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VHS Head - Trademark Ribbons of Gold

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says who

says the man himself


oh. part of me still thinks he may cheat a little. Also, I'm sure he uses vst EQs and stuff like that, but that's not what we were talking about.

trust me, he doesn't cheat.

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Alright I'm a little confused here - how could he have made the album without even using an EQ? You can't rip stuff from VHS and expect it to sound anywhere near CD or even MP3 quality ... ?

you're definitely confused. go back and re-read :sorcerer:

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Cool, I'd like to see the interview where he says that. For me, it would make the album even more impressive.

I agree, that would be a whole lot of sampling and chopping! Anyone have a link to the interview? Would definitely be an interesting read I think...

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Cool, I'd like to see the interview where he says that. For me, it would make the album even more impressive.

I agree, that would be a whole lot of sampling and chopping! Anyone have a link to the interview? Would definitely be an interesting read I think...

links or it didn't happen!

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I think that if a DAW adds so much to the production that you can undeniably identify which one is being used then it had failed as a DAW. The software should be a completely transparent tool for getting your ideas down, as soon as it starts influencing your ideas I would see that as a problematic thing....

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Don't know or give a fuck what a DAW is or any of the rest of that technobabble, but in terms of sheer painstaking ballachery, how the fuck can he make records like that? I agree, that'd make the record even more impressive than it already is. I don't think for a minute that osc is mistaken, btw. Did that info come from a horse's mouth...?

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I think that if a DAW adds so much to the production that you can undeniably identify which one is being used then it had failed as a DAW. The software should be a completely transparent tool for getting your ideas down, as soon as it starts influencing your ideas I would see that as a problematic thing....


Ive used renoise, Ableton and reason. I cant say that any of them didnt effect they way I produced. I think such a DAW doesnt exist. Some come close, but they just do change the way you make tracks, consciously or unconsciously.


Don't know or give a fuck what a DAW is or any of the rest of that technobabble, but in terms of sheer painstaking ballachery, how the fuck can he make records like that? I agree, that'd make the record even more impressive than it already is. I don't think for a minute that osc is mistaken, btw. Did that info come from a horse's mouth...?


digital audio workstation? Its just fancy talk for a programme you use to make music. I think osc is getting this from Ade, I presume. He has been speaking to him before.

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Don't know or give a fuck what a DAW is or any of the rest of that technobabble, but in terms of sheer painstaking ballachery, how the fuck can he make records like that? I agree, that'd make the record even more impressive than it already is.

which is why i have so much respect for VHS Head - you can hear it in the music itself that he has a lot of passion for it, otherwise he just wouldn't be able to do what he does with such character and attention to detail.

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I think that if a DAW adds so much to the production that you can undeniably identify which one is being used then it had failed as a DAW. The software should be a completely transparent tool for getting your ideas down, as soon as it starts influencing your ideas I would see that as a problematic thing....

Ive used renoise, Ableton and reason. I cant say that any of them didnt effect they way I produced. I think such a DAW doesnt exist. Some come close, but they just do change the way you make tracks, consciously or unconsciously.

Hmmm I probably didn't word it too clearly - what I meant was, if a DAW adds so much to the sound of the production that it's obvious what software you used (eg. sneaksta303 saying it's obvious he used Ableton - though I'd like to think he was joking) that's when I think it becomes a problem.

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Don't know or give a fuck what a DAW is or any of the rest of that technobabble, but in terms of sheer painstaking ballachery, how the fuck can he make records like that? I agree, that'd make the record even more impressive than it already is.

which is why i have so much respect for VHS Head - you can hear it in the music itself that he has a lot of passion for it, otherwise he just wouldn't be able to do what he does with such character and attention to detail.


Precisely. And if that really is how he sources his music, just making the Video Club EP alone must've taken fucking ages.


And btw, I wasn't trying to disrespect all you knob twiddlers. I just can't don't make music myself and so don't normally care too much for or understand the technical aspects of what I listen to.

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Yeah, I usually don't care too much about what someone uses (particularly in terms of software). I was more interested in the whole thing being made from VHS samples- that's crazy! Every sound? I don't know man...

every sound. yes.

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Yeah, I usually don't care too much about what someone uses (particularly in terms of software). I was more interested in the whole thing being made from VHS samples- that's crazy! Every sound? I don't know man...

every sound. yes.

Holy shit, that's insane! Wonder how long it takes him to put the average track together...

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Guest ruiagnelo

i knew there were a ton of vhs samples, but didn't imagine it was actually everything. that makes the sound even more interesting and unique.

love this

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