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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard



Lindelof: So, basically in this scene he has to play a little alien flute to make the ship fly.


remember the awful scene in hugo which i'm sure looked great in 3D with the papers flying around but looked terrible in 2D...the universe map stuff after the flute playing avoided that issue and looked good in 2D but i bet it looked magnificent in 3D.


flute lol brilliant!




Lindelof: So, basically in this scene he has to play a little alien flute to make the ship fly.



First Grip: But how will he know to play the flute?

Lindelof (distracted): smoke monster..no...light in the cave tells him...no...erm hologram playback of past events or something


Best boy: ...?

Lindelof: So Fifield will get a faceful of goo and eventually will find his way back to the Prometheus as a ZOMBIE and then he will attack the crew to kill off the extras I didn't bother fleshing out.


Lindelof: The engineers have roidrage!


Lindelof: So they'll discover that the engineer DNA precisely matches the DNA of humans... even though Engineers are all 8 foot tall and albino.


Casting Director: Instead of an old guy I'm thinking GUY PEARCE as Benjamin Button


Lindelof: I want Charlize Theron's character to be connected to Weyland, but I haven't really figured out why or how?




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Lindelof: So I'm thinking of writing an overtly convoluted script that will send internet messageboards into meltdown. Slowing down IDM messageboards in particular.


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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Lindelof: I'm going for a sandwich just make this bit up


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Surely writing a smarter script = better reviews and positive word of mouth, which draws in the crowd that enjoys great, memorable entertainment. It's a sci-fi/horror movie in 3D which has an enormous built in audience already. I get the sense that they keep writing for the lowest common denominator on purpose. But why? I really got this vibe when watching Inception, too.

Edited by Candiru
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it's sad to see so many trolls on the net that only see what's spelled out in front of them. Like symbolism or religious iconography is lost on them, a generation raised on reality tv. If any movie deserves a second, open minded viewing this year, it's this one.

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I personally think people hating on this film are way too critical or just do it so they don't seem too "eager" to instantly like something and be cool to join in with the pithy comment crowd.


whilst I think this is true to an extent the reason this film is getting so much hate is because its so easy to hate. it sets itself with so much dumb fail that you don't even need to try to think of a stupid moment to mock.


I'll say it again: I enjoyed my viewing of this film but it didnt hold up to any after thought. Therefore I would watch it again but I would not think about it afterwards again. As soon as leaving the cinema I would distract myself instantly with shiny objects and dream of perhaps buying the bluray (shiny object)


Please, enlighten me on at least a few stupid moments to mock - and let's see if you're not being overly critical like the rest of the lot.



#1 running away from falling spacecraft in a straight line


A: What would you do? Strategically zig-zag? FFS, they were terrified and ran for their lives. I kinda raised an eyebrow at the heroine rolling to avoid getting crushed (seriously? a few rolls and she gets out of this massive structure's path), but hardly something to break the movie on. ZZZZZ! Next...


#2 removing helmets instantly upon arrival


Did you hear what they said - the humidity inside the complex was creating a breathable atmosphere. The guy took a risky chance after hearing the air was CO2 free. ZZZZ! Next...


#3 "hands up"


What if it was an inside joke between the Captain and his crew, and as a last farewell gesture between him an his crew, he references something memorable to them just as they were about to die? ZZZZZ! Next...


#4 petting an alien snake moments after being afraid


He was a cocky biologist, who was trying to coax the animal into submission, which was a tragic mistake on his part. I'm sure it's happened to real-world biologists with wild animals too. ZZZZ! Next...


#5 getting lost minutes after mapping the entire structure


I'm assuming you're referring to the two guys (the geologist and biologist) who decided to go back to the ship - the geologist let out his 'pups' to map and scan the interior of the complex, but that data was being sent back to the ship, not the people on the ground. Add to the fact it was hardly complete, since one of the pups got stuck at the airlock door to the ship. ZZZZ! Next...


#6 opening the bay doors and wandering out to see whats going on


Again, assuming you're referring to when the geologist returned to the ship as a zombie-creature - yeah, bad move on their part, but to what they can tell, it was just his camera sitting in front of the bay doors - they had no idea what state he was in, and even when they saw his folded up body sitting there, they didn't know he was in such a state. Now, I will give you how they didn't know he was approaching the ship, but not a critical plot point by any means. ZZZZZ! Next...


#7 engineer smash


The last engineer went into a rage (my guess, since it's unclear) after whatever David said to him angered him (especially if it was something like "My master wants you to extend his life since you're our creators"), or when he touched David's head and realized he wasn't real, was angry at their creations making "false" creations of their own in their likeness - hence he ripped off David's head and smashed Weyland with it. Do we need an explanation as to the thought processes of the aliens before they act? ZZZZ! Next...


#8 "...father..."


You got me on that one - totally unneeded, and cheesy to boot. Does explain her motives for being on the trip, though.


