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VHS Head - Trademark Ribbons of Gold

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Haven't folks been listening to shit like Druqks and Confield since 2001?

Well yes I have, but I'd say the tracks on this album are equally as densely packed as that of your two mentioned albums. The approach and production maybe vastly different (I'd say Ae and AFX on those two albums deal a lot with the context of sound in space, and the VHS album is more the content of sound in time - or some bollocks like that !) but to say Confield and Drukqs is 'superior' to this I disagree with.


I dunno, one's only been out a few months and the other two for a decade so I think it's difficult to ascertain the longevity of this album this soon.

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So yeah, it's an album that does require significant effort but definitely rewards.


Haven't folks been listening to shit like Druqks since 2001?

lol that album in particular, definitely not

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Guest cult fiction

Haven't folks been listening to shit like Druqks and Confield since 2001?

Well yes I have, but I'd say the tracks on this album are equally as densely packed as that of your two mentioned albums. The approach and production maybe vastly different (I'd say Ae and AFX on those two albums deal a lot with the context of sound in space, and the VHS album is more the content of sound in time - or some bollocks like that !) but to say Confield and Drukqs is 'superior' to this I disagree with.


I dunno, one's only been out a few months and the other two for a decade so I think it's difficult to ascertain the longevity of this album this soon.


I wasn't saying it wasn't as good, I was just trying to say this album seems like it should be digestible like pop music for hardcore braindance fans... if you could handle Confield in 2001, and have been listening to stuff like that for last 9 years, surely VHS Head isn't something that's hard to get into or requires multiple listens to "get".


If somebody just started listening to electronic music with dubstep, I could see how this album could be off-puttingly dense or intense, but for me it's a truly great pop record with a lot of depth... will probably be listening to this for many years.

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Guest Lube Saibot

Haven't folks been listening to shit like Druqks and Confield since 2001?

Well yes I have, but I'd say the tracks on this album are equally as densely packed as that of your two mentioned albums. The approach and production maybe vastly different (I'd say Ae and AFX on those two albums deal a lot with the context of sound in space, and the VHS album is more the content of sound in time - or some bollocks like that !) but to say Confield and Drukqs is 'superior' to this I disagree with.


I dunno, one's only been out a few months and the other two for a decade so I think it's difficult to ascertain the longevity of this album this soon.


I wasn't saying it wasn't as good, I was just trying to say this album seems like it should be digestible like pop music for hardcore braindance fans... if you could handle Confield in 2001, and have been listening to stuff like that for last 9 years, surely VHS Head isn't something that's hard to get into or requires multiple listens to "get".


If somebody just started listening to electronic music with dubstep, I could see how this album could be off-puttingly dense or intense, but for me it's a truly great pop record with a lot of depth... will probably be listening to this for many years.

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coming back to this album again now after rinsing it in September.


btw, does anyone know all of Adrian and Kris's other pseudonyms? and could make a list, maybe? i'm sure there's a few at least.


Com Truise isn't them aswell.... is it? - one of their friends from Blackpool, maybe?? it's probably somebody completely different....... but i dunno.

"Skam spokesman" oscillik, what are your thoughts on this? (lol) ;)

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coming back to this album again now after rinsing it in September.


btw, does anyone know all of Adrian and Kris's other pseudonyms? and could make a list, maybe? i'm sure there's a few at least.


Com Truise isn't them aswell.... is it? - one of their friends from Blackpool, maybe?? it's probably somebody completely different....... but i dunno.

"Skam spokesman" oscillik, what are your thoughts on this? (lol) ;)






Both of them have amazing stuff up for steaming.

Edited by chassis
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coming back to this album again now after rinsing it in September.


btw, does anyone know all of Adrian and Kris's other pseudonyms? and could make a list, maybe? i'm sure there's a few at least.


Com Truise isn't them aswell.... is it? - one of their friends from Blackpool, maybe?? it's probably somebody completely different....... but i dunno.

"Skam spokesman" oscillik, what are your thoughts on this? (lol) ;)






Both of them have amazing stuff up for steaming.


i know about those, chas. there must be others is what i'm saying.

and 'meatbingo' isn't Neil Scrivin, is it? it's Adrian Blaclow, aka VHS Head... that was talked about earlier in the thread ??

yeah, Neil does some good stuff too tho. but i'm just interested to know/hear VHS Head's other pseudonyms.

ta anyway.

