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I'm sick of the proliferation of Rubin Farr posts on WATMM, cheap to produce, type it live and post it endlessly. There are a few good ones but the bulk is crap.

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I just wanna say James Franco is a bloodclat wasteman like and he better not fuck up whatever part's been given to him in this. also I can't take Danny McBride seriously. but I am hopeful overall.

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It's always easy to hate, but based on the trailers I was expecting Prometheus to be a beautiful space horror adventure. Instead it tried coming up with some story about how the Space Jockeys are our Gods and creators.

Now this trailer looks like it's Ridley saying, "Ok ok ok, hold up... is this what you wanted? It's brilliant, right?". It looks like the same movie but with more of an Alien/Aliens feel.

Anyway, I bet it turns out that the main character is Ripley's mom or some shit.

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It's always easy to hate, but based on the trailers I was expecting Prometheus to be a beautiful space horror adventure. Instead it tried coming up with some story about how the Space Jockeys are our Gods and creators.

Now this trailer looks like it's Ridley saying, "Ok ok ok, hold up... is this what you wanted? It's brilliant, right?". It looks like the same movie but with more of an Alien/Aliens feel.

Anyway, I bet it turns out that the main character is Ripley's mom or some shit.


Easy to hate? It's a simple observation. It looks like a copy-paste of all the familiar themes in the first two movies.


People will probably like it, I'm sure. I admit I'm more interested in the story following the first Prometheus movie. And being salty about this trailer. But the familiarity wrt to the first two alien movies... well, it's just there in your face, right?

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It's always easy to hate, but based on the trailers I was expecting Prometheus to be a beautiful space horror adventure. Instead it tried coming up with some story about how the Space Jockeys are our Gods and creators.

Now this trailer looks like it's Ridley saying, "Ok ok ok, hold up... is this what you wanted? It's brilliant, right?". It looks like the same movie but with more of an Alien/Aliens feel.

Anyway, I bet it turns out that the main character is Ripley's mom or some shit.


Easy to hate? It's a simple observation.


I was just defending my own post and not pointing fingers ;)


I bet it turns out that the main character is Ripley's mom or some shit.

That would make alien isolation game sequel to this?! Instant facepalm




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Let's keep it at Ridley playing mindtricks and making people believe he just copy-pasted the scripts of the first two Alien movies. Instead, the movie might actually cover new grounds and has almost nothing to do with one and two. 

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