably. Inter-dimensional, God-like, beings are 9's, humans are 7's... and get this Koala bears...




Koala Bears are 8's. "Koala Bears are psychic and control the weather." That's all they say on the matter. Is that funny? It made me laugh, but only through it's sheer dumb bravery.


There's an attempt to downplay that Ryan Reynolds is God, as he's a 9. Surely a 10 would be God. But the film fails there because Ryan Reynolds created this universe and controls everything in it. He's God. Maybe in his reality there's a 10 that controls him too, but he's technically God to us.

There's one of the Fanning child-actors too. Sometimes she's mute, and speaks in sign language, and then sometimes she can talk. There's actually no pattern to it. It's just bullshit.

I just don't get it. I understand that film, but I don't know why it was ever made and who ever paid for it. It's tripe. Silly, melted, twaddle.


It's angered me a fair bit. I gave it a 5/10 up there. It's probably one of the worst films I've ever seen, a real bargain-basket b-movie DVD piece of crap, but I actually enjoyed hating it and tearing it apart. It made me happy and entertained to successfully out-think John August and his juvenile metaphysics.



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yeah but he not from the east end of london



did you see newsies and think he was from new york?


i've seen equilibrium and the machinist, his voice sounded fine in those. batman was the only movie i've seen with him where he sounded like shit.


i guess i'm a bit biased because i have a massive boner for christian bale. his accent doesn't sound weird to me in most of his movies, including the prestige.

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The Mist - Not great, not bad. 7/10. Kept my interest. Ending was a serious lol. I was expecting something diff because I was familiar with the novella.


Primer - Thanks watmm. I quite liked this, despite not entirely grasping everything. I don't think you NEED to grasp everything to enjoy it. 7.5/10

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