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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I want ribs for dinner but my girlfriend is making chicken instead.


I said I would make ribs!



careful guys. past history suggests relationships and watmm aren't a good combo. but sure you'll be fine.



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Usagi I can't imagine you being negative. You usually seem like one of the more upbeat members here!


I'm same as you though man, about a year ago I made a bunch of changes and now I'm a well happy dude. Hardly ever have bad days but they come and go here and there!

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I was trying to downloads the trial version of Adobe Elements for my PC and downloaded the CS6


Elements is nowhere to be found, I have Premiere Pro but not a fucking Barney how to use it.


it's just a load of fucking grey boxes? What am I doing FFS? I don't know!!!!!!!!! :wang:

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You kidding me? If you're in greater london and not thinking this is shorts weather I don't know what to tell you!


I was just at Borough Market and the tourists are still in their winter jackets. Pathetic. This is why we need to leave the EU.

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I feel cold whenever I see people walking around in winter coats, these people are lizards.

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I saw people in shorts and flip-flops when I was in Galway last February. It was like +3 degrees Celsius and constant drizzle. What the hell?

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I want ribs for dinner but my girlfriend is making chicken instead.


I said I would make ribs!



careful guys. past history suggests relationships and watmm aren't a good combo. but sure you'll be fine.




maybe they'll both get banned.



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I want ribs for dinner but my girlfriend is making chicken instead.


I said I would make ribs!



careful guys. past history suggests relationships and watmm aren't a good combo. but sure you'll be fine.




maybe they'll both get banned.





maybe there'll be a sex tape.



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You kidding me? If you're in greater london and not thinking this is shorts weather I don't know what to tell you!


I actually left work yesterday in shorts and flip-flops but had to make sure I was on the sunny side of the road. If you were on the shady side it was still chilly, everyone was hoodied up and you felt a bit silly.


Today is glorious though.

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I was reported for harassment at work because I told a girl that if she is literally unable to tan it is because she has a deficient amount of melanin, which is absolutely 100% factual.


She kept telling me how she's not albino, which I agreed with about 20 times. Then she reports me for calling her an albino, which I didn't. And somehow this has made it through as an actual harassment complaint that the VP of my company is involved in.


It's such fucking bullshit.


All I said is that tanning is the body's natural response to UVB radiation and it happens in the epidermal layer of your skin, and that if you actually CAN'T tan, you don't have melanin/pigment. How is that harassment?

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Right now I'm stuck with it. I had to submit a statement detailing what occurred. What's fucked up is it's not even the girl I was talking to that made the complaint, it was her co-worker that overheard, and the girl I was talking to just rolled with it/didn't stand up for herself.


Either way, it's permanently on my record. It's not fair really that because a co-worker is so childish and unable to build a working relationship that they wouldn't simply say "hey, that's making me feel uncomfortable, let's talk about something else", that I have some shit on my ROE!


I'm pissed! It's not like this is a new co-worker either. I've been working closely with them for the past year. Snakes in the grass apparently.

Edited by StephenG
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my SP-303 is acting all glitchy and the sequencer plays in and out of time



that's what I get for lusting after the MC-4 for it's 'unique' timefeel

Edited by LimpyLoo
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