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meatbingo is Neil Scrivin


Com Truise is Seth Haley


also, sirch, your constant digs are getting to be more than just annoying. just admit that you know things about plaid. and you don't know much about anything else.


whereas i know some things, and don't know much about other things.

Edited by oscillik
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meatbingo is Neil Scrivin


Com Truise is Seth Haley


also, sirch, your constant digs are getting to be more than just annoying. just admit that you know things about plaid. and you don't know much about anything else.


whereas i know some things, and don't know much about other things.


errr, i dunno wtf you're on about oscillik! constant digs? i haven't been around here for ages! and i wasn't digging at you at all !

if you're on about the "skam spokesman" thing? well somebody else said that, not me! i thought it was funny. so did you yesterday? so what??

i think you've taken my "(lol)" the wrong way entirely! i was actually laughing about it WITH YOU.. as you did seem to find it funny yourself.

but whatever. i can't be arsed with this! you really are a proper wanker, oscillik! seriously.


so meatbingo is Neil. cool. and Tom Cruise is Seth Haley. excellent. thanks for the info!

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meatbingo is Neil Scrivin


Com Truise is Seth Haley


also, sirch, your constant digs are getting to be more than just annoying. just admit that you know things about plaid. and you don't know much about anything else.


whereas i know some things, and don't know much about other things.


errr, i dunno wtf you're on about oscillik! constant digs? i haven't been around here for ages! and i wasn't digging at you at all !

if you're on about the "skam spokesman" thing? well somebody else said that, not me! i thought it was funny. so did you yesterday? so what??

i think you've taken my "(lol)" the wrong way entirely! i was actually laughing about it WITH YOU.. as you did seem to find it funny yourself.

but whatever. i can't be arsed with this! you really are a proper wanker, oscillik! seriously.


so meatbingo is Neil. cool. and Tom Cruise is Seth Haley. excellent. thanks for the info!

you have a way with the semantics of your language which rubs certain people up the wrong way. i'm not the only person that finds this. and i know that you haven't been around here for a while - neither have i. but it seems like every time i am mentioned in one of your posts, you're rubbing my rhubarb.


and yes, i know i can be a wanker. at least i can accept that sometimes, the way i type and the way i come across to people can, a lot of the time, be like a twat.


maybe i'm having one of my PMT periods, and i need to man up. either way, you have a habit of rubbing my rhubarb.

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I never got why people thought it was BoC in the first place. All the 80s nostalgia shit doesnt take away from the fact that VHS doesnt sound anything like Boards.

from my personal view, i can see the similarity with BoC in so far as the approach to drum programming, and in particular the use of vocal samples as a percussive element.


i had been thinking about this for a while, especially as i was one of the people that thought the rumour might've had some credit. sirch was right all along!


yes i was wasn't i. i told it was somebody from Blackpool because i'd spoken to one of his mates.. from Blackpool, who told me it wasn't BoC.

but you reckoned it was them. silly boy!

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meatbingo is Neil Scrivin


Com Truise is Seth Haley


also, sirch, your constant digs are getting to be more than just annoying. just admit that you know things about plaid. and you don't know much about anything else.


whereas i know some things, and don't know much about other things.


errr, i dunno wtf you're on about oscillik! constant digs? i haven't been around here for ages! and i wasn't digging at you at all !

if you're on about the "skam spokesman" thing? well somebody else said that, not me! i thought it was funny. so did you yesterday? so what??

i think you've taken my "(lol)" the wrong way entirely! i was actually laughing about it WITH YOU.. as you did seem to find it funny yourself.

but whatever. i can't be arsed with this! you really are a proper wanker, oscillik! seriously.


so meatbingo is Neil. cool. and Tom Cruise is Seth Haley. excellent. thanks for the info!

you have a way with the semantics of your language which rubs certain people up the wrong way. i'm not the only person that finds this. and i know that you haven't been around here for a while - neither have i. but it seems like every time i am mentioned in one of your posts, you're rubbing my rhubarb.


and yes, i know i can be a wanker. at least i can accept that sometimes, the way i type and the way i come across to people can, a lot of the time, be like a twat.


maybe i'm having one of my PMT periods, and i need to man up. either way, you have a habit of rubbing my rhubarb.


i think you've been called a cunt a lot many more times than i have? and people actually mean it when they call you a cunt, osc. 'cos you are.

and not in a funny way. in a shitty way.


