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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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The "general banter" link under the blue bar/tab area on top of the site moved over and now I keep clicking the featured artist link instead. :(


it is slowly moving over until it is gone


that would be one of the funniest fuckin things if true.

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I had to go that little bit further to please/shut up a customer who's been pissing me off the last couple of days. Now this means I only get a half hour lunch break and no other break (7:30am - 5:30pm).

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I'm 16 minutes into a 20+ minute Merzbow track, my ears have had enough, but I'm too stubborn to stop listening until it's done. Also my cat just stood on my discman like an asshole. Actually, it was cute.


If you are still using a discman i don't respect you at all. What are you a homeless guy from the early 2000's?

.. Seriously i saw a homeless person the other day using a second generation Ipod .. get with the program hipster!

Edited by YO303
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.. Seriously i saw a homeless person the other day using a second generation Ipod .. get with the program hipster!


Cartman would say: "The fuck!" :emotawesomepm9: I actually say it all the time, though I'm German. I love it. The fuck!


Anyway I have the problem of too many girls liking me and me wanting to fuck them all though don't want to hurt my girlfriend who is pissed off of course and because of that I get no sexual stimulation at all. That's a mean situation for a young potent man like me :cry:

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I'm 16 minutes into a 20+ minute Merzbow track, my ears have had enough, but I'm too stubborn to stop listening until it's done. Also my cat just stood on my discman like an asshole. Actually, it was cute.


If you are still using a discman i don't respect you at all... get with the program hipster!


My first world problem is some internet random doesn't respect me and called me a hipster.

Also, too many babies, not enough kittens.

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supposed to be doing a group presentation for a biology class tomorrow, but one of the group members dropped out of the project early, and as of yesterday the other member has completely stopped coming to class or responding to my emails. so i get to lecture about various types of retroviruses for 15 minutes by myself and i have very little idea of what i'm talking about :cisfor:


I whooped the hell out of this report, and the girl that skipped out on me and stopped replying is gonna end up with a zero on the entire project.


Kevin Chang said it best,



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I wish there was some kind of drug I could take that would make me completely uninterested in women, since they seem to be the cause of ALL of my depression lately. Seriously, the rest of my life is absolutely awesome, but just a tiny hint of rejection from a girl can send me into bleakness, augh.

Edited by modey
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Guest underscore

I wish there was some kind of drug I could take that would make me completely uninterested in women, since they seem to be the cause of ALL of my depression lately. Seriously, the rest of my life is absolutely awesome, but just a tiny hint of rejection from a girl can send me into bleakness, augh.


i've found plenty of drugs that remedy this in the short-term, but cept fer castration not sure what you're looking for exists. and even then, i'd still want most bitches to sit on my face. :beer:

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Anyway I have the problem of too many girls liking me and me wanting to fuck them all though don't want to hurt my girlfriend who is pissed off of course and because of that I get no sexual stimulation at all. That's a mean situation for a young potent man like me :cry:


your girl is withholding sex because she's pissed that other girls are interested in you? is that supposed to make you want her more? wtf

yeah you should tell her that this is a not a longterm solution to her problems. I don't get why she is pissed off, she should be flattered that you're choosing her over everyone else. For now at least ..

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Guest uptown devil

supposed to be doing a group presentation for a biology class tomorrow, but one of the group members dropped out of the project early, and as of yesterday the other member has completely stopped coming to class or responding to my emails. so i get to lecture about various types of retroviruses for 15 minutes by myself and i have very little idea of what i'm talking about :cisfor:


I whooped the hell out of this report, and the girl that skipped out on me and stopped replying is gonna end up with a zero on the entire project.


Kevin Chang said it best,





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99 problems.


seriously, sex is good an all...but you can get sooo much done when you aren't craving it.



i dunno if that means get a woman or dont, im just sayin.

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I spent a month and a half's wages on a fancy synthesizer which was crushed by a car. It initially worked, but died after I tried to edit a patch. I took it in for repairs and just found out it was deemed to broken to fix.

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99 problems.


seriously, sex is good an all...but you can get sooo much done when you aren't craving it.



i dunno if that means get a woman or dont, im just sayin.

Yeah, I know that, I just want to know how to TURN OFF the desire for female company. Or; stop all these cute girls from sending out ambiguous signals that may or may not mean they're interested (most of the time not, but confusing nonetheless).

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