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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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super hot hippy girl smiling and taking a seat next to me on the bus but i'm in a relationship, yarrgh

Girls are more attracted to you when you're already with one. Murphy's Law innit.

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Friday was a great day for me! woke up sick and with abdominal pain, called in sick but no one could replace me so i had to go to work, it was horrible but i managed. The abdominal pain got worse and worse, it would be fine if i could just rest but I HAD TO TAKE A FUCKING DRIVING TEST. and of course i was not even able to start the test as the instructor noticed i was really sick and told me to reschedule. Now my job is in danger (maybe im just being paranoid) because my boss has been nagging me about getting a license since i started working there, so i dont know what gonna happen.


life is great

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Shit is wild. I don't get it. I try being a nice guy and no girl wants to talk to me. I try being a dick and I attract women that are crazier than a bag of cats. I either get women where I'm Mr. 'Wednesday' because they are banging like 5 guys at one time, or I get women who want to dump off their baggage, move in and crush your hopes and dreams under the guise of 'love'




(doomed to loner-status forever)

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Try a dating site, if you're that desperate for a relationship that's compatible, apparently they are good at that sort of thing. Of course it screens for the type of person that puts themselves up on dating sites, i'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. In men perhaps bad, as you may determine that they'd either be desperados or deviant nutters. But i would imagine that the women being women and pragmatic, willing to try things like sites out, therefore you'd get a reasonable cross section of the gender available for your eager perusal.


I am not offering this advice based on experience, as i've never even been in a relationship, true watmmr to the boenr and quite happy about it.

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The menu let me disable the headphone link, but that means i'll have to enable it everytime that i want to use headphones, sigh. Maybe the plug needs an ear bud with some isopropyl alcohol, which i'll have to grab.

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What the hell happened to the OP? He turned into some kind of ghost, guest, erm...ghouest, thing.

maybe hea ccepted his problems and moved on



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