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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.


I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.




I really really really hate when this happens. I know someone that occasionally I will say "hi how is your day" to (at work) and she ends up trying to drag me into this long story that includes a bunch of friends of hers that I have no idea who they are (she uses their first names like I'm supposed to know who she's talking about).


Anger. I suppose I could just be direct and say shut up but then I'd get in trouble I suppose. Plus she's actually nice and I kind of feel bad for her.

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.


I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.


you should've just told him to stop spewing anal poop from his asshole-mouth.

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.


I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.

you should've just told him to stop spewing anal poop from his asshole-mouth.


haha analual

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.



I have that same magnetic pull every time I go to a party.

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.



I have that same magnetic pull every time I go to a party.



I think it's time to stand up to these people (Duncan Trussell calls them "vampires"). I know this one guy who's a sadistically boring talker. I will say "alright well, I gotta go grab some lunch" and he just ignores me and keeps talking because he's old and lonely.


The politeness proviso of the social contract should be suspended for these people. If they're just gonna ignore our feelings, we should all just follow suit. Next time someone talks my ear off, I'm just gonna walk away. Who's with me?

Edited by LimpyLoo
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So there was this halloween chick at a party last night. So beautiful; pale as snow, with dark, deep bags under her eyes, ominous large black hair and such an angelical face barely visible through her hair.


I went alone. Well, me and my Aphex Twin shirt, you know, pussy magnet. Suddenly the lights went off. Fog started to appear and then a gothic techno music started to play.


It was quite good of a moment, until I saw her. Dancing softly to the pounding 4/4 beat. As the bass got heavier, her moves went sharper. Fucking sensual.


I'm an introverted shit so I was scared to talk/dance with her. But, fuck off, the moment was perfect, it was now or never... I slowly approached her through the LSD smoke. So fucking near. The lights started to dance along the music. On, off, on, off, fast. Fuck, perfect shit. SO FUCKING NEAR. And, suddenly, she saw me. Her eyes, staring at me, were like fucking green lasers making me mad blind.


I got freezed. Shit, I'm sweating introversion and shyness again. So I went back to my seat.

Edited by logakght
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It's impossible, the program the odd couple was actually illustrative of the sole dynamic possible and the fractal nature of the universe. Although that said, the first place i ever share rented was with a jazz pianist student chick and a sax playing jazz student guy and they were pretty organised, was the last gasp of that i ever experienced though, maybe those organised people get married or start earning enough money for their own place, so all that is left stalking the cohabitation market are those less organised kitchen defiler types.

Did you guys ever have jam sessions?

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I have this wire cemented behind my lower front teeth that some asshole dentist put there like 50 years ago (which will fall out and choke me in my sleep some day), and now there's some unidentified Thanksgiving treat trapped there. I've been tonguing it for a good half hour now to no avail.

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.



I have that same magnetic pull every time I go to a party.



I think it's time to stand up to these people (Duncan Trussell calls them "vampires"). I know this one guy who's a sadistically boring talker. I will say "alright well, I gotta go grab some lunch" and he just ignores me and keeps talking because he's old and lonely.


The politeness proviso of the social contract should be suspended for these people. If they're just gonna ignore our feelings, we should all just follow suit. Next time someone talks my ear off, I'm just gonna walk away. Who's with me?


i actually got so fed up of mega long boring stories that i start doing something about, namely just suddenly appearing as if i have to speak to someone else as politely as possible. ive pretty much just got alot less bothered about what people i dont really know that well think of me, they can basically get over it.

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wtf that's what a smart phone is for. Just whip that shit out and browse some watmm when someone is gnawing your ear off.

Put in some earbuds and listen to autechre for maximum effect.

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on the flipside of that stick, if i go to hang out with friends and they start poking at their smartphone instead of making conversation i also make my excuses and leave. seriously irritating.

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I knew a guy at uni who was very friendly and open, but (paradoxically?) totally socially inept. He would start talking about something ludicrously esoteric e.g. different versions of the Indian national anthem, for yonks. You could walk away from him but you could hear him still talking about the same topic to himself after you had left the room, almost as if he didn't realise you had gone


He went on to become a radio presenter

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I knew a guy at uni who was very friendly and open, but (paradoxically?) totally socially inept. He would start talking about something ludicrously esoteric e.g. different versions of the Indian national anthem, for yonks. You could walk away from him but you could hear him still talking about the same topic to himself after you had left the room, almost as if he didn't realise you had gone


He went on to become a radio presenter


i know a guy like that. he's autistic. very intelligent.