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Lol, I think Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise. But I cant be certain :cisfor:


lol, yeah, you're right.. i noticed i'd spelt it wrong but couldn't be arsed going back to edit it. you know what i meant anyway

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It's really weird to think this album has caused such a stir (and rightly so) and yet seems completely unknown outside of this forum.


That's fine, I guess, but I would like to see this artist get some major acknowledgement for such a stellar piece of work. It's great to a big hit on here but it needs major PR for the artist and SKAM to reap any financial rewards.


You have to sigh at all the crap that gets hyped up by Pitchfork, Boomkat and all the other on-line outfits. And yet this maybe the best album to come along for a long time.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

black metal polka witch house


i'm bringin it back


It think I now realize what the actual problem is:

Its his 1st album guys. You cant go from no one to ultra mega famous.
Not saying this is YOUR problem, chassis, as you've had only fair and reasonable things to say on this topic despite not being mindblown.That is to say... OF COURSE YOU CAN DISLIKE THIS, but dismissing this as "bah just more glitch wankery", even though it's so obviously NOT THAT, pretty much qualifies you as a jaded cunt. Which takes me back to the bit that I'm quoting from chassis - i think the very fact that it is his first album is an issue with some, via a very simple, and very very ugly thought process: "he's THIS good, and right off the bat, and on SKAM!? WHY NOT I HAZ CHEEZBURGER?! .... pfff, stupid soulless glitch."And then it becomes fairly obvious why Aphex tried to distance himself from Tuss, why even after being unsuccessful in that endeavor he carries on to officially state that it's not him -> because fanboys will always be fanboys, and for fanboys the only important thing is how much e-peen or idm-peen they can secure via subscribing to something. The whole Tuss debacle was exactly this bullshit: omg this awesome shit ohmigaws it's awesome, it can't just be some couple from fucknowswhere, it has to be aphex , HAS TO BE, ohmigawd it is because of that synth and i can tell from some of the pixels, ok now i can get behind it and REALLY tout its unabashed glory and, most importantly, NOW i can REALLY like it.Of COURSE reputation influences perception, it does mine as well, of course, i'm not naive, but at least i try to only let it steer me positively, in the sense that i DO tend to follow things that go by the grace of reputation, but i DON'T DISMISS ANYTHING on account of how it hasn't acquired one yet: "it's too early to tell", "not that well known", "not that famous", "not aphex/sean/rob/BoC/tom/ceephax/clark/whatever".This last bit is especially relevant in this discussion, on account of how VHS HEAD actually MIGHT be some daddy in disguise. I can't wait for all the fucking "oh it's just some mediocre glitch" naysayers to find out he's one half of BoC or something and then do all the fucking backtracking and "well, you knoowww, after a couple of listens... yeah.... 2010 ALBUM OF THE YEAR YEAAAAAH".All I know is i found this guy on myspace and i thought (i still do, actually, i don't think he's anyone already famous) that he was just this crazy video aficionado with an immense collection of vhs tapes and ungodly aptitude at repurposing them. And it still blew me away. He may never tour, and i could go with never hearing a peep out of him ever, and i wouldn't care. Still best 2010 album hands-down, still completely not "mediocre glitch wankery". Not up your street/not your cup of tea? Fine, sure. But if you think it's objectively "mediocre glitch wankery" then you're a fucking moron.


even if the tuss was some no-face, how could you NOT enjoy it

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Kind of how I feel about this album as well (same as the first Nuearz album, although that wasn't nearly as good as 'Trademark') as time's gone on. As much as I love it I can't remember how many times I've done it all in one go. I've also found it sounds a lot less abrasive than it might first seem with repeated listens, there are actually some lovely moments on there, such as 'Remote Control', moments of 'Twitch Of The Nerve' and 'Red Lens Effect'. The one thing I don't like about the album is the intro to 'Gianasi' which I loathe, although even that track soon picks up for me.

I feel the same way- I finally ordered this today after being on the fence for a while, occasionally listening to a track or two on YouTube. Found myself listening to the samples on Boomkat today over and over and finding it strangely addictive...

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