#9 waaaaah but i wanted to talk to the aliens waaaaaah i'm a grown-up/scientist waaah *drink*


Agree with you a bit on this one too - I assumed he was drinking because he was so gutted that they had been all dead for thousands of years and couldn't communicate with them, and so he drowned his sorrows in booze.


#10 cave painting map to a weapons dump planet?


I don't think that planet was a "weapons dump" as the Captain implied - I think the planet was more of a laboratory for their life genesis projects, as evidenced in the same black liquid the sacrificial engineer drank to seed life on Earth. The mealworms in the soil (shown in the shot of the boot stepping into the chamber, and the worms wriggling in the soil) came into contact with the black liquid, and caused them to evolve into the penis snakes, and the bit of the black liquid David put in the guy's drink caused him to start evolving and also impregnate his girlfriend with the squid thing, which in turn impregnated the engineer and caused the birth of the Giger alien. I think the fact they had all these canisters of this stuff loaded into ships was their plan to seed the universe with their creations - riffing off the Greek myth of Prometheus and the spark of life, etc. ZZZZ! Next...


#11 to start the spacecraft play the flute


Why not? We stick a metal key in order to turn on our cars... was that really so silly to use a musical sequence to unlock a launch sequence on an alien device?


#12 hologram replays why?


I'm a bit mixed on this - it was neat to see what the engineers were doing in their last days, and it served the purpose of explaining to the audience (and our protagonists, natch) what they were up to and guide the heroes to the next part of the story. Was it needed? Hard to say. I'm sure if you edited those scenes out you'd be complaining how David knew to start up the ship, etc. ZZZZ! GAME OVER.


this list could go to 100


Let's see: Jimmy McMessageboard: 1 Joyrex: 11



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Guest Mirezzi

it's sad to see so many trolls on the net that only see what's spelled out in front of them. Like symbolism or religious iconography is lost on them, a generation raised on reality tv. If any movie deserves a second, open minded viewing this year, it's this one.


Let's be fair and honest here though. I just had a quick look around the 10,000 replies to the Lost final season thread. You started that thread. You liked the final season. You liked the series finale. It reasons to assume you really dig Lindelof. Fair enough, but for the people who've grown sick of Lindelof and his bag of predictable tricks, well, they're hardly trolling.


Lindelof himself is a bit of a troll, no?


In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts writes inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages screenplays in for an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.
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Visuals were cool.


Story was a little forced I think. At no stage did I think, oh shit whats gonna happen next cause it was obvious.


Seems like they tried to piggy back of the 1st Alien.

-Everyone but the chick dies.

-Left alone with the crazy fucking alien


What should have been the most tense part of the film was a 30 second clumsy struggle with him and that octopus thing.


I dunno, maybe there just wasnt enough aliens for me.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I personally think people hating on this film are way too critical or just do it so they don't seem too "eager" to instantly like something and be cool to join in with the pithy comment crowd.


whilst I think this is true to an extent the reason this film is getting so much hate is because its so easy to hate. it sets itself with so much dumb fail that you don't even need to try to think of a stupid moment to mock.


I'll say it again: I enjoyed my viewing of this film but it didnt hold up to any after thought. Therefore I would watch it again but I would not think about it afterwards again. As soon as leaving the cinema I would distract myself instantly with shiny objects and dream of perhaps buying the bluray (shiny object)


Please, enlighten me on at least a few stupid moments to mock - and let's see if you're not being overly critical like the rest of the lot.



#1 running away from falling spacecraft in a straight line


A: What would you do? Strategically zig-zag? FFS, they were terrified and ran for their lives. I kinda raised an eyebrow at the heroine rolling to avoid getting crushed (seriously? a few rolls and she gets out of this massive structure's path), but hardly something to break the movie on. ZZZZZ! Next...


#2 removing helmets instantly upon arrival


Did you hear what they said - the humidity inside the complex was creating a breathable atmosphere. The guy took a risky chance after hearing the air was CO2 free. ZZZZ! Next...


#3 "hands up"


What if it was an inside joke between the Captain and his crew, and as a last farewell gesture between him an his crew, he references something memorable to them just as they were about to die? ZZZZZ! Next...


#4 petting an alien snake moments after being afraid


He was a cocky biologist, who was trying to coax the animal into submission, which was a tragic mistake on his part. I'm sure it's happened to real-world biologists with wild animals too. ZZZZ! Next...


#5 getting lost minutes after mapping the entire structure


I'm assuming you're referring to the two guys (the geologist and biologist) who decided to go back to the ship - the geologist let out his 'pups' to map and scan the interior of the complex, but that data was being sent back to the ship, not the people on the ground. Add to the fact it was hardly complete, since one of the pups got stuck at the airlock door to the ship. ZZZZ! Next...


#6 opening the bay doors and wandering out to see whats going on


Again, assuming you're referring to when the geologist returned to the ship as a zombie-creature - yeah, bad move on their part, but to what they can tell, it was just his camera sitting in front of the bay doors - they had no idea what state he was in, and even when they saw his folded up body sitting there, they didn't know he was in such a state. Now, I will give you how they didn't know he was approaching the ship, but not a critical plot point by any means. ZZZZZ! Next...


