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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I was thinking more of 20somethings who work at tech companies and think their shit doesn't stink although they don't really do anything interesting in their free time, just buy gadgets. See: http://www.paulgraham.com/taste.html - I think the situation is even worse than when he wrote it.


TL;DR I'm full of shit and this is my way of rationalizing my turning into a grumpy old man.

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I was thinking more of 20somethings who work at tech companies and think their shit doesn't stink although they don't really do anything interesting in their free time, just buy gadgets. See: http://www.paulgraham.com/taste.html - I think the situation is even worse than when he wrote it.


TL;DR I'm full of shit and this is my way of rationalizing my turning into a grumpy old man.

No, you're right, twenty somethings are broken, we need to skip them for the next generation.

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It's not all twentysomethings, don't get me wrong. I have met some proper, real nerds in their 20s, by which I mean people who are sincerely, deeply interested in something for its innate enjoyment or some ability or interesting opportunity it affords them. And this isn't just a twenty-something thing, I think that age bracket is just most susceptible to this mentality that if you are of above average intelligence and you make money, then you pretty much don't have to think truly deeply about anything and can just parrot the opines of your peers because they are also smart and well-rounded. It's like a nerd-herd mentality that paradoxically came out of identifying with things that appear to be, or used to be, appreciated by the aforementioned real nerds.


This is all pretty ill-formulated rambling, but key concept: identification with group interests over sincere appreciation.

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Just find the leader, walk up, kick his ass - doesn't have to be fair, doesn't have to be clean. But you really have to put him down in front of the crowd and disgrace him. This will establish you as the Alpha in a physical sense, which holds the most ground; we'll get to the mental part soon. They are all Beta's, it's just that one of them has kept his secrets of constantly ejaculating into a Japanese love-doll a secret and reads GQ and Esquire to appear as if he's ever felt the touch of a woman (or man's) sweet, sweet love-hole without first giving them the 16 digits to charge it. He is fake Alpha. Find his metaphorical 'love doll' and use it to make him look like an idiot, bring up the mental anguish he felt before getting a job or money for sex-robots.

When the crony-Beta's come around to you then - seeing as you've made a fire out of the desks in the office and a decorative alter using the spine of the former, and faker, Alpha -From there you teach them the ways of Autechre, being a decent human and starting anew. Gotta start from ground zero on these sons of bitches.

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The best way for them to experience autechre for the first time, will be as the flames lick at their face as their body is tossed into the fire.


Also yeah, clearly there are nice, with it and free thinking twenty somethings, most people of any age aren't of this ilk though, so what you gonna do, burn them all, heh.

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So I decide a 46'' TV is just too small for me now, i want 55''.

Just get a good 60" tv. I honestly don't see any reason to get a 4K tv right now. If 4K is the new shit then I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Also, don't ever be an early adopter when it comes to technology.



You're right. I got 4k on my mind after seeing them in Costco. 55'' or 60'' 1080p will do me just fine. I didn't sell my 46'' anyway so i'm stuck with it for the time being which i'm fine with. More time to save up.

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Just find the leader, walk up, kick his ass - doesn't have to be fair, doesn't have to be clean. But you really have to put him down in front of the crowd and disgrace him. This will establish you as the Alpha in a physical sense, which holds the most ground; we'll get to the mental part soon. They are all Beta's, it's just that one of them has kept his secrets of constantly ejaculating into a Japanese love-doll a secret and reads GQ and Esquire to appear as if he's ever felt the touch of a woman (or man's) sweet, sweet love-hole without first giving them the 16 digits to charge it. He is fake Alpha. Find his metaphorical 'love doll' and use it to make him look like an idiot, bring up the mental anguish he felt before getting a job or money for sex-robots.


When the crony-Beta's come around to you then - seeing as you've made a fire out of the desks in the office and a decorative alter using the spine of the former, and faker, Alpha -From there you teach them the ways of Autechre, being a decent human and starting anew. Gotta start from ground zero on these sons of bitches.

Is there somewhere I can buy Autechre pamphlets in bulk so I can hand them out to unwilling bystanders while scolding their sinful preset use and prescribing redemption via custom Max patches?

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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"

I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.


For fuck's sake.


Also tomorrow is most likely gonna be reeeeeeally awkward as we've filled out a employee satisfaction survey and from what I know a couple of people including me have complained about my boss. I especially told him exactly how I feel about certain things. Luckily, the survey was anonymous but if he just stops and thinks for a second he'll know which one is mine.

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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"


Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.


every day.

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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"

I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.


For fuck's sake.


