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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Do you exercise?


I do 50 pushups, some planks, and this weird pilates ab thing every morning along with full body stretching, I started it about 4 years ago and it always helps me wake up. I haven't had any cardio in a month or two aside from walking around the big-ass facilities I work in and heavy lifting over those lengths for extended periods of time. Not much outdoors lately since it's been cold and raining every second, hiking trails are closed or I'd die on them, and my bike got jacked... That may be it. Although I don't remember when I was more sedentary years back that I ever had these problems with sleep, mostly insomnia on the part of not being able to slip off to sleep.


Funny FWP - I locked the damn bike to a tree that was really quite large on the side of a friends property. It was stolen during the day and someone actually chopped the tree down to get it off. I was fucking stunned, but honestly, I was also pretty impressed. It was some 1980's cheap-o road bike.


Other side note - I will say - for the amount of effort that local methamphetamine users expend on being shiftless and fencing for their habit, they really are under utilized IMO. A government program to keep giving them good dope, giving them a nice tweak warehouse somewhere, and having them do social programs that benefit the community would be pretty snazzy. If you're going to be a vapid prisoner to your horrible vice, may as well contribute instead of killing a tree and stealing my bike like an asshole when you wanna get high. I can see it now...



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part 2 in the work carpark saga: the letter from my org's HR people finally came through, like 8 weeks later. it's from the Head of Office himself, telling me off for "bringing the organisation into disrepute". for bad parking.





Head of Office is a mess

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I would recommend doing cardio. That usually tires me out so that I can sleep at night. Also, stretching before bed helps a lot too.

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well if you're sometimes sleeping from 10-6 that's plenty of sleep. if you're not feeling rested even then i wonder if it's more due to stress than lack of sleep. lowered sex drive also is often linked to stress. sounds like you get more physical activity during the day than most thanks to your job. at least your not chained to a desk all day. i think you just need to align your chakras and get some zen up in your shit, ya know?


my fwp. riding in the rain sucks shit and i hate it. going to flash flood from 6pm tonite to 6pm tomorrow so i'm taking the car. however, i almost never drive anymore and i'm pretty petrified to drive in rush hour. in the rain is the worst too. not looking forward to tomorrow


i also have to buy a new joystick to play a new videogame which is like $200. it does almost nothing different than my current controller which is ridiculous.

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Visual Studio Update 1 fucked up Visual Studio


Thankfully I restored my system to some ours earlier and deleted all the restore points now I have a functional VS and more HD space!!1 :O

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part 2 in the work carpark saga: the letter from my org's HR people finally came through, like 8 weeks later. it's from the Head of Office himself, telling me off for "bringing the organisation into disrepute". for bad parking.





Head of Office is a mess



Head of Office is a big, fat mistake *airhorn*


<3 u baph

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I can't sleep in past 6am the last two weeks or so, no matter if I'm going to sleep at 10pm or 4am, it's like clockwork. Really starting to drive me nuts because I wake up and I'm alert and awake, but feel little to no pleasure of having rested. None of that feeling like 'oh yeah, ima roll over and just sleep more, I'm so comfortable' It's more like an anxious and sweaty series of slight body-cramps (mostly in me legs) and being wide awake in an instant from a dead sleep. I've tried melatonin, valerian root, edible cannabis stuffs, 5-hydroxytryptophan and GABA to try and sleep and they'll knock me out and give me weird dreams, but then I wake up in the same state I described above.


The kicker is, by about 3 or 4 PM, I'm yawning so much that my eyes water, I can't have conversations without it being in half wookiee-yawn and half just saying 'yeah' or 'no' appropriately, and I have no energy. My sex drive has gone down, stress has gone up, music making has gone down, I'm irritable as hell and I want it to stop


Kill me.

I hate to peddle the whole going veggie thing, but for some reason I've been getting better rest and more stamina throughout the day since I've started. But again, not trying to impose.

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more work trouble that has nothing to do with work. I feel like I'm getting in trouble every day now for some meaningless shit or other. if it ain't parking fines, it's someone getting on my case about stacking coffee cups on my desk. wtf.

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I know I've bitched about it in here before but... This history of design class is seriously HORRIBLE.... Half the class has dropped already, I'm sticking it through though because there's no way in hell I'm revisiting any of these awful lectures and it's required for my degree. Sweet caffeine, you're my only hope on getting through this.

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someone else has the same avatar as me. i hate it.


My GF showed that pic to me three times in a day. Of course someone else will use it as an avatar. It's great!

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i'm feeling seriously disillusioned with life in the city and am considering moving back home after the summer. it will mean giving up on all my aspirations. YOLO.




i gave up all my aspirations because of depressio and look at me!


NB: I am currently hiding in a corner with the shades drawn

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I was kicked out of an apartment by my roommate and childhood friend years ago, for smoking weed. Him and his parents found out and kicked me out of their life entirely. It's been probably 6-7 years now since i've seen him. It was totally my fault and was in the wrong for bringing the drug into the apartment.. Even though I still to this day would argue that the ganja isn't evil, that incident shamed me still..


I lost my best friend I ever had then.

Now he's the manager of the IT department I was about to apply at... and does the interviews.

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I was kicked out of an apartment by my roommate and childhood friend years ago, for smoking weed. Him and his parents found out and kicked me out of their life entirely. It's been probably 6-7 years now since i've seen him. It was totally my fault and was in the wrong for bringing the drug into the apartment.. Even though I still to this day would argue that the ganja isn't evil, that incident shamed me still..


I lost my best friend I ever had then.


Now he's the manager of the IT department I was about to apply at... and does the interviews.


It's always funny to see what people hold as 'what is worst' when it comes to people around them doing things and how they react. To me, losing a friend and family friend(s) and disowning them for smoking weed is way more heartless than you deciding to get high. That's like disowning your friend because they drank a beer. Just as stupid and in all honesty, shows the maturity and ego of the person doing the disowning


I hope that your friend, being a responsible adult decides to bury the hatchet and you get a good interview. Nobody, ever, should be made to feel like a criminal for using cannabis. To do so is pretty despicable and ridiculous to me.


Best of luck!

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I only got 3 hours sleep a couple nights ago. I slept pretty well last night (maybe 6.5 hours), but it's not even noon and I'm feeling super drowsy. I hope I can zap my brain back into alertness for tonight, as I have a show to play at 11pm. And not just any show, but the live debut of a new project. Come on brain... be more responsive!!

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Yeah it was very awkward at the time. I was at work and received a phone call from my parents telling me that he showed up at their house and told them everything. They actually already knew I had a habit though. My family just kinda went along with it and told me that his family insisted that I leave the apartment and never come back. Was the last I ever heard from him.. never even spoke to me.


Needless to say I don't think I can bring myself to apply. :emb: Maybe just use this opportunity to rise above and continue studying for my CCNA -> CCNP.

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Turn up in a Bart Marley shirt and a spliff between your lips > job's as good as yours


The completion date for my flat purchase and the deadline for my 2nd novel manuscript submission are on the same day. Double the stress in one day! :psyduck:

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