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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I fucked up. I installed 64bit vst in my laptop and made a Copy folder to send music projects to my computer but my computer use 32bit plugins so fuck my life.

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Came back from my vacation, don't want to be back =(

I'm happy you're back :)


hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol)

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my life is currently so perfect that i have difficulty finding motivation to try new things.

lol sounds like the pros outweigh the cons!





Came back from my vacation, don't want to be back =(

I'm happy you're back :)


hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol)


Yea welcome back brah. Hope you took some cool photos!


My FWP is my job primarily. I've held it almost eight years, and I get along well with my coworkers, but the actual work can get shitty and the pay isn't that great either. I keep thinking about prospects in the Seattle/Tacoma area in WA, but moving is a pain in the ass.

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would you go back to Japan, amber?

Good question m8. My time there was certainly worthwhile, but at the same time I fear I've lost touch at this point. Can't say it's completely off the table as an option tho.

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Came back from my vacation, don't want to be back =(

I'm happy you're back :)


hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol)


Keep the old ball rolling up-hill lest you have to go get it and start all over.






would you go back to Japan, amber?

Good question m8. My time there was certainly worthwhile, but at the same time I fear I've lost touch at this point. Can't say it's completely off the table as an option tho.


I am currently planning a ton of travel. How well does a 6'2" blue-eyed, muscly white dude do in Tokyo/other cities in terms of bang-ablility with the local Japanese ladies. I am mostly wondering if it's worth it or not, purely based on if their society has one night stands with strange foreigners in commonplace... I like those with travel, thus the reason I stick to Europe.

Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary are the places I'm going to when I head out in 9 months, I hope to have bastards in all of those countries.

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I am currently planning a ton of travel. How well does a 6'2" blue-eyed, muscly white dude do in Tokyo/other cities in terms of bang-ablility with the local Japanese ladies. I am mostly wondering if it's worth it or not, purely based on if their society has one night stands with strange foreigners in commonplace... I like those with travel, thus the reason I stick to Europe.

Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary are the places I'm going to when I head out in 9 months, I hope to have bastards in all of those countries.



I'm glad ur getting all the bitches with your musclez but please let's stick to the topic. No happiness allowed here


Current FWP: I have class at 10:30 which means I either take the 9:00 bus and do nothing for 45 minutes or take the 9:30 bus and be 20 minutes late

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I forgot to take my meds tonight. Thus, I cannot get to sleep for the life of me. If I take my meds now It'll still be a while until i'm able to sleep, and then i'll be sleeping far into the afternoon, which i dont want. so i guess i'm pulling an involuntary all-nighter.

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Oh man I feel for ya. For as low-dose regimen of zoloft + klonopin that I'm on (which I take every night), holy shit if I ever forget to do so. Barely any problem falling asleep but the REM brain activity goes off the charts which usually means terrifying-as-fuck nightmares.


This happened to me last year when I flew out to the SF for a wedding, got in the day before, partied with friends, and forgot to take my meds. The following morning was like coming off a bad acid trip, must've been about 2 hrs awake before my subconscious let go of the idea that people were trying to kill me.

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i just helped a sheep out of a fence, but then it fell down a hill








ok so that wasn't me, i don't have any problems right now





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BBC seems to have blocked a DNS' ip range. i'm annoyed, i don't want to watch channel 4 or itv, i want to watch escape to the country damnit!! I could fire up the vpn but it had fuck all bandwidth.


/fires up vpn

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I'll be staying in Vietnam 10 months a year and I do not look forward to telling my friends and parents.

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Came back from my vacation, don't want to be back =(

I'm happy you're back :)


hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol)


Keep the old ball rolling up-hill lest you have to go get it and start all over.






would you go back to Japan, amber?

Good question m8. My time there was certainly worthwhile, but at the same time I fear I've lost touch at this point. Can't say it's completely off the table as an option tho.


I am currently planning a ton of travel. How well does a 6'2" blue-eyed, muscly white dude do in Tokyo/other cities in terms of bang-ablility with the local Japanese ladies. I am mostly wondering if it's worth it or not, purely based on if their society has one night stands with strange foreigners in commonplace... I like those with travel, thus the reason I stick to Europe.

Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary are the places I'm going to when I head out in 9 months, I hope to have bastards in all of those countries.




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Came back from my vacation, don't want to be back =(

I'm happy you're back :)


hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol)


Keep the old ball rolling up-hill lest you have to go get it and start all over.






would you go back to Japan, amber?

Good question m8. My time there was certainly worthwhile, but at the same time I fear I've lost touch at this point. Can't say it's completely off the table as an option tho.


I am currently planning a ton of travel. How well does a 6'2" blue-eyed, muscly white dude do in Tokyo/other cities in terms of bang-ablility with the local Japanese ladies. I am mostly wondering if it's worth it or not, purely based on if their society has one night stands with strange foreigners in commonplace... I like those with travel, thus the reason I stick to Europe.

Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary are the places I'm going to when I head out in 9 months, I hope to have bastards in all of those countries.



Go to Roppongi, you'll do fine. Plenty of Japanese girls go for "one-night love".

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I only won $280 in Vegas this week off a dollar I found at one of the two Starbucks inside the resort hotel, while my asshole friend is already up $1400 on video blackjack. Then my flight home got cancelled due to weather, but my company MasterCard was already in checked luggage, so I had to use one of my PERSONAL cards to buy a taxi ride from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3, and a $300 red-eye flight, for which I now have to MANUALLY fill out expense reports on Expensify.com (don't wanna link my personal card to the site for auto-imports) in order to get reimbursed. Then I get back to covered airport parking and find bird poop all over my freshly waxed Evo IX MR. I need a drink or two, maybe that'll salvage what's left of my 4-day weekend....

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trying to get downtown but all the buses are all just passing by my stop because they're too full (folk festival going on this weekend), argh

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Skies are still blanketed with hazy smoke, originating from a wildfire about 180 miles south of where I live. Looks like the Martian skies in photos taken by NASA rovers. The river in that area is called Funny River. I hate when unfortunate events involve persons or locale with ironic names cos it fucks with my head.

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Opening up watmm at home and finding the same posts at the end of threads that i'm watching that were there when i checked on my at work phone 5 hours ago.

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