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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Yshf - Sorry to hear you're going thru the breakup. Though I've never had that experience, classic Squarepusher is a good choice. Any '90s TJenkinson I can dig, especially Big Loada.

StephG - Damn right. PC gamers 4 lyfe

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Yshf - Sorry to hear you're going thru the breakup. Though I've never had that experience, classic Squarepusher is a good choice. Any '90s TJenkinson I can dig, especially Big Loada.


StephG - Damn right. PC gamers 4 lyfe

im completely on the pc aswell, i really dont know what games to get into. i feel like my attention span for games is waning quite sharply as i get older.

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Guest jasondonervan

I hotswapped one of my primary camera's SD cards from the card reader without thinking. Crapped up the card, straight in the bin. It was only an 8GB and no vital photos sat on it, but I think my own stupidity bothered me more than the irreparable damage caused to the card.


Last night the networking on my PC died. Spent ages digging around network settings/google search results from 2007 (why are search results always from 2007? Did nobody ask any technical questions after that year?!), until I diagnosed the fault was with the godawful powerline adapters I'm forced to use. Stayed up way too late, couldn't fix it and got barely 5 hours sleep. Am now grumpy as anything because of it, and annoyed that as soon as I get home later I'll have to try and fix it all over again.

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Guest jasondonervan

Crosswalk signs in Sydney look like fine chartreuse Aphex promo business :emotawesomepm9:


UK weather isn't even as exciting as yours, just depressingly dull and persistent.

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So there was this halloween chick at a party last night. So beautiful; pale as snow, with dark, deep bags under her eyes, ominous large black hair and such an angelical face barely visible through her hair.


I went alone. Well, me and my Aphex Twin shirt, you know, pussy magnet. Suddenly the lights went off. Fog started to appear and then a gothic techno music started to play.


It was quite good of a moment, until I saw her. Dancing softly to the pounding 4/4 beat. As the bass got heavier, her moves went sharper. Fucking sensual.


I'm an introverted shit so I was scared to talk/dance with her. But, fuck off, the moment was perfect, it was now or never... I slowly approached her through the LSD smoke. So fucking near. The lights started to dance along the music. On, off, on, off, fast. Fuck, perfect shit. SO FUCKING NEAR. And, suddenly, she saw me. Her eyes, staring at me, were like fucking green lasers making me mad blind.


I got freezed. Shit, I'm sweating introversion and shyness again. So I went back to my seat.

tough break on the puss out but this was a great read, cheers



lol xxx flipped it inside out like a sock when he was reading that.

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I'm one of those boring people, let me assure you that it's you that is in fact the tedious actor in this little melodrama.


"woo yeah, party, sup ladies, got my (clichéd comment du jour followed by 'conversation' containing personal attacks on friends that arent present, self agradization and group validation of run of the mill views on mediocre topics) woo party, awesome, fuck yeeorr".



edit, everyone has now made a mental note to avoid dleet at parties (as if you already hadnt.. heh)

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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.


I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.

The trick is to not respond to the triggers laid out by the borer to continue the conversation. For example, if they say something along the lines of "And that's when things got worse," don't say "How so?" Just say, "Hmm" or just nod politely. They create itches they hope you'll scratch: resist the temptation! Let the conversation wilt from lack of effort. Monosyllabic answers work well also I've found.

Pretty sure limpy is talking about the kind of people that don't need triggers or social cues as permission to keep talking at you.


I memorably experimented with a family member who has a chronic case of this.

I hadn't said even "hmm" for a full ten minutes. I looked in their opposite direction, they continued. I turned my back on them, they continued. I started to slowly walk away, they followed. Still talking.


You could even feel them panic when their monologue they were vomiting at me began to dry up and they started to put long "errrrmmm"s at the end of sentences. Then they would latch onto a new subject with a palpable sense of relief.

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Class groups for each course were to be chosen via an online poll. Obviously the servers blew up and when they didn't, the groups filled up in literally 20 seconds. The 10:30-12:30 time slot that fit my schedule perfectly filled up instantly and now I have to take that class from 18:00 to 20:00... shit sucks

Edited by ThatSpanishGuy
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It seems like I'm a magnet for people who love to tell long, boring stories and who have complete disregard for social cues indicating that their victims aren't having fun.


I had a guy tell me a really boring story today...and then within that story he recounted telling someone else that same story, almost word for word...like some fucking Charlie Kaufman film.

The trick is to not respond to the triggers laid out by the borer to continue the conversation. For example, if they say something along the lines of "And that's when things got worse," don't say "How so?" Just say, "Hmm" or just nod politely. They create itches they hope you'll scratch: resist the temptation! Let the conversation wilt from lack of effort. Monosyllabic answers work well also I've found.

Pretty sure limpy is talking about the kind of people that don't need triggers or social cues as permission to keep talking at you.


I memorably experimented with a family member who has a chronic case of this.

I hadn't said even "hmm" for a full ten minutes. I looked in their opposite direction, they continued. I turned my back on them, they continued. I started to slowly walk away, they followed. Still talking.


You could even feel them panic when their monologue they were vomiting at me began to dry up and they started to put long "errrrmmm"s at the end of sentences. Then they would latch onto a new subject with a palpable sense of relief.



Ah. Well, fire works against those ones. Or sudden phone calls on your mobile that, for some strange reason, didn't actually make a sound before you answered.


But yeah, I see what you mean now. The horror...

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