Also tomorrow is most likely gonna be reeeeeeally awkward as we've filled out a employee satisfaction survey and from what I know a couple of people including me have complained about my boss. I especially told him exactly how I feel about certain things. Luckily, the survey was anonymous but if he just stops and thinks for a second he'll know which one is mine.

aged 25 i did this all the fucking time, but now im just content and happy with what ive got. which is pretty much bugger all, im a kitchen porter. im currently working on a large enough repetoire to play smooth cocktail jazz piano in hotel lobbys, then im gonna buy a suit and go round every swanky hotel in glasgow that doesnt have a cocktail jazz pianist and see if they want one. other than that for a plan, my career trajectory is absolutely miserable. still happy though. got a nice chunk of studio gear however.

Edited by messiaen
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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"

I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.


For fuck's sake.


Also tomorrow is most likely gonna be reeeeeeally awkward as we've filled out a employee satisfaction survey and from what I know a couple of people including me have complained about my boss. I especially told him exactly how I feel about certain things. Luckily, the survey was anonymous but if he just stops and thinks for a second he'll know which one is mine.


I find comparing yourself to other people is never healthy. What projects would you want to start that would make you satisfied?

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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"

I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.


For fuck's sake.


Also tomorrow is most likely gonna be reeeeeeally awkward as we've filled out a employee satisfaction survey and from what I know a couple of people including me have complained about my boss. I especially told him exactly how I feel about certain things. Luckily, the survey was anonymous but if he just stops and thinks for a second he'll know which one is mine.

less so now that i got rid of facebook

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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"

I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.




Yeh man, a lot. I'm 30, broke and back at college. I am still financially dependent on my parents. I already finished a degree before this, but was unable to use it effectively. Meanwhile, my college buddies are on their ways to becoming doctors, have sweet girlfriends, go on holidays, to parties and generally just seem to be 'on their way'. I share my feelings of inadequacy with them, and they always support me saying "that you'r e on your way of doing something that you really like, and is worthwhile!" that is true, and i appreciate them saying that. Still, it sucks. I compare myself with them, and i feel like somewhere i've failed, but i know i shouldn't ..




I am experiencing dual feelings: one of being inadquate and the other is.. well.. that it's easy to compare yourself with others and hate yourself for not being them, but at the same the time realizing that you can never be them, and are always you, and should work from that. TIme is an illusion and dank memes 4 lyfe.

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Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"

I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me.




Yeh man, a lot. I'm 30, broke and back at college. I am still financially dependent on my parents. I already finished a degree before this, but was unable to use it effectively. Meanwhile, my college buddies are on their ways to becoming doctors, have sweet girlfriends, go on holidays, to parties and generally just seem to be 'on their way'. I share my feelings of inadequacy with them, and they always support me saying "that you'r e on your way of doing something that you really like, and is worthwhile!" that is true, and i appreciate them saying that. Still, it sucks. I compare myself with them, and i feel like somewhere i've failed, but i know i shouldn't ..




I am experiencing dual feelings: one of being inadquate and the other is.. well.. that it's easy to compare yourself with others and hate yourself for not being them, but at the same the time realizing that you can never be them, and are always you, and should work from that. TIme is an illusion and dank memes 4 lyfe.


I used to get in that habit of comparing myself to others in the same age group too. But as "well off" as your peers appear to be, you wonder if they are actually happy, too. Maybe their being, married, having kids, new cars, and a house are all a facade to make up for other insecurities. Could be short-term bliss, but they could also be in a mountain of debt for all we know. More and more, I think the "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality is like trying to pattern your life on a fairy tale. Life is never perfect, like a Disney movie. And at some point, an unexpected life-changing event can occur in a matter of seconds.


I dunno. It's easier to lament about what we don't have, than to be grateful for what we already do I think. But I'm just thinking out loud, whether or not any of this makes sense.

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I've been doing more drugs than usual... Not like a reckless amount or anything dangerous, but this insatiable urge to stay fucking with some receptor set in my brain is getting a little old.


I think I'm bored with my work at the moment and nervous/anxious for things to come in terms of money and career stuff. Probably part of the reason for the above problem... I remember feeling like this as a teen and early 20's lad when I was bored and worried about things. Not very healthy...


well, pretty sure my 5+ year live-in relationship is about to fall apart.


Sorry to hear that... I hope things are at lease somewhat civil. I had a blow out a year or two back with a very long term live-in GF and it was pure hell for me, but that was due to some shady things on her part. Never easy, these things are...

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at the risk of sounding like an edgelord: nobody really knows what they're doing or where the fuck they're going, and certainly not why. sure your career is great and your marriage is nice and your possessions are cool but so what? what's it all for? in the end you're just going to be dust in the ground like everyone else and that's that. if there is no final judgement and no promised afterlife and all meaning is manufactured/relative, then really, what separates you from the hobo sleeping on the corner who bombed out of life early and has 'achieved' nothing? nothing, that's what.


but being plagued by thoughts like these is probably worse than plain old feelings of inadequacy which everyone gets, so let's just carry on with this collective illusion while it's going and forget I said anything.

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