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Metal Appreciation Thread!

Guest Al5x

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- Death rap -

amazing and hilarious!


Jumping back, Archspire is fuckin' awesome, Relentless Mutation is great had that album balsting at work today!


And now for some "Post-2k-technical-thrash-that'd-be-even-better-with-more-charismatic-singers-but-is-still-pretty-fucking-great-regardless" i discovered recently:


- Children -


Listened to the first track, groovy stuff


With Archspire i was originally oscillating between "lol silly" and "lol awesome", eventually settled for the latter. The riffs really are surprisingly addicitve and elevate them from being just another Necrophagist worship kinda band.


Yeah Children are just refreshingly quirky all around, really love the twin guitar harmonies, some really classy riffs in there. Suprised they kicked the bucket so soon after just one album, lots of potential wasted.

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I saw them a couple years before Jeff Hanneman died, with White Zombie opening.  I think their guitars were hard panned left and right, and I was way off to the left of the stage so I heard a lot of one guitar and none of the other.  Kind of a bad sounding set from where I was... though White Zombie actually sounded pretty slick.  Goiter Sanchez was with me!

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That sounds awesome. Wish I could have seen White Zombie when they were around.


The sound last night gradually improved throughout the evening. Napalm Death's guitar wasn't as loud as it should have been, Testament was really muddy, Anthrax's vocals were a bit too loud, but Slayer sounded perfect. It almost sounded like it was intentional.

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I think their guitars were hard panned left and right, and I was way off to the left of the stage so I heard a lot of one guitar and none of the other.

I hate it when this happens.. I saw Testament at a festival a few years ago and the mixing was very similar. Why is stereo mixing even a thing at a live band gig? I can understand it for electronic music where panning is often used for effect, but hard panning guitars is going to result in a bad time for about 25% of the audience.

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Just seen slayer are doing their final tour here in Aus next year ! Wicked

oof, tempted but Phil Collins also announced a tour.. and I've seen Slayer before, soooo.. gotta go Phil

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Weird day, by chance i got 5 grams of dried salvia 10x leaves but also the second full lenght of dank kvlt legend havohej

i am so tempted to do both at the same time just to feel how it's like to burn in hell for an eternity


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Dunno if it's too old-school/classic for this thread [...]


No such thing!!


Yeah the new Priest is a late masterpiece fo sho, maybe the best since "Defenders". Absolutely amazing they still got it in them after almost half a fucking decade of existence!

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