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.


I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.


The trick is to not respond to the triggers laid out by the borer to continue the conversation. For example, if they say something along the lines of "And that's when things got worse," don't say "How so?" Just say, "Hmm" or just nod politely. They create itches they hope you'll scratch: resist the temptation! Let the conversation wilt from lack of effort. Monosyllabic answers work well also I've found.


Also, another tactic is to feign ignorance of any subject they attempt to bring up, even if you're intimately aware of it. For example, if you're wearing an Aphex t-shirt, have an Aphex tattoo on your forehead and also happen to be carrying a caustic window pressing, should a boring knob ask "Are you aware of Aphex Twin?" respond, "Sorry, don't really know about him." Works most of the time. I have feigned interest of Slayer whilst wearing a Slayer t-shirt so I know it works. Ignorance may make you look dumb, but it stops boring people talking to you.


The conversation ball only continues to roll if you prod it along.


(poster has experience at dealing with boring conversation starters)

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Starting a new job tomorrow, got to be in at 8am, I haven't woken up before 10am the last 2 months... gonna have to force myself to go to bed early tonight, hello melatonin.

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Starting a new job tomorrow, got to be in at 8am, I haven't woken up before 10am the last 2 months... gonna have to force myself to go to bed early tonight, hello melatonin.


Want me to send you a wakeup text pal? =)

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Starting a new job tomorrow, got to be in at 8am, I haven't woken up before 10am the last 2 months... gonna have to force myself to go to bed early tonight, hello melatonin.


dont do melatonin, it will give you a horrible hangover

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Getting antsy for my new laptop to arrive. Supposed to arrive between the 9th and the 27th, so I guess I'll wait another two weeks.

Also just tried the first ever post-apocalypse RPG, Wasteland, from 1988. They put in new ambient music and semi-remastered grafix for the Steam version. The FWP is when my team got flatlined by three tunnel lizards in a mine, after killing more than 20 varmints in another cave. Might start a new game later.

Feels like I'm the only PC gamer here. I guess you're pretty much an outcast if you don't play PS4 or 3DS in the Current Games thread.

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Getting antsy for my new laptop to arrive. Supposed to arrive between the 9th and the 27th, so I guess I'll wait another two weeks.


Also just tried the first ever post-apocalypse RPG, Wasteland, from 1988. They put in new ambient music and semi-remastered grafix for the Steam version. The FWP is when my team got flatlined by three tunnel lizards in a mine, after killing more than 20 varmints in another cave. Might start a new game later.


Feels like I'm the only PC gamer here. I guess you're pretty much an outcast if you don't play PS4 or 3DS in the Current Games thread.

PC here!


almost exclusively

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been feeling like i'm stuck in limbo for the past few weeks.

gf broke up with me a couple weeks back (mentioned it here) and initially didn't want any contact at all - but we're both involved in a ton of shit together and were really close.. i think we both realized we couldn't manage that, so now we're to the point where we're talking again. it's odd because i know exactly what it was that caused her to break up with me, and i can totally still see us working now that we've addressed that (to some extent) because we just work together, but she won't hear it... and every time i make a move to talk to her about our relationship i just ramble and it drags on waaay too long and i can't seem to convey what i need to because i can't organize my train of thought.. all the while there's someone else in my life who i hardly know and kind of want to get to know... and maybe that'll become a thing, but it feels wrong to make any moves because i'm still working shit out with the old relationship... and i still genuinely care about my ex and when we aren't talking about "us" we still seem to have the same super comfortable interaction we had when we were together. so yeah just feeling stuck. at least the initial post-breakup depression/exhaustion/feeling like utter shit phase is over now... but in some ways this feeling is even worse.

weirdly, my go-to music for these past couple weeks has been classic squarepusher :music: so that's a plus at least. not your typical breakup tunes for sure.


edit: just now realizing how clunky/tldr-y this reads - apologies.

Edited by yshf
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