#7 engineer smash


The last engineer went into a rage (my guess, since it's unclear) after whatever David said to him angered him (especially if it was something like "My master wants you to extend his life since you're our creators"), or when he touched David's head and realized he wasn't real, was angry at their creations making "false" creations of their own in their likeness - hence he ripped off David's head and smashed Weyland with it. Do we need an explanation as to the thought processes of the aliens before they act? ZZZZ! Next...


#8 "...father..."


You got me on that one - totally unneeded, and cheesy to boot. Does explain her motives for being on the trip, though.


#9 waaaaah but i wanted to talk to the aliens waaaaaah i'm a grown-up/scientist waaah *drink*


Agree with you a bit on this one too - I assumed he was drinking because he was so gutted that they had been all dead for thousands of years and couldn't communicate with them, and so he drowned his sorrows in booze.


#10 cave painting map to a weapons dump planet?


I don't think that planet was a "weapons dump" as the Captain implied - I think the planet was more of a laboratory for their life genesis projects, as evidenced in the same black liquid the sacrificial engineer drank to seed life on Earth. The mealworms in the soil (shown in the shot of the boot stepping into the chamber, and the worms wriggling in the soil) came into contact with the black liquid, and caused them to evolve into the penis snakes, and the bit of the black liquid David put in the guy's drink caused him to start evolving and also impregnate his girlfriend with the squid thing, which in turn impregnated the engineer and caused the birth of the Giger alien. I think the fact they had all these canisters of this stuff loaded into ships was their plan to seed the universe with their creations - riffing off the Greek myth of Prometheus and the spark of life, etc. ZZZZ! Next...


#11 to start the spacecraft play the flute


Why not? We stick a metal key in order to turn on our cars... was that really so silly to use a musical sequence to unlock a launch sequence on an alien device?


#12 hologram replays why?


I'm a bit mixed on this - it was neat to see what the engineers were doing in their last days, and it served the purpose of explaining to the audience (and our protagonists, natch) what they were up to and guide the heroes to the next part of the story. Was it needed? Hard to say. I'm sure if you edited those scenes out you'd be complaining how David knew to start up the ship, etc. ZZZZ! GAME OVER.


this list could go to 100


Let's see: Jimmy McMessageboard: 1 Joyrex: 11




i'm not even gonna fix that burger


i'm glad that you still enjoy it despite the problems.

Edited by Jimmy McMessageboard
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

i just wish they had shown space jesus



although in the bible is jesus ever described as having crazy abs?

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You're right, a lot of people probably hate on this movie for the sake of hating it, but I was really excited to see Ridley Scott salvage what was left of the Alien franchise after it had been fucked in the ass by God knows how many directors of the last 20 years. Now, I don't want to be pigeonholed as an online forum nerd with MIGHTY fist shaking anger, so I'll just stop here.

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just stomped in to say i'm still boycotting the MPAA for their sopa/pipa/cispa shenanigans (and you should too, fucker), and also to lol at any people who were expecting decent answers to the questions "where do we come from?" and "who created our creators?" from a 3d movie about aliens 5X265.gif

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just stomped in to say i'm still boycotting the MPAA for their sopa/pipa/cispa shenanigans (and you should too, fucker), and also to lol at any people who were expecting decent answers to the questions "where do we come from?" and "who created our creators?" from a 3d movie about aliens 5X265.gif


I don't think anyone went to this movie expecting answers to those questions, Luke.

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I love it when people use the "troll" offensive on people who disagree with them.


The definition of troll sure has changed since the Jswift days!

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haha, Joyrex's lack of understanding of why this movie was mediocre as hell is basically 'haters gonna hate?'


Best Sci-Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner. Period.


did you decide to sneak away and smoke some pot? holy shit man

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haha, Joyrex's lack of understanding of why this movie was mediocre as hell is basically 'haters gonna hate?'


Best Sci-Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner. Period.


did you decide to sneak away and smoke some pot? holy shit man


"Lack of understanding" Give me a fucking break - I'm just sick to death of pretentious assholes (I'll let you decided for yourself if you're in that camp or not) who complain about movies mostly, from my perspective, for the sake of doing so instead of doing what movies were meant for - enjoyment.


I enjoyed this movie - is it some great literary work? Fuck no. Is it enjoyable on a visual level? Quite so. Does it have decent pacing, and plot progression? I'd say so. Is the acting decent? Sure - no Academy Award-winning performances for sure, but were the characters believable and play their roles well? Sure.


Please, Oh Great Movie Expert™ - please educate a mongoloid like me on why I couldn't possibly have enjoyed this movie since it's so mediocre. Please explain to me why I felt satisfied and enthusiastically talked about this movie with my family.


And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that.


And if the day ever comes that I would be retarded enough to smoke pot, rest assured I'll pretend to hate movies for the sake of it along with all the other half-baked morons on the internet.

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Guest Mirezzi

Can we please fix the quotes with me saying "Best Sci-Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner. Period."

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